Maturana Values

It is ultimately in terms of Maturana long-term denial. This source calls into question the value of this principle. Eliot Horowitz shares his opinions and ideas on the topic at hand. In the Aristotelian tradition means under a provision of the person to do to move towards perfection for which it was created. In this sense, the virtue of vice difference in terms is constant aspiration towards perfection. Every virtue tends to the best.

However in the case of tolerance that does not happen. As stated Gianini support this principle stresses the negative of another, to bear the burden that what we dislike the other, as seen in the context in which this concept is born: religious tolerance is to be with this infidel who does not profess the true faith and that in this sense is sinful and harmful to me. However, this position makes me question the validity of such an attitude. From what perspective it is assumed that any conduct, thought or belief is negative? Are my beliefs, my ideology, my way to be a valid reference to establish myself as the standard of any tolerance? Accepting others, no tolerance for defects. Basically the act of tolerance has everything against the possibility of coexistence and acceptance of others. Basically, as Maturana says denial is a long-term.

When I become tolerate the rule that the right thing to tolerate the unacceptable and I become the norm from my perception that determines what is expected of me or not. The “tolerant” is the one who set themselves up as a criterion of truth, correctness, regulation of what should be accepted or not. “Anything is tolerable? There are limits to ensure coexistence between people. So all is not tolerable. In the right direction: not everything is acceptable, there are limits set by the values. Every person is worthy of acceptance, however not every act is worthy of being accepted. If I build my relationships with others from my perspective of equality with others in terms of dignity, the fact remains that do not accept actions that violate the basic dignity of every person. My proposal is that the values determine and regulate the level of tolerance that should hold and to that extent what is actually required is not tolerance but acceptance of others. We need not accept the evil of another, but to learn to live with the other. And for that we get off the podium that we have emerged as guardians of right and wrong, to appreciate that the other is legitimated before us towards what is and then what he does. Their actions determine what behaviors are accepted or not, but on the basis of values set out in the consensus of coexistence. Truth values to live, that the role of management is daily subjected to stimuli, some complicated, that test your tolerance, both in the exercise of their functions, as in his personal relationships, must demonstrate a domain of your character, conduct, safety, patience, so there is no evidence the intolerance and happened to situations that affect everyone

The Homonatropia

BASES OF THE HOMONATROPiA .- The Homonatropia is based on four main bases, despite considering all created by humans as a principle or origin of his reason to express their approaches within these bases is in the first place: LA PLANNING human intention (PIH) is the science or art directed toward the design of a New Order BUSINESS PARTNER FROM HUMAN BEING DONE AS SUBJECT TO LABOR AND INTEGRATING ENVIRONMENT AND TO ESTABLISH A NEW CONCEPT OF WORK AND ITS LINKS WITH NATURE Above all it should be noted that this characteristic is in contrast Homonatropica, in some respects with Human Resources Administration (WRA), although some of his ideas part of it covered roots. The development of the ARH, as everything created by humans, arises from the fact that work and its relationship to the environment and their peers, however, and despite the changes it has undergone in the passage of time has come to a point at which development came to a stationary point, as many of the ideas and concepts from other fields of knowledge, this position requires companies to maintain high standards whose effectiveness is in question, many deviations experienced by the work product of the fatigue process, the routine, monotony induced by the prospect of earning money and supporting structures ideological – manage for the maintenance of companies and hence the industrial system in general. The conditioning and subjection of human beings is subject to psychological research, mainly in order to achieve sustainable over time. Achievement motivation, a topic studied by industrial psychology, and sociology, as well as other issues, has its origin in the fact that despite what you may earn, salary or wages of an individual and the benefits that are granted there are many diversions to be faced to achieve the stability required by commercial and competitive system in which they are immersed, is part of the study of human beings and their capacity to implement and carry out actions to develop or produce a product or service that is, it all depends on the company, the Planning Human Intention (PIH), rejects nothing of what has been studied so far, however, raises the integration of the individual to his world or the world of all whom we encounter in the search for stability emotional and psychological and reach the subsistence necessary in order adapted to our status as rational human beings or animals and for this, the (PIH) presents the integration of all through the planning of its intention regardless of their studies only consider " the desire to "rest is a matter of training, or training, in order of studies.

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