Systems Biometrics

Biometric systems make possible the analysis of particular qualities of people, in order to establish the identity of them. Identify exactly someone is important, especially in an access control. That these controls are discussed: that only authorized persons come to a particular site, as long as the unauthorized, are left out. Consequently, mechanisms of biometrics have come to occupy an important place in the market of security solutions. In this way, you might already see systems of biometrics anywhere you go. Biometrics access employers or directors of companies have control quick and successful, on the times of entry and exit of employees. To achieve this, watches biometrics at the entrance of a business, you can install for employees to register upon entering and leaving.

These devices have a reader that scans a biometric trait (usually a fingerprint), to then compare it with the information that is in a database computerized. A system of these conditions gets underway when a worker provides a biometric indicator, then the device determines if that person can enter a certain area or if you can carry out a specific work. Biometric clocks stored in its memory the time in which a worker made their income or time to which began to carry out an activity in particular. You have these clear parameters is vital in any company that wants to take a control of presentism and working efficiency. In other words, in any company that wants to succeed. At the time that biometric clocks are used, a system uses all types of fraud-proof. In this way, the impersonation eradicates completely, since it is not possible that a worker run is on the other, to report his presence, when it actually has not gone to work. This was very easy to do when used cards which are agujeraban or with lists of arrival and even smart cards.

Why was needed to implement a more rigorous and reliable control. Systems Biometrics can help many companies Directors, in order to establish control of personnel. With the use of a biometric clock, a manager can take a very reliable control of timetables.

Computer Training

Notice, the importance that to teacher must give you their own training, he is link between student-learning, since the psicopedagogo should develop its action, encompassing various fields of knowledge. On the school, it must provide moments in which the digital inclusion becomes in addition you an act pleasurable and interesting, only that the child is instigated you obtain good results. Keywords: Computing, Professor, Student, Education, psychopedagogists. 1 INTRODUCTION Computer science comes acquiring each time more relevance in the educational scene. Its use as instrument of learning and its action in the social environment comes increasing of fast form. In this direction, the education comes passing for structural and functional changes front to this new technology. However what it comes being questioned is of the form with that this introduction comes occurring and from this point to analyze the operating importance of one psicopedagogo that it can use to advantage and use these tools as mechanism and support to assist in the attendance of the pupils.

With this work it is intended to argue some points, of utmost importance, that can generate a reflection on where measured the technologies they can collaborate and as the computer can serve of education tool, using resources informatizados from a relation with the machine, developing in the child the knowledge through comments. To search inside of the education, the concept, the objectives and the evolution history, to identify to the main tools and its use and the development of the attention, the concentration and the memory. Psicopedagogo needs to know what it is to teach and what it is to learn; as they intervene the educative systems and methods; the structural problems that intervine in the sprouting of the learning upheavals and in the pertaining to school process. The research if justifies, therefore the technologies of information and the communication are of basic importance in the life of the majority of the population and tend to be each more indispensable time in our daily one.

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