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“Niels-Stensen-care centre Ankum introduces computerised transfer this House I’m good!” when this saying residents of at a nursing home, the expectations of employees and the establishment are then met. To achieve a high level of satisfaction of the residents and their relatives, the organizational processes are extremely important in addition to the quality of nursing, medical and pastoral. With the project black and white”the care team at the Niels-Stensen-care centre Ankum committed to exactly this goal: through the consistent application of a computerised nursing documentation, providing knowledge in the team should be significantly improved. The knowledge transfer of the teams was previously at the respective passing between the layers”, discusses nursing Director Axel Spieker. Since passing time was spent in three layer switch, which was no longer available for the residents.
In the use of computer-based DM nursing documentation, we had the idea that much time saved can be, essentially computer supported performing the fact delivery”, says San Jose. This idea was implemented and actually brought the desired results. Together with the company DM EDP, which fully supported us in the process, we could reshape passing completely, so that even our service times have changed”, explains Axel Spieker not without pride. We create what has claimed before a quarter of an hour, today in a five minute blitz pass mind you without loss of information.” Now, the nurses have time to inform, to then directly to devote himself to the residents in the documentation in the first five minutes of their service. This was initially sure something unusual. We could but with a wrong pass ‘ train. The upcoming service was passing and the outgoing service added only if something was missing. So we have simulated already times quite realistic the new conditions”, so San Jose.
Today he can His work with the inhabitants of ten minutes earlier start early professional service, because the Flash pass from night to morning service in five minutes is completed. At this time, only organizational things and highlights are discussed. Analog pass late night service takes place ten minutes later. The positive consequence: The departing early service is remaining works from this morning; Early or late services develop and evaluate care plans, students can be taught in non-residents related tasks. San Jose next: once a week an hour case review in the entire care team held with us now. Wednesday afternoon because the nursing service management and the present nursing services participate. Here we can talk then individually about all residents.” The benefits of the transition to electronic delivery is obvious: An aspect which particularly the staff of the Niels-Stensen care centre are proud is more time available for residents. And so “also, their conclusion is: good this House for us”. Safe in times of nursing shortage more reason, with the help of software solutions to optimize processes to the benefit of all.
It learns its immediate reactions, its satisfactions and its insatisfaes pessoais' '. As changes in the organizacional culture they are deeper, take more time to happen. Already the climate is more easy of being perceived and presenting a transitorier nature, being able to be managed in such a way the short one how much in average stated period. Edela (1978), the organizacional climate is a resultant phenomenon of the interaction of the elements of the culture, as rules, character and technology. It elapses of the weight of the effect of each one of these cultural elements, values, politics, traditional, styles, managemental, behaviors, expressions of the involved individuals in the also resultant process and of the set of instruments, knowledge and operational processes of the organization. The research of organizacional climate of a company is an used tool to measure and to select the degree of satisfaction of the collaborating determined right-handers of the company before changeable. The direction of the company determines a standard that must be used to measure this organizacional climate that among others points are personal aspirations, functional motivation, ambitions, adequacy of the remuneration, working hours, hierarchic relationship, professional relationship, social interaction, amongst others. As the refined results for this research the company has conditions to correct some points that can be facing some supplying problem or if to anticipate some future problem that is of hierarchic relationship or even though with the external customers and for the way who the company if relates with these customers to put the research must be made in a clear and honest way not taking off of its target the problematic item with the purpose to show to the collaborators who the organizacional climate is pleasant. The research of organizacional climate only brings a mapping of the psychological environment, but they do not have the power (nor the pretension) to provide solutions effective for the problem.
Being thus, this is result of its opening for the proper reality, of its integration with the world. That is, the man if adjusts the reality to transform it. We must fight for an education that considers the desalienao of the man who if becomes object, expectador and figurante of its proper history. The man must be subject and, while such, to be active. He must create, recriar, decide, dominate and humanizar the reality. Therefore, the man must know the world to be able to intervene with it, to dialogue with and on it this becomes it a being description. We must become the subject man and remove it of the permanent object condition, of domesticated. Our paper in the world is not only to live what it occurs and to accept everything what in them is placed, she is necessary to be a citizen of occurrences (FREIRE, 2001, p.85).
We learn to intervine in the reality. We do not have, while educators, to generate and to transmit a picture of values that legitimizes dominant interests (MSZAROS, 2005, p.35). For this, we have that to communicate/to divulge this will to change the effective situation, to change everything what it is established, to construct a new vision of world. But, first, it is necessary that the wall of the language between House Great the Senzala is knocked down because without communication that communicates does not have revolution. As well as without an access to an education of quality does not have as to read/to see the way world that acts in it instead of only being in it.
Several are the factors that can influence this phenomenon of the desterritorializao as the current educational politics, the form each more competitive and exculpatory time with that the society behaves, everything this in the aid to understand this question better. Time was it where the professor had autonomy and was respected in classroom, fact that if became marcante more from years 1990, that Heasbaert relates to after-modernity. The idea that if has of desterritorializao is intrinsically on with modernity and after-modernity, being able to be understood by the point of view of the rupture or the continuity. Some authors consider that with after-modernity he had a rupture, a paradigm in addition that had modified the bows of the society, the introduction of the technologies had breached barriers with the world, making with that the relations human beings were each time more weakened, the accomplishment of more distant contacts each time, introduced new values in the relation of the societies. For other authors, after-modernity is only one evolutivo process of modernity. After modernization it only accented some existing characteristics already.
Thus, let us see what in this author says to them when analyzes the movement of? desconstruo? proper of after-modernity: The movement if carries through in such a way in multiple forms, seen for many as traps or as masks of the clutter. Vocbulo after-modern adjusts this speculator inventory to it of? desconstruo? of the simulations. It has some years gradually forms the list of the disappearances (…). The appearances, the illusions and the images? noise? of the unnatural and ephemeral communication the constituent elements of a Real had become little by little that is not joins, but that it is perceived and accepted under these aspects.
You call a recruiter and offered a new job? You have made an offer which, at first glance, it's hard to refuse? You, of course, take the time to "think" … Of course, you advise his wife, family and or friends, compare the pros and cons, will gather information about this company … Sometimes this is enough to make such important decisions, like changing jobs. Even if the proposal came from a very famous company, with an attractive salary, no fuss and calmly analyze the situation on the diagram below. I propose to approach the matter professionally and to assess the proposal on a recruiter's 10-factor system, which uses in the Company "Navigator". Ask yourself the following questions below and get yourself on the same clear and precise answers. You are really right for the job? You really had (no exaggeration) and similar experiences cope with problems? Semyon on a hat? This is the interview you nodding your head, convincing a recruiter.
And what, really? Recruiting – a tripartite process, the recruiter's one problem with the employer – the other, and what do you have? Soberly Evaluate persuasion and compliments recruiters. The tactic of "first to get involved in battle, and there – let's see .." here does not pass. You, as a potential candidate for the post, bear the same responsibilities as other members process … Is this position one step (or at least steps) ahead in your development: a career in intellectual development in acquiring new skills, access to new technologies? Does this step to your dream, finally? Do not change if you sewed on the soap? Is there in this position a new, more interesting artistic and professional problems (unless of course you are interested in anything but the paycheck?) Is there a possibility for further training and professional development? Stated whether this clearly or recruiter (employer), only limited to generalities? Is there a chance to strengthen their internal and external status? Would you feel more respected in this position or simply there is a change of scenery? Will you have more respect for friends and other people around? Do you interested in your future leader? Will you have a mentor to a new place? Who is he? What is his experience and achievements? You provided an opportunity to meet with him? There was a sympathy? The more you change the industry dramatically and status, the more important for you to support the future leader and or mentor.
Welding now – it's the technological process of melting metal for connecting metal structures using welding equipment. During the welding process metal welded elements mixed in the weld due to high temperature. Let's take a closer look at features of TIG welding. For the first time this welding technique has been used in the late nineteenth century in our country, and then was modified by foreigners. The melting point in the process of arc welding is produced by combustion of the electrode in the form of an electric arc discharge.
For the welding electrode or SSSI steel rod is current. In some cases, instead of hot-metal electrode used for welding wire, which has melted during welding. In the industry generally in demand for welding of aluminum alloys and other metals is the second method. How does the process of electric welding? With the help of cable equipment for electric welding with direct or alternating current is connected to the connected elements, and with a hot cable – to the holder of the electrode. Column arc is formed in the time interval between repeated contact of the welding electrode and the outlet from the site welding. At the end of the welding electrode, thus, higher temperatures up to 6500 F, the metal edges joined parts and steel core electrode are melted to form a 'shell' of liquid metal (crater). During the distribution of craters in the area of the junction it cools and forms a reliable seal. Shielding arc Usually at this level arc welding does not end.
Under the influence of high temperature metal alloy has the ability to react with atmospheric oxygen. The weld is oxidized as a result of joint becomes brittle. Exactly therefore in the process of electric arc discharge and provided with a protective shell seam of a gas – usually argon. This protection is shielded arc discharge and a method of welding – welding in an argon atmosphere. In addition to protecting from the influence of air escaping also significantly improves the quality of the welded joint. Additional equipment for welding to improve the quality of electric also need to use different extra ordinary welding equipment. Welding rectifier: an apparatus which is used for arc welding, automatic welding and argon in steel elements under constant and alternating current. Welding Transformer: welding equipment necessary for manual arc welding with covered electrodes with alternating current components of low-carbon steels and alloys. This device regulates the current. The transformer is also equipped with a mechanical movement of the winding. Therefore, the welding transformer has the advantage of manual arc welding in the more remote areas of welding, where all the time required to move from one area to another. Welding inverter: additional welding equipment required to operate at a constant surge in the use of electricity generators and industrial Welding cable length. Due to the exceptional stability of the welding current is generated, welding inverters are very easy to work and significantly improve the quality of the weld. In addition, the welding inverters can operate in a wide range of currents under high load. This equipment is equipped with a fuse of the current fluctuations, spikes to the welding electrode, and also – when starting overheating.
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