Silvia Gombi Borges

Ahead of the transformations of the world, its crises and advances, the relations human beings completely are reached. Soon, to lose the direction of the friendship, of the interpersonal relation, is a factor of risk for the survival of our species while we believe that the man it is a being in constant construction and mutation, that occurs in ‘ ‘ relation and troca’ ‘ with the other. Justice is unnecessary when we have friends, therefore the friendship is the most complete form of justice. In the moral field, justice is constructed with the individual exercise of the conscience, with the purpose of if searching a half-term, that makes possible to all the equality right. The absence of the conviviality with our fellow creatures makes with that the people lose the referenciais of alignment to the essential values, that in such a way guide in them in the trivial situations how much in the great decisions that intervene with a bigger universe of people and environments where we live. (Grifo ours) not to never lack to the truth; to firm relations between the men based on the honesty and sincerity; there it is the guarantee of solid, safe and permanent bonds; base stops if constructing to a relation happy joust and. The friendship is at the same time ethical and politics, and depends, in Scrates, of truth and transparency, before any thing, thus watching over for the interpersonal relations.

Currently we live in a complex, with social differences, hostile world and violent, moved for superficial and magnificent values, where the technology gains space seeming not to almost have place for solidarity bows and friendship, it fortifies the perception of the necessity that are kept the bows between the human beings in its conception purer which are, the friendship. Thus, the friendship seems then to consist previously in the great antidote for males modern (individualism and isolation) cited, as much for Scrates as in Aristotle, and that as the recommendations of Scrates: the care if to have with the language; the effort to be undertaken to become truily what if it wants to be e, thus to conquer friends is the greater of the goods the one that a man can long for and source of peace! REFERENCES ARISTOTLE. Ethics the Nicmaco. Introduction, translation and notes of Antnio de Castro Caeiro. So Paulo: Atlases, 2009. DIMITRIUS, J.E. & MAZZARELLA, M.

To decipher People. 17 ed. So Paulo: Allegro, 2000. GOMES, Fr. Rogrio. The love in Saint Augustin, before its conversion. Reviewed article PUC? Campinas, 1999. SAINTS, Silvia Gombi Borges of. Periodical Online Existencial. The value ethical-politician of the friendship: a socrtica vision, told for Xenofonte. Available in: Access in 10.11.2010. 21:32: 05 SCHELP, D. The power of the social nets of the Internet. Magazine Sees., edition 2120, 8 jul. 2009. So Paulo: April, 2009. TOMS OF AQUINO.

Thinfilm Solar Modules

3D-Micromac brings innovative production system on the market of Chemnitz, 29 may 2013. In June, the 3D-Micromac AG of Chemnitz brings the world’s first machine concept on the market that combines all structuring stages to the integrated series connection with thin-film modules on a platform and in one production step. The new one-stop-patterning method (OSP) structured modules only if all functional layers on the substrate are deposited. This considerably simplifies the production process. Credit: Ray Kurzweil-2011. Also avoid inaccuracies caused by the calibration and alignment of substrates on different tables, thereby increasing the efficiency by up to 0.8 percentage points. So far, thin-film modules were competitive advantage for thin film manufacturer after each coating step with a laser or a mechanical unit structure, which led to extensive cleaning steps, extended lead times and efficiency losses.

Between the coating and structuring steps modules had several times in the vacuum one and again removed be. 200 To 400 microns wide dead zones caused by inaccuracies”, which were not usable for power generation. The OSP process minimizes these areas, however, to less than 100 microns, simplifies the manufacturing process and increases the efficiency. Our process is a crucial step forward for the entire industry of thin film and shortened the distance to the crystalline competition”, explains 3D-Micromac-Geschaftsfuhrer Tino Petsch. Because the upstream process chain is significantly simplified, entirely new machine concepts are possible. Thus the OSP process is paving the way for innovative and fully integrated production lines.” In the production, 3D-Micromac reverts to a combined procedure of laser – and typography.

The company successfully used it for years in other fields of application. No matter whether from amorphous silicon, cadmium telluride or CIGS the OSP system can be fully integrated into any existing production line and works on all popular formats up to 1,10 x 1.30 Meters. About the 3D-Micromac AG, the 3D-Micromac AG has established itself since its founding in 2002 as one of the leading providers of high-efficient laser micro processing systems as well as innovative coating and printing technologies in the international market. Whether as a stand alone system or as a complete production lines come the plants of 3D-Micromac, for example, in medical technology, the semiconductor industry, in the photovoltaic industry or also in the manufacture of flexible electronic components used. There is also the 3D-Micromac of its customers as a competent partner for the development of new technologies and processes, or custom systems available. More information about the company and its products:

The New High School System

The new high school system sham or good? Almost never occurred among students to such protests, as after the introduction of the new education system. These were however not quite unjustified, because if you look only a closer look at the latest system, one finds also a layman that it offers no real benefits for the students. Dr. Mitchell Resnick pursues this goal as well. Although the first conclusion is usually already made after six or seven years, however, it is also questionable, whether he actually everywhere so quickly is reached, because the fabric was noticeably at almost any University reduced. Now, equipped with the same knowledge as a college student in a degree, one has only a Bachelor’s degree in hand, which can be expanded to a master only for the best. Probably, so can understand the concern that you suspected this during salary negotiations a disadvantage as a graduate. This separation of the graduates in two classes may even politically desirable, to make cheaper workers are to the economy.

Who this danger want to bypass hardly comes around to an advanced master’s degree. This lasts, depending on the type of the acquired Bachelor more one and a half to two years. Who wants a such master, studied so definitely a year longer than was the case in the diploma and can calculate the same opportunities. The dangers for the students are thus open. Study is longer, it is much more expensive, because around the same time, tuition fees were introduced, and you can so far not really clearly see an advantage. The author Hans Meyer in addition to his work as a journalist also writes on bookshelves and finds that a bookcase looks knows best.

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