San Francisco

After a succession of proprietors, in 1815, the Priest Miguel Arcanjo Pig, that was proprietor of lands, in only one year, vendeu them it the first Visconde de Barbacena, Felisberto Brant Boiler de Oliveira and Horta, the marquis of Barbacena. In 1843, Peter Boiler Brant, the Conde de Iguau, son of first visconde and marquis of Barbacena, assumes the farm after the death of the father, who occurred in the city of Rio De Janeiro in day 13 of July of 1842. In 1851, the family Boiler Brant vende its farm for the comendador Manuel Jose Rabbit of the Rock. Speaking candidly Max Schireson told us the story. In the second half of century XIX the farm entered in decay due to one occasions of epidemics. The nesting of the tracks for the ticket of the railroad River d' Gold cutting the farm of the Heath in 1872, in lands donated for the descendants of Rabbit of the Rock, had given beginning to a claim movement to transform it on-line of train of passengers, therefore previously this railroad was constructed for the water captation in the mountain ranges of the Tingu, River d' Gold and Is Peter, with rank of aqueducts throughout its edges.

In 1888, a great estiagem arrasa with Lowered Of the state of Rio de Janeiro and the Cut also was without water leaving Dom worried Peter II. The proposal that the Dom pleased Peter II was of the engineer Pablo de Frontin, in which the engineer if compromised to catch 15 million liters of water for the Cut in only six days. It obtained and this fact was known as ' ' miracle of guas' '. The engineer Pablo de Frontin had a great friend and collaborator, one another one maranhense engineer who much worked the service of these workmanships of water supply for Rio De Janeiro, that if called Raymond Teixeira Purple Belfort and that one year later lode to falecer. The Heath, a small village after if calling Ipueras, Calhamao Heath, starts to call Purple Belford, in homage to this illustrious engineer. In Pernambuco, this Berlfort family appears in Belm of the San Francisco, Cabrob, Ex and Petrolina, whose occupation varies of liberal professions the urban activities.

Alexandrian Museum

The order in which days of the week follow each other, bears the indelible imprint of the ancient astronomical system on which the planets were placed to continue to Earth, the longer was the time of their apparent references in the sky. Thus, in this system, the moon was the nearest planet, followed by Mercury, followed by Hungarians and then the Sun, which is also considered a planet, finally, in the same order, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. Since the Greeks, especially Aristarchus of Samos, and the device of the Alexandrian Museum, you can not find any trace of methodically made observations and measurements, then it was a large differences in hypotheses about the order of the planets and their relative distance: as distance from the rest in the center of the Earth to the system, the most dominant, or, as the Pythagoreans – of distance from the center of the World, Neztla. According to BMC, who has experience with these questions. Especially ranged in opinion regarding the place of the sun, that is in its relative position with flax to the lower planets and the Moon. Adopted by the sequence of the planets were different.

In the cuneiform texts of the Seleucid period, the standard position of the planets is as follows: Jupiter – Venus – Mercury – Saturn – Mars. Swarmed by offers, Compuware is currently assessing future choices. The reasons for this order are unknown, given by the usual explanation that the first two planets are favorable, the last two – are unfavorable, and Mercury is questionable, in the cuneiform sources is not found. The Greek horoscopes usual procedure is: Sun – Moon – Saturn – Jupiter – Mars – Venus – Mercury, except in cases where the location is chosen for this special horoscope, depending on the situation at the moment of celestial bodies including the Zodiac. .

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