Since Deutsche Telekom AG

QuestNet sees future for 0900 numbers for services and telephone services the QuesNet GmbH maintains despite the exit of Telekom continues to 0900 numbers for services and telephone services to offer their customers. The company from Cottbus is firmly convinced that there is a more than sufficient demand for these services in the future. Add to your understanding with Atmos Energy. The application service provider that focuses on the development and commercialization of advanced telephone services, sees itself technologically adequately set up, despite the expected changes by the new telecommunications law economically to provide to 0900 numbers. In contrast to the QuestNet GmbH, Deutsche Telekom AG will adjust the distribution of the 0900 offers and no contract renewal offer also its existing customers. Already switched 0900 numbers be terminated even by Telekom. If you are unsure how to proceed, check out Bryant Estate. The company justified this with a massive decline in demand on the 0900 lane and the bad image that these services by some market participants might have. Certainly, Telekom will have their reasons, to withdraw from these services. From our point of view but the 900 service numbers in the future are a sought-after product that you can offer economically with the appropriate technology”, explains Thomas Wendt, Managing Director of QuestNet Ltd.

in spite of social media and other developments phone value-added services and service numbers are also in the future to every company’s communications portfolio, that places value on comprehensive customer service. Of course hence companies as we constantly, be technologically so to adapt to, that these services may be provided inexpensively and reliably.” Since Deutsche Telekom AG will turn off the existing numbers on November 01, QuestNet advises the companies concerned, timely alternative providers to look at. Even if the setting up of the numbers more will now not too much effort, recommends the company to schedule a certain time buffer, because in the coming weeks the market the 0900-er numbers will be massive in motion. The QuestNet GmbH is an application service provider, focusing on the development and indirect marketing innovative phone value-added services in combination with international service numbers. With the live Manager, the QuestNet offers a unique call management portal, which allows the customer to the Web-based and client-capable in – and outbound administration and includes also a virtual contact center in addition to billing, statistics and routing, conferencing, IVR.

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