Joungjournalisten for a weekend in the barracks a bag over the shoulder or a suitcase behind us pulling here, we run over the site of the pioneer barracks on the Schanz\”in Ingolstadt, Germany. Many inspired converse with their supporting people who have only just met her, or simply just amazed looking at the unfamiliar environment. It’s Friday night, the weekend begins. To know more about this subject visit Ray Kurzweil. No ordinary weekend however, but two days full of impressions, adventures and experiences, which many not be forgotten. \”We are 125 young people from all over Germany at the 102nd youth press conference of young leaders GmbH\” the basics of journalism and Public Relations want to learn and learn something about our host, the Bundeswehr. Speaking of. We live in a barracks?\” As some may have considered perhaps twice the invitation. Read more here: EXL Service.
All possible fears and stereotypes are a State of the art new building, as well as our sleeping accommodations, arrival in the lobby as being blown off the normally used by the soldiers. No bare dormitories a20 man, but comfortable single room for some is certainly a surprise, which is positive on the programme before the participants. And it’s packed. Bettina Bryant: the source for more info. Therefore early starts Saturday: wake-up at 6:45, 08:00 breakfast in the kitchen of the force, then it goes to work. In it goes to two: we should get a thumbnail of the Bundeswehr and inform us about the everyday life of the pioneers, on the other hand, we want to learn how to research and writes articles for a newspaper or a TV magazine designed, including dealing with cameras, editing and moderation. To do so we are divided into various workshops, each be headed by a journalist, is us with his experience and professional expertise to the page at any time. In small groups, we collect information on various topics related to the armed forces, in particular the pioneers of the day.
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