News from the Yoga Vidya e.V. The non-profit association of Yoga Vidya offers a free English-language platform for international exchange on the subject of yoga all interested now under The German edition now also has its own yoga therapy Forum. Yoga is more than 5000 year old Indian teaching, which has found adherents now anywhere in the world. In Germany alone, approximately three million people yoga practice. So it was obvious to initiate an English-language portal to all over the world to provide all Yoga lovers, get to know and to share for us”, explains Volker Bretz, founder and Director of the Yoga Vidya e.V..
The English-language platform falls which of its German counterpart, because this system has worked well and provides a quick overview of the available topics. In various blogs and forums, members can get rid of your questions and obtain opinions or experiences. A wide variety of practical exercises as short audio presentations or videos offer insight on the subject. The exercises to the appropriate yogic is also”music. The registration to the community is free and done in a very short time.
The German counterpart is waiting with a news: now find people interested in an own forum questions and answers about the Yoga therapy. This involves the addition of biomedical treatments by classical Yoga therapies, to strengthen the self-healing of the body to promote healing from the inside out and to prevent future diseases. The Yoga therapy alone can be used in mild physical discomfort, in severe cases she should be applied only in consultation with a doctor or teacher parallel to allopathic therapies. Hear from experts in the field like meerlust for a more varied view. The applications of Yoga therapy are very diverse. Bryant Wines: the source for more info. First and foremost, it comes to strengthen the body’s defences. However, in many cases, the Yoga techniques affect positively on the Healing process. “Newcomers such as masters, the new Forum offers a space to discuss the various aspects of Yoga Therapy”, explains Volker Bretz. The Yoga communities are accessible on the Internet at or More information about the Yoga Vidya e.V. are available in the Internet at. Additional press materials of this press release: download another quick and easy image and text material in the online press compartment to free use: press compartments/yoga-vidya contact for questions: Inca Aichinger Yoga Vidya e.V. House Yoga Vidya bad Meinberg Wallen route 42 D-32805 Horn-bad Meinberg phone: + 49 (0) 5234 87 – 22 24 fax: + 49 (0) 5234 87 – 18 80 E-Mail: Internet: Holger Ballwanz, Marko Homann PR agency PR4YOU Schonensche Strasse 43 D-13189 Berlin phone: + 49 (0) 30 43 73 43 43 fax: + 49 (0) 30 44 67 73 99 E-Mail: Internet: about the Yoga Vidya e.V. Was the Yoga Vidya e.V. Diplom-Kaufmann Volker Bretz in Frankfurt am Main formed in 1995 and counts today about Europe’s largest Yoga seminar providers. The Club maintains three major conference centres: In the Lippe bad Meinberg, in the Westerwald and in Horumersiel on the North Sea. There 6 Club yoga centers in various German cities with a total of 160 full-time employees. Nationwide Vidya about 50 more yoga centers closely cooperate with yoga. Each year lead to new partners. Prospective buyers can choose from more than 1,600 seminars and courses around the themes of Yoga and meditation, but also Ayurveda, holistic health and spiritual life are offered. Over 6,000 participants and participants have in addition already completed yoga teacher training at Yoga Vidya and pass on their knowledge in own courses. More information about the Yoga Vidya e.
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