In the schools, mainly the public, we perceive that many pupils there, do not have access to the technology, do not know to use the computer, does not have a different lesson, therefore some professors well are unhappyly not prepared. Since, so that if he has a good income in classroom, as much the pupils how much the professors, need is prepared and informed. To use these technological resources in classroom, helps the pupils to have more pleasure in learning, that is, if the educator also to use new methodologies of education. We cannot excuse, in the times of today these new technologies, as sources of research and instrument of work in classroom. As professors, we cannot ignore such instruments, that direct or indirectly contribute for the development of the pupil and also of the educator. Everything that we use in classroom is a technology, since a pencil up to one it dates show. In terms of an education to live the technological age, it has that to think on underlying values the individual, that can create, to use, to transform the technologies, but it cannot be absented, nor to be unaware of the perigos, challenges and discomforts that the proper technology can cause.
The main objective of the technology is to increase the efficiency of the activity human being in all the spheres, incluindoproduo. It characterizes itself in a generalized manner, as a set of knowledge, information and abilities that an innovation or scientific invention comes from. It is the technological education that will make possible in them that interaction and participation of the pupil in classroom are effective, therefore each time more the technology of the information and communication comes growing in classroom. ON AUTHORS Keyse Muniz Silva Carvalho and Girleide Portuguese Vieiraso Saints graduandas in Letters/in the Tiradentes University, Aracaju/SE. They attend a course 2 period, in as the semester of 2009. The present article is resulted of a qualitative research of the bibliographical type, under orientation of the master Maria Jose de Azevedo Araujo.
Contact azevedo1956@ REFERENCES GRINSPUN, Mirian Paura Sabrosa Zippin. (Org.) Technological education: challenges and perspectives, 2 edition, So Paulo: Cortez 2001. MELLO, Guiomar Namo. Citizenship and competitiveness: educational challenges of the third millenium. So Paulo, Cortez, 1993. COSCARELLI, Carla V.Alfabetizao and digital letramento. Belo Horizonte: Caele; Authentic, 2005. LITWIN, Edith. (Org.) Educational technology: politics, histories and proposals, Porto Alegre: Arts Doctors, 1997. SANCHO, Juana Maria; HERNNDEZ, Fernando; Technologies to transform the education, Porto Alegre: Artmed, 2006. MARCUSHI, Luiz Antonio; XAVIER, Antonio Carlos; Digital Hipertexto and sorts: new forms of construction of the direction. 2 ed. – Rio De Janeiro: Lucerna, 2005 1 Reviewed New School, edition June/July 2009, page 51. 2 removed Bedding of the book Educational Technology, Edith Litwin, year of 1997, p.12.
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