
How does a young person? What a stupid question? The younger a person looks like … And what exactly is expressed by the state of young skin? Lack of wrinkles? But, no! And at 16, and 25 on the face of a nasolabial folds, facial wrinkles. Yes, they are not so deep as in 50 years, but they are there. Source: Eliot Horowitz. So what's the secret of youth? As a proven research, aging is associated with a reduction in the number of hyaluronic acid. The skin of a young man it contains from 3 to 4 pounds.

Except of hyaluronic acid in synovial fluid and ligaments human eye in the vitreous humor and umbilical cord, as well as in the skin of sharks and a cock's comb, as well as in cells of some bacteria. She is "responsible" for the density, elasticity and skin tone. The properties of the miracle acid has long been known cosmetologists, who know that the surest way to erase the traces of past years with a person – to undergo intradermal injection of natural hyaluronic acid. Technique called "biorevitalization", which literally means "bioozhivlenie" in the literal sense of the word returns aging skin properties, the look and feel young. The skin remembers everything Biorevitalization not only improves appearance, but also restores the internal environment of a young skin, thereby suspending the aging process. How does this happen? First: the intradermal injection of natural, chemically modified hyaluronic not acid immediately restore the water balance and provide ideal conditions for the cells of life, resulting in an external effect over time more stronger.

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