New record of collected cans at the Beatpatrol Festival: + 40% per Festival visitors compared to the previous year. The action Can exchange”successfully animated visitors to collect the empty beverage cans for BBs recycling. 12 Dormitories were visited, informed and permanently equipped with collection boxes and posters, addressed about 6,000 students. 6 Promotion days reached 28,000 students and passers-by before the HauptUni of Vienna. In addition, the booth at the fair of UniLeben was seen by 13,000 visitors.
3 Editorial tours with branded car through Vienna: 63,000 contacts on the road. Many editorial teams in Vienna directly informed. Expanded media presence in print media with articles and ads and reached 3 million readers every can counts – cinema commercial was shown by 13.12.2013 2.01.2014 in Austria’s digital cinema in the context of blockbusters and was seen by 9.7 million people. 42,000 Visitors 5 promotional days in Vienna summer baths 10 sponsored parties with a total of approximately 2700 guests ST. organised, E.g. in the HTL Polten, in the debating society of Vienna or the volleyball opening. The action of sponsored parties”was stepped up this year and increased by 230% be increased.
Successful 3. CanBag design competition with 76 submitted designs and 2,000 votes. About 27,000 visitors (45,000 page views) on the home page,, twice as many as in the previous year. Our page jededosezaehlt reached 3.3 million facebook users. 7300 Fans, about 2400 new fans this year and thus the community further by almost 50%. Our social network placement was expanded: new Google + page. 2400 Views of our videos on YouTube. Up to 1800 calls every day counts for the photos from each box on flickr. About 3,000 photos were shot at the actions and events of the initiative and selected images to facebook, Google + flickr uploaded. Dosige for more information as well as other”actions of the initiative… each can count” initiative for the beverage can recycling in Austria of promoted and represented by RELATIONS communications – Panta Rhei GmbH Tel: 01 524 40 53 0 jededosezahlt + jededosezaehlt
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