Capitalist Production Crisis

The IMPORTANCE OF BOARDING INTERDISCIPLINAR FOR COMPLEX PROBLEMS Jarsen Luis I castrate Guimares I. INTRODUCTION last the two decades register a state of deep world-wide crisis. It is a complex, multidimensional crisis, whose facetas the aspects of our life affect all: the health and the way of life, the quality of the environment and the social relations of the economy, technology and politics. It is a crisis of intellectual, moral dimensions and spirituals, a crisis of scale and premncia without precedent in all the history of the humanity. The economic support or support of the development, which was only seen of an angle, without even though taking in consideration the resultant implications of a wild search and irrational of this advance, tends to be worked in another way. This work has left of the principle that the knowledge to interdisciplinar is the base for the solution of the complex problems fruits in the Way of Capitalist Production.

This vision to interdisciplinar, holistic, allied the Theory of Complex systems have much to contribute in the search of the solutions of these problems. For such boarding, the work is subdivided in three topics. The first one deals with the understanding of what it is interdisciplinaridade, what it is method, as well as its description, arriving to make aluso what it is methodology. As it deals with to the boarding to interdisciplinar and the complex problems, appraising complex problems, way of production and characterizing the way of capitalist production, as well as treating specifically to the theory of the complex systems. The last part brings the conclusions concerning the work. 2.

BOARDING INTERDISCIPLINAR the term interdisciplinaridade is present since when the man it starts to search the knowledge of the world, the nature and the proper man. Philosophical science studied the totality of the things. From certain moment in history it had a dismemberment of this totality, that is, sciences if they desmembram of the philosophical one, appearing: medicine, Mathematics, Physics, History, among others.

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