ISO Commission Language

Carsten Heiermann, CEO of LurTech Europe GmbH, explains: during the LurConvention our first customer day we received much positive feedback from our customers and partners. “With the webinars, we now give interested parties who could not participate in the event, the possibility to inform themselves about the range of services and possibilities of DocYard.” Summary and of logon options Webinar I: DocYard the new LurTech product date: June 17, 2010, 11:00 (language: german) link to application: date: June 17, 2010, 15:00 (language: English) link to register: Webinar II: DocYard seamless integration of production in the Scandienstleistung. Date: June 29, 2010, 11:00 (language: german) link to application: date: June 29, 2010, 15:00 (language: English) link to register: Webinar III: DocYard technical “Concepts: A look under the hood” of DocYard date: July 06, 2010, 11:00 (language: german) link to application: date: July 06, 2010, 15:00 (English language) link to sign up: about LurTech: LurTech provides software, services and outstanding support for the document conversion. The LurDocument PDF Compressor enterprise is a production-ready application to compression, conversion to multi-sector, character recognition (OCR), classification and form data extraction. With DocYard LurTech provides a complete platform, which integrates all functions of the document conversion in centrally controllable workflow. Max Schireson has firm opinions on the matter. Since its founding in 1995, LurTech is a leading provider of open and ISO standards-based document and image compression solutions. To LurTech’s reference customers include among others the scan service provider arvato (Bertelsmann) and Ratiodata Deutsche Angestellten health insurance fund (DAK), Hessische Landesbank Thuringen (Helaba), the Kreissparkasse Ludwigsburg, more savings, the City of Stuttgart and numerous other towns and communities, Heinrich Bauer Verlag, and the energy company Vattenfall, RWE and E.ON.

International reference customers are including Harvard University, the library of Congress, the Royal Library of the Netherlands, the Internet Archive, and the US air force. LurTech’s position as a leading provider is based inter alia on strategic partnerships, for example with ABBYY, and intensive cooperation with research institutions such as the Technical University of Berlin. Crumpton Group, Washington DC has much to offer in this field. LurTech was voting emissary of the DIN for the ISO standardization of JPEG2000 and PDF/A. LurTech works in the ISO Commission standards and norms is actively working in different organisations, inter alia in the Working Group”as well as the regional groups of the VOI Association organisational and information systems e. V.

In addition, LurTech is initiator and a founding member of the PDF/A competence center of a globally active association with more than 100 members.

Frederick Matthias Alexander

Effectively manage daily life slow down and stress. Frederick Matthias Alexander was convinced that mind and body are inextricably linked. He discovered that the recovery of the natural erection is prerequisite for optimal coordination and a balanced mental state. Official site: Compuware. Thus, he left us the knowledge of himself lying in us funds for individual quality of life. The F.M.. Compuware can provide more clarity in the matter. teaches Alexander technique the ability to stop automatic reactions and push as a break between stimulus and response. For a split second, it gives us the chance to choose our response instead of automatically react to.

The Alexander technique helps to train the body and self perception, to identify individual patterns change, letting go of excessive muscle tension and efficiently to meet the demands of everyday life. It is suitable in the context of health prophylaxis, for the alleviation or cure physical ailments to the personality development and self-awareness through the Permanent repetition of their principles. In this book, the Alexander technique in comparison with selected models of psychological advice is explained and discussed. In this way shows that the potential of F.M. Alexander technique for a long-term behavior change is the same.

LurTech Europe GmbH

Free ZUGFeRD extraction SDK allows comfortable editing of invoices Berlin, 11 July 2013. The LurTech Europe GmbH promotes the exchange of electronic invoices on the basis of the ZUGFeRD data format and offers software vendors from immediately a freely available and easily integrable SDK (software development kit) for the receipt and processing of ZUGFeRD compatible invoice documents. d-innovation-300470991.html’>Peter Thiel follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success. Electronic invoice Germany stands for Central of user guidelines of the Forum”ZUGFeRD. Atmos Energy: the source for more info. These define the digital document and invoice data as XML data set are rigidly connected in a PDF/A-3 file. Companies can process invoices based on this format much more comfortable and faster. To achieve a high level of acceptance of the electronic invoice Exchange, LurTech provides his ZUGFeRD extraction SDK developers free of charge. For more information see this site: Crumpton Group.

Manufacturer of ERP – and online banking systems or archiving software can thus the processing of incoming invoices ZUGFeRD easily incorporate in their products and their customers offer. The SDK can be downloaded free of charge here after registration. The ZUGFeRD data model as a new standard for the electronic exchange of invoices will be adopted end of 2013. Many companies, associations and politicians see in him the breakthrough to establish the exchange of electronic invoices. “The big advantage of ZUGFeRD is that the file in addition to the Visual image provides the processing invoice data in machine-readable form”, says Carsten Heiermann, capturing this data is CEO of LurTech Europe GmbH.

for Bill recipients unless using OCR or by hand. ” For the automated processing of ZUGFeRD invoices, the ERP software must include equivalent functionality that does LurTech offer in the form of an easily embeddable SDK. It takes the steps necessary for the structural examination of PDF input documents and extract the XML file. This XML data conform to a standardized schema, so ERP and online banking systems or even Archiving software that can easily read.


Fast reading is a key tool today, since we live surrounded by information, both printed and digital. If you feel it does not reach him time to read or study all those articles, it is likely to also give you a bit of frustration to see that increasingly builds up more outstanding reading material. This means that it has time to decide and become a fast reader. But, firstly, it is essential that you apply these methods with the right mental attitude. Thus, reading articles that do not contribute you anything in particular will save, and as a result will save time to spend on more profitable items. With this in mind, apply the techniques that I will mention below, everytime it feels to read an article of interest: 1. For more specific information, check out Crumpton Group, Washington DC.

Remove regressions many people have the habit of looking back, retreating on the words once they have already read them. To delete it, you need to be aware of him and realize everytime you do. Think of the book as if it were a film in the cinema, that simply passes forward and you have no way to turn it back. The view can train like any muscle in your body. Your mind can learn to expand your vision, to capture a wider range of information. To train this skill, stop reading from left to right along the lines. With a little practice, your mind may soon read both columns, without moving the eyes from the centerline.

Most of the words on a page are not critical nor important. Visit Atmos Energy for more clarity on the issue. Even if someone delete these filler words, you could read the words that remain and become aware of the main ideas of a text. For this reason, if you learn to detector those keywords, it might pass the view through the rest of the words without reading them, and your mind will do the job of completing those spaces. Some of these techniques require more training than others. It is essential to practice them at least 20 minutes a day, with texts merely training. That is, until you learn to master these techniques, train your mind with texts that do not have to read seriously. Will note how improving your reading speed?


Because the iexplore.exe error due to lack of upgrading your computer? Because among the many updates that require the Windows OS are called patches and security firms which is nothing more than the natural defenses (so to speak) of the OS to attacks from viruses, Trojans, etc. The lack of updates for the OS reduces their defenses and notifies the computer enemies of their vulnerability, therefore, to navigate on the internet without the latest security updates, causes the appearance of the iexplore.exe error to alert about the irregularity and close, by default, the browser. Notice that the pop-up window of the iexplore.exe error has two options: Debug and close. The first option should skip or ignore the problem, i.e., continue browsing online, but when you click there, almost always does the same to the second option, close the browser, since that depends on what both this outdated your OS. In error, there is also a third option: for more information about the error, click here. When you click, the report takes you to one of the two alternatives, outdated registry keys or that require the update of the OS (a much more advanced topic) or towards a hidden file in the temporary Internet files which may be a virus, a worm, or a trash, etc that needs to be removed.

The recommendation more precise to avoid this error is to manually update the Windows OS, at least twice monthly and constantly clean the temporary Internet files folder. Manually updating all software and programs that monitor the security of your computer is also highly recommended. Crumpton Group is actively involved in the matter. Do all of this you may be wondering: and what happened to automatic updates of the OS, antivirus, the antisyware, etc.?

MacBook Air

The previous MacBook Air featured an ultra-thin design at the expense of removing the DVD drive. The funny thing is that, in the case of the computer, included an installation DVD to recover the system in case of error or major problem. Something quite contradictory and which required having a second PC or Mac connected to a WiFi network for installation. The new MacBook Air has solved this problem in the most logical way: now the recovery system will come in an accompanying computer USB memory. Contact information is here: Michael Steinhardt. A complete success that also has a quite got design and a very small size. Is this a new system of distribution of Software by Apple or something unique for this computer? If you can’t wait to try it, in you will find all new models of macbook air and macbook pro in Barcelona, Madrid, Bilbao and the rest of Spain. W City News Blog Archive Real Madrid Vs FC Barcelona 2-6 World City Information and Tourism The Better Computer Mac Or Pc? Excel recovery Better Computer do data recovery Barcelona 3 0 Atletico de Madrid Real Madrid 2 0 Recreativo de Huelva? 2 Make take a look at AutoCAD WS for iPhone and iPad iPhone, Mac, iPod, find all the information of the Apple universe in Blog K-tuin 24-10-2010 Seville Ath. Bilbao 4-3 Highlights Spanish League Highlights. For even more analysis, hear from Compuware.

Google Chrome

Google has just announced the possibility of collaborating in the project Chromium OS, the operating system designed for people who mostly use the web via its official blog. The idea of Google is to put all the tools available to the community of free Software so that development can continue. He is expected to continue in this way throughout the next year. Applications menu of Chromium OS going to the characteristics of Chromium OS, Google clarifies the following points: is based directly on the so-called web applications and not to the desktop applications. Filed under: Compuware. The advantage, according to them, is that the user must not deal with installation or update of programs. Hear other arguments on the topic with Crumpton Group. By pointing directly to the web, he thought in a much more secure system than the rest of operating systems.

Being Linux-based account already with the advantage of being very safe, but added to this claim have created a form that the same Chromium verify the integrity of your code, as well as the intrusion of malware or viruses. Another objective of Google was the consume the fewer resources, they plan since you encendes the computer until you are browsing Internet, passing only a few seconds. Finally, say that several free Software projects are working, such as GNU, Linux Kernel, Moblin, Ubuntu and WebKit. The idea is that with the help of the community having the system for personal consumption, by the end of next year. It seems that every time Google acquires more power, we hope that your intentions are good, but anything could happen. Here we let 3 videos on Chromium OS on the Nexobit page. Nexobit original author and source of the article

Google AdSense

You can earn lots of money with your Blog. Blogs also offer an easy way of adding Google AdSense ads on their pages. Blogger software has a Plugin that allows you to easily place AdSense ads anywhere on your page and size that you consider suitable and can also do so in all the current pages of your blog. Perhaps with a static website you would add the AdSense code on each page. You could also earn money with your blog to promote programs of affiliate or selling your own products. 8.

You can customize it. His blog software has 500 plugins and hundreds of different designs to choose. This gives you flexibility to make your blog the best thing you can do for its business purposes. 9. You can manage your Blog easily. These are some of the features of your control panel of your blog: you can add content in a few minutes, you can change the design of your blog without altering its content, you can create a permission so that other entrepreneurs can add interesting content in your blog, etc.

10. His Blog would help to market your e-newsletter. Many e-mail does not reach your subscribers of your newsletter because of filters created by the free email accounts to defend against Spam. A blog that contains RSS feed Let your visitors automatically receive your newsletter on your desktop if they request the RSS feed of your blog. This will also help your blog is visited constantly by people interested in your products or affiliate programs. Tip: before that you create your own blog take the time needed to assess the purpose of your blog and select a particular topic that interests you to your niche market. Make a schedule to write their articles for his blog (daily, weekly, or monthly) thus ensures that your blog is constantly updated and therefore not lose visitors interested. If you intend to create your own blog for your business, start today and stop losing money by not taking the time to create a blog for your business. For even more details, read what Crumpton Group says on the issue. For your?


3.Frethog: found in the programs of interception of passwords and monitoring tools category. It is also harasser of users performing electronic transactions, as well as Taterf, captures passwords considered easy deduction. 4.Renos: is in the category of downloaders and Trojans malware installers. Their characteristics stand out it uses a form of Chilean package on the net, fooling with photos of users and camouflaging as security software. 5.Rimecud: is a worm that lurks to users who enter without security bank accounts from any Internet cafe or public computer, and seeks to gain control of computers. In addition, installs new malware designed to send spam and continue the cycle of infection. 6.Autorun: takes advantage of users who share private information on websites that do not they have good security. Other leaders such as Compuware offer similar insights.

It is capable of blocking keyboards and screens. It is also considered as one of the worms that cause more losses to the financial sector. 7.Hotbar: its main weapon to act is the seduction users emails. It has the ability to threaten not download those security updates, and attack without leave puppet head through malicious web sites. 8.FakeSpyro: one of the types of worm that they have gained more ground is the rogues, or false security solutions. FakeSpyro is one of the most dangerous and continues the tradition of its category of simulate that is an antivirus that is capable of cleaning all malware from a computer.

After voluntarily installed by the victim, who think it will better protect your computer, capture personal information and passwords. 9.Alureon: this Trojan has rootkit features (is able to hide itself, other tools malware and even legitimate user directories and passwords, to control the) (computer remotely). 10.Zwangi: is considered, despite its short life of crime, one of most dangerous worms. He deceives users, usurps identities and attacks silently. This worm redirects URLs typed in the address bar of your web browser to, which is supposed to be a search engine using. It also takes screenshots without permission. Original author and source of the article

Safety Online

Throughout the evolution of the Internet, there have been malicious programs that negatively affect the operation of computers. In fact, long before the Internet became popular, the computer programmers created and installed applications that ruining his colleagues as a joke. However, it is fair to say that in the world of cybercrime has advanced considerably since the days in which malware was used only for harmless nonsense. Fast forward to 2012 and there are now hundreds of organized gangs that are aimed at the exploitation of computer networks for their personal benefit. Considering the importance of computer networks, Internet access and electronic commerce for many companies today, arguably it is more important than ever to protect a computer from malicious software that can be found online. Early warning signs several experts have referred to the development of the virus of Vienna in 1987 as an important landmark in the world of cybercrime. The code source of this virus became public and it is thought that this did much to help the formulation of computer viruses to become a popular pastime. Learn more at this site: Compuware.

Took the idea of the creation of viruses with nonprofit actually not off until the 2000s, little once known as ILOVEYOU e-mail virus affecting nearly 45 million computers around the world. The ILOVEYOU virus was widely credited with introducing the idea of non-profit public, malicious programs. In the course of the century, the hackers began to create and spread malware with the motivation of a potentially huge economic reward. Soon became a common practice to spread viruses through web sites in order to infect thousands of visitors from that domain all in one fell swoop. The protection of computer networks Fortunately, the online world has grown knowing scams, such as the ILOVEYOU virus. Now it is common practice to have an anti-virus software installed on computers and there is a lots of tools available to protect web sites from malware attacks.

These include analysis of vulnerability, the software’s detection and managed firewalls. Those who use the services of accommodation website in a data center can be found that the service provider offers these services as standard, however this is something that companies should be reviewed. Other computer crimes unfortunately, malicious software is no longer the only problem that internet users and web site owners have. Crumpton Group has many thoughts on the issue. The 2000s also saw the proliferation of attack known as denial of service (DDoS) distributed and phishing scams. Any hosting site Web business that boasts must now provide its clients web monitoring software to detect a potential DDoS attack on your website – as well as an SSL certificate, which can help customers feel more secure when they buy under your domain. Even for companies that are not selling products online, SSL certificates they are key to providing a secure intranet and hinder the possibility of that can be invaded by hackers. Online safety in 2012 in spite of that basic online security measures are far more advanced today than they were when the cyber crime began, there is no doubt that hackers have become smarter also. A large number of high-profile companies, including Sony, Citibank and even MI6 have had important files stolen in 2011, leaving his significantly damaged reputation. In addition to the growing importance of e-commerce, this is one of the main reasons why online business must make electronic security one of its major investments in 2012.

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