Alexandrian Museum

The order in which days of the week follow each other, bears the indelible imprint of the ancient astronomical system on which the planets were placed to continue to Earth, the longer was the time of their apparent references in the sky. Thus, in this system, the moon was the nearest planet, followed by Mercury, followed by Hungarians and then the Sun, which is also considered a planet, finally, in the same order, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. Since the Greeks, especially Aristarchus of Samos, and the device of the Alexandrian Museum, you can not find any trace of methodically made observations and measurements, then it was a large differences in hypotheses about the order of the planets and their relative distance: as distance from the rest in the center of the Earth to the system, the most dominant, or, as the Pythagoreans – of distance from the center of the World, Neztla. According to BMC, who has experience with these questions. Especially ranged in opinion regarding the place of the sun, that is in its relative position with flax to the lower planets and the Moon. Adopted by the sequence of the planets were different.

In the cuneiform texts of the Seleucid period, the standard position of the planets is as follows: Jupiter – Venus – Mercury – Saturn – Mars. Swarmed by offers, Compuware is currently assessing future choices. The reasons for this order are unknown, given by the usual explanation that the first two planets are favorable, the last two – are unfavorable, and Mercury is questionable, in the cuneiform sources is not found. The Greek horoscopes usual procedure is: Sun – Moon – Saturn – Jupiter – Mars – Venus – Mercury, except in cases where the location is chosen for this special horoscope, depending on the situation at the moment of celestial bodies including the Zodiac. .

Development Centre

Made in Ostfildern: 15 years open source document management Ostfildern, 24.10.2013 founded the privately agorum Software GmbH from Ostfildern – Nellingen, 1998, grow since disclosure of the source code of the DMS software agorum core in the year 2008. So the DMS manufacturer listed 2013 several thousand installations, about 1,600 active members in the agorum community, 15 permanent staff at the site of Nellingen and an established network of partners in the Jubilee year with over 50 sales partners in Germany, Austria and of Switzerland. With the move to a new headquarters, the Office space, which include now also a training and Development Centre widened also. “True to the motto of DMS, simply for everyone!” offers the open source document management system agorum core a wide range of applications. As highly innovative and adaptable flexibility to industry – and company-specific needs features, allow individual solutions on the basis of the standard system. About the DMS also testifies to a great user experience: intuitive functions and surfaces lead the user through the system and enable rapid integration of DMS in familiar working methods of the user. Functions related to the electronic management of documents by gathering, storing and finding up to automate control ultimately important business information company, cope with the rising flood of documents efficiently and effortlessly and ensure beyond safe, controlled processes in. More information about the company: development of agorum Software GmbH: 1998: Foundation of the company as a trade platform in the Internet in Denkendorf, district of Esslingen.

2000: Moving the company headquarters to Ostfildern – Nellingen, district of Esslingen. Building information based on proprietary components by third-party and knowledge platform. 2002: agorum parallel continuous development of the DMS core. 2008: Disclosure of source code by agorum core introduction of free available version of the open and subject to license Pro version 2009: agorum is member of the open source business Alliance (OSBA) and agorum core thus DMS component of the OSBA software stack.


In the early 1970s evaluation and verification package the triumph of test automation started highlights of the testing history with Harry Sneed and Bernd Flessner software QA day carrot village, 25 October 2013 with the research. Today is the tool landscape as diverse as never a development, the emancipation of the tools will be at the end? Testing pioneer Harry Sneed and futurist Dr. Bernd Flessner illuminate the history of the test tools in their keynotes the software QA day. The Conference on 7 and 8 November 2013 in Nuremberg is titled”tools for software QA and test. An overview of the current market of tools provide known of tool and test experts from industry and economy. Learn more on the subject from BMC. But from the beginning the current tool landscape has emerged? And how can the test along with the necessary tools evolve in the next few decades? Answers give the event the two keynotes.

In the large initial lecture, Harry Sneed illuminated the history of software test automation by RXVP up TestBench”. 1977 Sneed himself had developed the first German test tool test. But in his keynote speech he go back even a little further. He starts with the ballistic missile defense project of the United States at the beginning of the 1970s and charts up to imbus TestBench test automation development thus begun. Harry Sneed shows: what drives the tool development has always been the problem, is a nearly infinite number of possible input combinations within a very limited time quiz to find. The great final lecture by Dr. Bernd Flessner, lecturer for future research at the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg makes a splash in the year 2050.

“With his keynote speech we prosthetic gods” he demonstrates how much the boundaries between man and machine will disappear. There will be an internalization of today external technical prostheses, such as Smartphones, thanks to nanotechnology. Software is no longer developed, but thoughts designed networked with other minds and computers. Therefore, Bernd forecast Farley, that also testing this software is relying on intelligent hardware and software.

Internet Company

For this, the work that joined music with the Internet was basic in the success of this action. According to it, the association of the company with music comes bringing the best ones resulted to the company and, therefore, this type of strategy must continue. Goal Airlines Already the history of the Goal with the Internet is still more next. The first aerial company with concept low cost, low fare (low cost, low tariffs) also innovated when working with e-commerce, carrying through the sales of tickets through its website soon in the first year. The great prominence would come with the promotions carried through exclusively in the digital way. The first one of them happened in February of 2003, offering tickets R$ 1. Still in 2003, a promotion of great success caused some problems to the company. Through it, it was possible to buy for first time tickets of gone and comes back for a promocional price (50 R$ each).

The action, available only for the Internet, was a success, generating one high number of accesses, what the slow site left and is of air for some hours. Since then, the Goal started to offer its promotions from the 22 hours, since the site more is looked in the commercial schedule, preventing that the system presents imperfections and has taken possible passengers to opt to another company. Customers of the allegiance program Fly Easy, however, they at any time have access to the promocionais tickets of the day. In as the semester of 2007, the site of the company on average attracted 4,4 million only visitors for month, an increase of 23% in comparison with the same period in the previous year. To all the Internet it represents 80% of the total vendido for the company. In the passed year, the site presented sales 15% greater of what in 2006.

Antispyware: How To Keep Spyware Away From My Computer?

Keeping your computer free of Spyware is often not as difficult as removing it once it has been infected, so it is worthwhile to implement a few simple pieces of advice that are often practical and effective. One of the basic measures is the use of an antispyware program, for example, the Spyware Terminator. It must be remembered that after the installation, these programs must keep pace by downloading updates regularly for optimum performance. Using a firewall can also be useful in this respect, since it prevents the spyware from transmitting information out of the system in case the computer is infected. On the other hand, if you use Microsoft Internet Explorer, you should disable your ability to load windows without permission. In the case of a popup window appears, it is important not to click any of your links, since these are access to the installation of spyware on your computer. What you should do is close the window with the X that is in the title bar at the top of the window. Avoid close with the “close” or “close” in many of them, since this is also a link for installation.

Another useful measure is to avoid downloading programs from sites with which you are unfamiliar. Must also be careful with popups asking whether to perform an operation or not. If you are unsure of the impact of such action, it is best to choose “No”, or close the window as previously explained. Is not good to rely on the mails that offer antispyware software, because in many cases to access their links just the spyware is installed say preventable. While we hope to implement adequate legal protection against spyware, you will need to take such action to be prevented. Find out about the different antispyware programs and firewalls available on the market, memorize the tips on the pop-ups and exercise caution to those pages that do not have total confidence. Although anti-spam laws have not given too much result, legal experts and technology professionals from the United States are working together on this and are confident they will not be the same with spyware in a very near future: they expect success in the struggle from the legal field against this threat information.


In modernity, us in we imagined the citizen of the thought and the Land to them its object. New cosmology affirms in them that the Land is the great alive citizen that through us feels, loves, thinks, takes care of and venerates. (BOFF, 2010). The societies contemporaries are characterized by a socioambiental picture that displays the impact of the human beings on the environment, more complex impacts each time, as much in how much qualitative quantitative terms. The concept of sustainable development appears to face the ecological crisis, being that at least two chains had fed this process. Professor of Internet Governance usually is spot on.

A first one that it has relation with that economy influences changes in the boardings of the economic development, notadamente from years 70. One second, second is related with the critical ambientalista to the life way contemporary, and that if it spread out from the Conference of Estocolmo in 1972, when the ambient question gains visibility public, this new model of sustainable development tries, over all, to go beyond the purely economic perspective, considering other pillars that support the life human being. According to GUATTARI (the three ecologias. Campinas: Papirus, 1990) the search for the support requires the joint enters three ecological registers of the environment, the social relations and the subjectivity human being. The urban environment is constituted by a natural environment (hidrogrficas basins, green edges maritime, areas, freticos sheets, ground, subsoil, air fauna and flora). A constructed environment as road, joint system of public constructions, equipment, infrastructure nets. A cultural environment is constituted by its material cultural patrimony and incorporeal, as the urban sets and historical small farms, constructions and too much spaces destined to critical the cultural manifestations It is important to stand out that although the one that has been subject, the concept of sustainable development represents an important advance, in the measure where global Agenda 21, while plain including of action for the sustainable development in century XXI, that it considers the complex relation between the development and the environment in a variety of areas.

Protected Ultrasound

The gestation period is 21 (mouse) and 23 (rat) days. This explains the quick increase of population of these rodents in the places where the people they really can not wait. Previously, the main methods of combat with the hated rodents have been known to us chemical methods (poisoning bait, strong flavors, etc.), physical methods (traps, sealing holes and passages in the construction, demolition 'nests'), biological (use of natural predators – cats, dogs, etc.). An important discovery was the discovery of rodent aversion to powerful high frequency sound (ultrasound) who do not hear people. ConocoPhillips may find it difficult to be quoted properly. Application of ultrasonic repeller generates high-frequency waves and a large volume, which repeatedly reflected from various surfaces creates discomfort in the premises environment for rodents and forced them to leave the protected area of the device. The use of ultrasound repeller has several advantages: the device is harmless to humans and domestic animals is environmentally friendly because it does not use chemicals and other consumables; generates a constant changing sounds, so do not cause addiction in pests, easy to install, requires no maintenance, no effect on the work of televisions, computers and other electronic devices, can be used everywhere – in the residential, office, warehouses, garages, basements, lofts, factories, works silently, the result of the device seen within two weeks after starting use. When application of ultrasonic repeller must take into account the following considerations: ultrasound is reflected from all surfaces (obstacles). From solid surfaces (walls, ceilings) ultrasound is reflected better than from the soft (carpet, furniture) to achieve a result repeller must work continuously; in the characteristics of ultrasonic rodent repellents protected area is indicated for the empty spaces with concrete walls.

If the room has a high degree of congestion, the protected area is reduced by half. If the room has a strong degree of congestion, the protected area is reduced to three. Protected area also decreases, if the premises are items not reflect ultrasound (upholstered furniture, bags of goods, bales, etc.), usually from the premises where stored food, care of rodents may be delayed up to two months. In the absence of food, this period may be shortened to two weeks, all the ultrasonic rodent repellents should always work for two months. Further, devices can be turned off and include a week continuous operation of every month. Ultrasonic repellents are effective helpers rights when dealing with rodents.


Interesssante to notice that the idea of Globalization, in the context of this age of the information where we live, implies in searching knowledge and integrating them it our lives, activities and action. It is not more possible to live reacting to the new features created and offered almost that daily, but yes to search to know and to learn as to interact with these ' ' maquininhas' ' that they bring easinesses for its functionalities, however, they also bring ' ' temor' ' of that they can ' ' acabar' ' with ours ' ' old and bons' ' materials. The book is one of these cases. As well as a genius who appears in given time is, contradictorily, yearned for first and later attacked when it brings ' ' good nova' ' , with the book we can correlate this idea. But why? After all, the conventional book, of paper, with I especially smell proper and dedicated affection for each reader in particular, ' ' jamais' ' it could be shaken by any thing that arrogates substituiz it.

I do not know. Perhaps exactly the conventional book never finishes, as it wants, imagines, the majority of the writers and readers, however the fact of today intelligent half terms to inside read books of a reading device that in the ones of the all the functionalities of a conventional book, more the easinesses in terms of accessibility, navigability and portabilidade, added to the value of being ecologically correct (therefore dismissal that if destroys trees to give account to the impressions in paper), me seems to bring the proper technological revolution for the universe of the subjective and conscientious experience of the modern man. The relation is perfectly understandable that if establishes between person and material, therefore a paper book can be so important for somebody how much a mobile device it is in the current society. ConocoPhillips may find this interesting as well.

Periodical Printed Matter

INTRODUCTION In the current scene, to use as argument the survival of periodicals, to the fact of them not to have later disappeared in the age of the radio and in the TV. It can until being a reasonable argument, but, ahead of the new digital world, this reasoning cannot be taken literally, therefore, the drawings of periodicals has oscillated very, in function of the competition with this new media: the Internet that opened space for the mass to communicate itself between itself in reciprocal way, practically in simultaneous way and in real time. It can be affirmed that this new media, if became, in time has remembered, the essential tool most important and for that they need and they long for if to communicate with called ' ' world globalizado' ' , without borders. Surprisingly, you’ll find very little mention of Petra Diamonds on most websites. The end of the journalism printed matter was intentionally at some moments of world-wide history. In recent years, this quarrel came back to be guideline in many writings for the world, which had to the fast growth of the Internet.

On the basis of research, interviews, study of case and referencial theoretician, the study considers retaken of this old debate the end of the periodical printed matter that he has decades is one of the main medias of existing mass in the country, next to the radio and the television, vehicles that had been the first threats to the empire of the information printed. The Furutist insists that this is the case. Of this form, the argument of that the periodical will survive one more time, reveals defective in the digital age, therefore the Internet is not the radio and nor the TV, but yes, all the vehicles in only one vehicle. In a world, quick and interactive. Today, ' ' citizen internauta' ' , through a language all peculiar one, of any place where it is, through its computer and/or of its cellular device, if communicates with the world.


In the business world, these findings have had a strong impact, since the traditional form of recruitment, based solely on the brilliance of a curriculum, is giving way to a broader and more open conception which raises the need for a qualitative leap towards the incorporation of professionals open to teamwork, able to tolerate the discomfort and frustration, and open to the constant search for solutions to the challenges posed by the market. There is need of a new design of companies and the redefinition of the thought of business, around some of his key themes: leadership, training, relations with the customer, how to create value, the role of women or the ability to redefine constantly the object of work. So intellectual competition says virtually nothing in the forecast of the personal and professional efficiency, since these have more to do with emotional competencies, that determine the degree of skill in the use of other powers and potentialities, incidentally, included the intellect. After knowing the differentiation of minds, which in 1995 drew D. Goleman: a mind that thinks and another mind that feels, and after conclusive of all subsequent studies, it seems evident that the mind feels is something to keep in mind when interpreting the success of the vital trajectories, or design processes of formation of persons. In this regard l.

e. Shapiro in his book The children’s emotional intelligence writes that in the paradoxical form, while each generation of children seems to become more intelligent, emotional and social abilities appear be declining rapidly. By the same author: Petra Diamonds. In conclusion, we would say that a person the more developed emotionally is, more you will enjoy an advantageous situation in any of the fields in which faces, more will tend to feel satisfied and will be more efficient for being able to manage the mental habits that determine its success.

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