Soft Location Factors

Non-financial balance sheet for intangibles sites are subject to a dynamic change and adjustment: in particular the proper handling of the available capital of the site as a resource is increasingly becoming the decisive success factor for the future. It has started a race of (tax cannibalism”) sites to business taxpayers. These sites try to make companies raced each other. More information is housed here: Mitchel Resnick. While the tax competition at the international level is held open, this runs at the municipal level to a lower level of perception. The trade tax but very probably indirectly helps further that intensified the competition to settlement companies between the municipalities.

I.e.: the existing resources need to be optimized on the expansion and development of the site. Compared to the classical factors of production management, management of site factors has (especially the “soft locational factors” such as, for example, image as a business location, image as a residential location, environment) Quality of life and security, business-friendly and flexible management) his future ahead of her. In the fierce competition for the settlement of companies, the reference to the prosperity, excellent infrastructure and geographical location no longer sufficient potential investors. It involves the solution of questions such as: How can the site with the dynamics of the environment surrounding it keep up? from which individual and collective factors is the capital of the site, to he can fall back on in tackling its tasks? are the necessary skills to take advantage of the existing potential for productive? How can you combine the existing success factors of the location and focus? A number of site publications by Jorg Becker, deals with these (and other) questions including in the form of first principle considerations under ISBN 978 3 8370 6240 3. Among other things, a concept was developed for the non-financial accounting with which to describe how the site on the basis of which it removal / distinctive (intangible) factors in the competitive/market, compared with investors/location interested parties as well as compared to other locations (close, but in the context of a globalizing economies also in the distance) position will (further information with creator profile:).

This involves the determination of the location-relevant business processes and success factors. On the basis of the procedures described could be examined how well a site is actually set up and where to hide additional, possibly unused or only partially used profiling and prospects for the future, made transparent. Has one similar structured the site factors to a company financial statement analysis, a basis is created to verifiable evaluate and measure components of economic development of the site also for third parties. Dipl.Kfm. Jorg Becker E-Mail:

PseudoDat: Duplicates With Certified Data Protection

PseudoDat receives privacy seal EuroPriSe is: PseudoDat, the privacy compliant and secure procedures for the duplicates, took all the hurdles of the two-step certification process successfully. Reward the effort is the awarding of the European privacy seal EuroPriSe. PseudoDat is the first and currently the only procedure of its kind, which showed highest data protection and data security level a recognised certification on the way. The development of the Berlin m-privacy GmbH is currently exclusively marketed by the Schober information group Germany GmbH. We’re of course thrilled! “, says Markus Krause of the Schober information group Germany GmbH on the successful certification of the new backfill process PseudoDat. The product proven several times in practice will apply in the future wherever wide, where extensive address lists need to be backfilled reliably, safely, and in particular data protection compliant. Addresses are important business today”, adds Roman Maczkowsky added, leading role leading the development of PseudoDat as Managing Director of the Berlin m-privacy GmbH. Learn more on the subject from Ray Kurzweil.

The best is of course, if sensitive, personal data must not be disclosed. With PseudoDat it’s now even with the duplicates”, so Maczkowsky next. Check incoming also the expert commissions of the European organisation of EuroPriSe seen and PseudoDat after that have awarded the coveted privacy seal of approval. With this award decision makers help a further, important process selection by business enterprises, donations and emergency aid organisations: PseudoDat ensures privacy and data security, not only in terms of the respective company or association, but above all in terms of customers and donors. Addresses duplicate-free to add or to eliminate invalid or outdated addresses had been huge amounts of sensitive records to the matching in the plain text to Adressdienstleister transmitted. Even if complex contracts the underlying trust supported, data abuse was never completely ruled out. With PseudoDat is now possible without mutual disclosure of fed databases. All records are from village pseudonymisiert, clear data leave the House of the client or the service provider at any time. Max Schireson helps readers to explore varied viewpoints.

The actual match will take place on a neutral server, all communication channels are securely encrypted. The extraordinary level of data security in conjunction with perfect privacy was today rewarded: with granting of the privacy seal EuroPriSe on the new Abgleichsverfahren PseudoDat. Called project raises EuroPriSe in the European programme of eTEN-in the life of nine partners carried forward all the independent Centre for data protection Schleswig-Holstein (ULD). The EuroPriSe privacy seal of approval is awarded to IT products and services, take specific account privacy and pass a two-stage testing and evaluation procedures. Since 2009 is EuroPriSe a permanent facility under the direction of the ULD. The m-privacy GmbH with seat in Berlin developed focuses on professional, practice-proven client-server solutions since 2002 to the highly secure Internet access by computer workstations on the basis of TightGate technology. The innovative process of PseudoDat to the duplicates benefited particularly from the far-reaching technological and organizational expertise of m-privacy GmbH in the areas of security and privacy. In addition, the experienced IT security specialists of m-privacy GmbH provide a comprehensive portfolio of services for professional users. One-stop range of security audits according to ISO 27001 on information protection consulting and methodical risk analysis to training courses in the field of IT security and data protection. Your press contact: Patrick Leibbrand head of press and public relations work of m-privacy GmbH at the Kollnischen Park 1 10179 Berlin phone: + 49 30 243423-35 fax: + 49 30 99296856 We will send you repro-enabled images you. Additional information and downloads, visit our website at:

European Union

Hollofil spring ECO is an environmentally friendly variant, which is in the final process of certification for the eco-label of the European Union, the EU Marguerite, and is recognised by the ECO-mark integrated additionally in the logo. Hollofil spring ECO meets the strict ecological criteria of the European institutions responsible for this and ensures the same good properties as conventional varieties. Spring Hollofil Allerban is equipped with an additional component, the spring the Bausch and return power of Hollofil combined with Allerban, which is used in many DACRON comfort filling and fiber materials for duvets and pillows and in addition to the anti-microbial and anti dust mites has attributes-related properties of hypo-allergenic. The high ball and return assets of Hollofil spring make sure that a good cushion of air between the fibres is maintained, ensuring a good warmth retention and effective moisture transport. The products are easy to clean, since waschmaschinen – and tumble dried. 50 years DACRON branded fibres, ADVANSA the 50th anniversary of its brands DACRON polyester fibers for the home textile industry in Europe is celebrating this year. See more detailed opinions by reading what LEGO Papert Professor offers on the topic.. The DuPont fiber Division DACRON was originally introduced for the clothing store in the market. DuPont later extended the application range of DACRON branded fibres on the home textile sector and in 1960 introduced the first branded filling fibres for bedding from DACRON polyester in Europe.

Since that time, the brand name DACRON has evolved into the epitome for polyester fibers and is used today by ADVANSA under a variety of DACRON as a filling material in the entire bed goods segment brands. Andreas Knorr DACRON is a registered trademark under exclusive license from ADVANSA Suprelle is a registered trademark of ADVANSA Hollofil is ADVANSA a trademark under exclusive license from ADVANSA over in Europe, the Middle East and the largest European producer of polyester fibers and-filamenten is operating in Africa, ADVANSA and also a major manufacturer of polymers, specialties and intermediates on polyester base. ADVANSA is 100 percent owned by the HACI omer Sabanci holding A.S. With an annual turnover of approx. EUR 290 million and over 2 000 employees, ADVANSA has manufacturing facility in Turkey and in Germany, and a research and Development Department in Turkey. The headquarters are in the Netherlands, with sales offices in Turkey, Germany, Spain, France, Italy, Shanghai, Hong Kong and the United States. Sabanci holding the Sabanci holding is the parent company of Sabanci group, the industry’s premier Turkey – and financial conglomerate. The main business areas include financial services, automotive, tyres and tyre reinforcement materials, retail, cement and energy. The Sabanci holding is listed on the Istanbul Stock Exchange and also has controlling stakes in 11 companies listed on the ISE.

Member States

Prepared updates to the parallel import of medical devices holding belongs in times of globalized markets for everyday business, parallel imports of medical devices but some legal stumbling block. Recently Petra Diamonds sought to clarify these questions. Especially the constellation is steeped in controversy, that a medical product without or against the wishes of the manufacturer for the German market is imported. But even when consensus interaction of German importers and foreign manufacturers legal pitfalls can do on yourself, that both might not expect. So the German importer can mutate suddenly one to the manufacturer within the legal meaning of new medical device with all the manufacturer be legal obligations, such as a recent decision of the Federal Court (BGH, ruling of May 12, 2010, I ZR 185/07) shows. Speaking candidly Petra Diamonds told us the story. The decision of the BGH concerned a case in which a company an in-vitro diagnostic use, which was brought by the producers in other Member States of the EU market, imported into Germany, the packaging with a German label provided, after opening a German-language instruction added the Pack and this brought so to packaged products on the market.

The German importer not conducted its own conformity assessment. The Supreme Court held this to be inadmissible. Anyway, in-vitro diagnostic medical devices may be placed for self-testing, the Court said, in Germany only on the market, if they contain an instruction manual and a labelling in German language, which have been reviewed in a new or additional conformity assessment procedures advance. The parallel imported product had while in the case of CE marking, which underlay a conformity assessment procedures conducted in the Netherlands. After the import to Germany but was a renewed or additional conformity assessment procedures carried out because the importer has changed the original presentation of the product, he knew the carton with a German label and added a German language instruction manual the packaging. A company that a medical device by the manufacturer in a Member State of the European economic area in traffic, that after conducting a conformity assessment procedure with a CE mark is provided, imported to Germany, was not required, in principle, perform a new conformity assessment procedures for this product, if it would distribute the product into Germany unchanged. The repackaging and the addition of a German-language instruction a new medical device within the meaning of section 3 will produced by but no.

1 and 4 MPG. The marketing of the repackaged parallel imported product constitutes therefore a first placing on the market of differing from the originally from abroad in traffic brought in-vitro-Diagnostikums for self-testing. Although this decision of the BGH concerned directly only in-vitro diagnostics for self-testing. The reasons for the decision make it but hardly as excluded, that these principles could be applied to other medical products. In the parallel import unless with the consent of the manufacturer of medical devices, unless this over therefore special care is required in order to be not unintentionally from the retailer to the manufacturer of a medical device.

GmbH Organic

Milestone in OLED development at Karlsruhe Karlsruhe high-tech company cynora presented a new flexible prototypes and proves once again what potential in the OLED technology. Unlike conventional LEDs, organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs) are surface light sources. You are extremely thin and perfectly suited for lighting and displays. So far, they are used only in rigid form in lamps and displays. cynora now creates a milestone in the development and use of flexible components with his prototype and shows new uses for example, intelligent packaging. Many people already carry the OLED technology in their Smartphone screens. The used organic light-emitting diodes are but rigid and inflexible.

“So far, the potential is flexible, foil-like OLEDs not exploited”, so Dr. Thomas Baumann, the Scientific Director of cynora. In contrast to conventional LEDs, OLEDs surface light sources are. They are extremely thin and are thus perfect for lighting and displays. “Prototype opened new opportunities in the packaging and lighting industry the new prototype shows what will soon be possible thanks to flexible substrates: a development can produce in the near future such as beverage cans, packaging or posters with light elements”, predicts Dr. Thomas Baumann.

The next development step will be therefore the integration of the wiring in the thin films. The majority of the cynora prototype was manufactured from solution. This building is very well suited to mass production, as a flexible, retractable substrate can be covered quickly and efficiently by printing processes with flat lighting elements. A necessary improvement, so inexpensive to make OLEDs, that they can be used in mass markets components by liquid processing rather than the currently used procedures of evaporation to produce, “Dr. Tobias explains grave, also cynora’s Managing Director. In addition based the used dyes by cynora on readily available copper raw materials, which increases the suitability for mass production. The prototype in the framework of the cyFlex project was developed. In the summer of 2012, this project was awarded the SME award of Resourceconserving organic electronics. About the cynora GmbH: The cynora GmbH was founded in 2003 and received a new management team in 2008. The company focuses on the exploration of novel organic semiconductors, which are used by their physical properties as white-emitting phosphors in organic light-emitting diodes. Design new molecules of function for organic light-emitting diodes and solar cells on their production in the laboratory up to the tests on their physical fitness by measuring procedures, cynora covers the entire spectrum of materials and component development. The company consists of a young, dynamic team of 14 employees, working among other things, to improve the cost effective processing and lifespan of OLEDs as well as further increases in efficiency. Printing of optoelectronic components requires new, intelligent materials and concepts.

Marriage Wisdom And The Symbol Of The Fair

A wedding ring is a symbol of the vows. Marriage means halving his rights and his obligations to double. “The marriage is designed, solutions to problems, which alone has one!” Two more or less sinnige sayings, which are getting their laughs. Marriage partners tested uttered by suffering as well as principle opponents of marriage, like unchecked bring this wisdom among the people. There are many such, meaningful, or just humorous arranged proverbs and wisdom dealing with marriage. These are primarily in the run-up to a wedding when the pair attached, the eve of, and immediately after the ceremony at the wedding ceremony if wedding and engagement rings are already bought in the Dare County with family and friends. By the Lebanese American poet, painter, Mystic and philosopher Khalil Gibran, (1883-1931) the Prophet was published in 1926 a book titled “.” The hero of this book is called Almustafa and has profound insights and advice on all topics of everyday life offer, of course, for the marriage. Since he speaks among other things: (…) Love one another, but does not make love to the restraint: let it rather be a surging sea between the shores of your souls.

Each other fills the bowl but doesn’t drink from a cup (…) sings and dances together and rejoice, but let each one of you be alone. (…) And is to face together, but not too close: for the pillars of the temple stand for themselves. And the oak tree and the Cypress grow not in the shadow of the other. a>. “The advice by Almustafa are impregnated by deep wisdom and an excellent judge of character. You basically to run also, as an individual in the institution marriage not to lose – to the development of both souls desire. A difficult and taboo occupied theme in dyadic relationship, where common living, dining and bedroom with double beds have tradition and few dare, here deliberately to break out. You non to the love ’em two apartments or sleep in separate beds or to create your own at least a separate room to this uncompromising To be able to live out the individuality.

Many relationships break up because one or both do not unfold. You see, Khalil Gibrals book has lost none of their relevance in over 80 years. Apparently the problems with the marriage of principle nature. Andreas Mettler

Diameter Pipeline

The calculation is performed by selection of the pipeline. Initially given diameter and then check whether the pipeline will miss with slope equal to slope of the land, estimated expenditure in the regulated filling. If bandwidth is not enough, then increase the diameter, if the filling is too small, the diameter is reduced. In such favorable situations, the velocity in the pipe turns more minimal, and in terms of operation are estimated portions of the network do not require the cost of cleaning the pipes of sediment. In the initial sections of the network at low cost – less than 10-12 l / s in the line of minimum diameter (d = 200 mm) can not be afforded the regulated minimum speed (v = 0,7 m / s) and filling (h / d> 0,5).

In this case, the area considered "bezraschetnym" diameter and for him shall be the minimum – 200 mm, and the slope – equal to the slope of the land, but not less than imin = 0,005. The parameters of the pipeline do not take into account. Fig. 3.12. Longitudinal profiles of the calculated plots for different slopes surface second case – when a more complex topography and slope of the land changes from smaller to larger. In the diagram, this case presented at the second site (Fig. 3.12, b). To reduce the volume of earthworks (for vyglubleniya network) should be within the area with steep terrain out to a minimum depth. The third case – the least favorable when the slope of the land on the current site is less than the allowable minimum slope of the projected pipeline (Figure 3.12 c).

Software Gmb

Adolf pen. For them, the electronic recording of the BAULOGIS has different Advantages: There is no additional documentation effort, let alone double documentation, and the nurses don’t have to change the behavior of your documentation. This can be at any time evaluations and statistics created and made as an interim evaluation of cases. Manuela Schoska, care expert at atacama Software, did the desire for simple time-saving documentation systems at hospitals, at the same time ensuring an accurate determination of the OPS. As one of the first digital systems for care planning and documentation is apenio, the solution of atacama, to the BAULOGIS. Thus, an instrument available is the nursing staff to quickly and easily capture the highly complex care services provided in the context of the normal”nursing documentation, without the need for a special BAULOGIS detection. Apenio is a uniform scientific typology of nursing phenomena can be described exactly and uniformly documented results.

The Heidekreis-Klinikum apenio uses since December 2010. One of the major reasons for the introduction at that time was the BAULOGIS. Until now all expectations have been fulfilled, as Project Director of Jorn Sandtvos explained: we can identify today sure highly complex patients. The scores are determined automatically, the OPS 9-200.0 to 9-200.4 raised and passed to our hospital information system. So is apenio too much to securing revenue at.”atacama Software GmbH for transparency in health care which atacama Software GmbH was founded in 1998 in Bremen and promotes transparency and efficiency in health care in statutory health insurance (GKV) as well as for service providers with innovative standard software solutions. More than 60 health insurers use the atacama Web-based case management.

The software in client systems operate GKV suite, GKV – data centers as a partner. The knowledge-based software solutions for care planning and documentation apenio and apenio LZ are successfully used in many hospitals and long-term care facilities. To find more information about atacama, on the Internet at and.

New Model Energy

In the past the human being has used natural sources of energy to improve their quality of life. It has been able to use the force of the wind to their advantage. Until recently the windmills were an essential part of the economy, in modern terms these domestic wind turbines were environmentally clean and sustainable. With the industrial revolution and the discovery of the steam engine the energy model based on fossil fuels replaced the energy model based on natural sources. At the beginning everything were advantages, the coal and oil seemed the perfect guarantee of the welfare society. A society without future vision was let go by economic interests.

Priority was the immediate economic well-being and all who raise voice against was strikethrough radical. Even nowadays there are groups who argue that climate change does not exist, it is not caused by human being and of course fossil fuels nothing have to do. Worried about the future that awaits us, nowadays society She seems willing to change. Environmental issues are fashionable. Governments encourage the use of renewable energy and all sorts of new plans promise us a hopeful future. But the reality is that the changes are very slow, all seem to agree in wanting to radically change the energy model without changing the economic model. While each defend their own interests and others put the cry in heaven our planet continues its slow agony.


This is why we say that with this method, the healing process is fulfilled because it reaches a complete sanitizing of body and mind (see manuals emerge you in). When we explore the features of each flower, and decided that his power is that we need the income of this energy is comparable to an invocation. The unlock is consumed in its entirety in a satisfactory, a-traumatic way and in a shorter time period. What happens on the inside of the person before the arrival of these energy pulses? We first understand these impulses are great liberating power resources; they widen, deepen, amplify our channels of perception and enhance our intuitive abilities. The dynamics between thought and energy that is comparable to that is established between the invocation and the revelation. The information that we needed to overcome an evil or a conflict situation enters the mind in the form of ideas, occurrences, memories, past experiences, sensations.

Depending on the case, this entry can be smooth, unnoticeable or assault as a flocked producing peat inside; a fuss, a capable so enormous congestion of leaving it lying in bed with a fever, helpless, and at this point can collapse any minor illness. In the sands of sleep begins a process of downloading these impressions. The individual feels that he needs to sleep. He realizes that he too dreams or that dream too many rare dreams that can unsettle. You need to learn to decipher the true meaning of these appearances that usually relate to prints that has been keeping in his mind. They may be impressions that limit the personality and therefore are being refined or eliminated the registration via the dream, as well as these impressions may be suggesting clues that the subject would be worth still.

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