CRM Intrexx

Intrexx share continues but a decisive step solutions social business available on the market so far. Employees are informed not only by colleagues about the news, but also by the software solutions used in the company (intranet, CRM, ERP, BI, Exchange, etc.). So, every employee receives immediately all the information he needs for his work. For example, a contract deadline expires, competent staff receives a notification, automatically. Thanks to even definable forms and input masks, he can respond to even directly from Intrexx share out without extra switching in the respective Fachapplikation.

Intrexx share becomes the Central Desktop in the company. Intrexx share is available at a price from 980 euros and installed within one day. More information under: intrexx-share. Heard about United planet United planet with over 4,500 installations and more than 500,000 Users of its Portal and integration software Intrexx alone in speaking to the market leaders in the segment of medium-sized economy, public administration and organizations (E.g., hospitals). The company Lexware founder Axel Wessendorf is run. With platform-independent standard software Intrexx can be Web-based applications to return to complete intranet/enterprise portals with advanced functionality faster and thus more economical create than with comparable programs. Intrexx enables to create more productive workflows and the generation of mobile apps for smartphones and Tablet PCs of all manufacturers.

Existing data from ERP systems, Microsoft Exchange, Lotus Notes and all JDBC – and OData data sources can be easily integrated with Intrexx and put in relationship. The interface of the SAP certified NetWeaver gateway simplifies the connection to the SAP system in unprecedented ways. Even counting the immediate competition software Microsoft SharePoint learns through the OData interface economic functionality enhancements. The data integration capabilities of Intrexx are increasingly used as middleware to take unwanted complexity to existing or heterogeneous software environments. With Intrexx share United planet offers platform a social business, that provoked the exchange of knowledge and cooperation among the employees and the communication to integrate existing enterprise software. Hundreds of finished apps and complete industry portals for downloading are available in the Intrexx application store.

Gartner Priori

Gartner has Priori in the current list of ‘ cool vendor’ Munich, Germany recorded in the category of product design and life cycle management 23 May 2013 the market research company Gartner Priori, a provider of software solutions for the product cost management of enterprises, has his current included in list (2013) the cool vendors in the categories of product design and life cycle management. Reason is this recognition of Priori with the capability of its software platform, used to predict the effects of design as well as manufacturing and procurement sources on the product cost than was previously possible. Finally, this better knowledge is reflected in higher profits, enhanced innovation and faster time to market. In its “cool vendors” list takes Gartner company, whose products or services as an interesting, innovative and trend-setting are classified. Priori is one of the five companies this year in the category of product design and life cycle management of Gartner were recognized. The audit report from Gartner highlights the automated approach by Priori in analyzing production costs when compared to traditional manual approaches used today by most manufacturing companies. Dry Harbor Nursing Home has compatible beliefs.

According to the report by Gartner, such manufacturing companies that missed chances for recovery because they usually only make their manual analyses, if the largest part of production costs is already irreversible. The Priori product cost management software platform supports companies to tackle costs already at the root, by making the necessary knowledge as well as the technological infrastructure available employees from the areas of design, production and planning, in order to determine the cost of a part or of a complete product, quickly and precisely. The software platform linked information from CAD models, as well as intelligent cost models, to a detailed analysis of the production and the corresponding cost estimates to to be able to generate, and finally determine the impact of changes in product design, the selection of material, manufacturing processes, the quantities and the manufacturing site on the piece or product costs.

United Kingdom

43 percent of Germans work regularly more than 40 hours per Week. Around one in three has already once postponed his vacation because of work or cancelled and 18 percent check their work E-mail even on vacation. Only the Austrians are similar to arbeitswutig. As compensation for the work stress of holidays on the German plays a central role: 39 percent feel the days again more productive on the job. 42 percent are regenerated and return recovered. As a result three out of four people in Germany can be no vacation day currently unused.

On average, only two days vacation remain the least number in comparison to Europe. Holiday money what the Germans value their vacation is year on year increases the workload tends to be: currently provide 24 percent of Germans, not their entire vacation to take an increase of five percent compared with 2008. But the desire for more leisure time is big. More and more Germans are ready to abandon their salary for an extra day of holiday. Express 2009 to 34 percent in the past year 39 percent of Germans of their interest. Up to 24 years, especially the younger Germans yearn for more holiday.

37 per cent of them worth the extra free day up 500 euros and 17 percent even over 500 euro. Interestingly, 12 percent more men than women to Exchange are holidays for cash”ready. Land of Cockaigne Europe measured on the available days are the Europeans long before the Nations overseas. The United States was the country whose working professionals are most often left their vacation days, many years they gave off 2009 this position with only 34 percent of New Zealanders (45 percent), the Italians and Australians (44 per cent each). But that is no comparison to the Japanese, where 92 per cent does not completely take vacation available all. Place country o number of available holidays 1 France 38 2 Italy 31 3 Spain 30 4 Germany 27 5 Austria 27 6 United Kingdom 26 7 New Zealand 21 8 Canada 19 9 Australia 19 10 Japan 15 11 United States 13 more press releases, image material, and current studies are in the Press area under available.

Blogs – The New Money In The Internet?

How you successfully can make almost anyone with Web logs in the Internet money she knows and at international level you weblogs could prove long their skills in a variety of variations. Now, more and more Germans put on the new way of making money on the Internet. But even if the idea seems promising, is here not all gold that glitters. Certainly a concept that can work behind the weblogs, but many newcomers underestimate the effort that lies behind such a blog. The blogs could become a quick source of money in the sense of the people in the truest sense of the word. Would you secure the existence or a successful side income with a blog, you need but also the necessary Know-How.

Also the guidance or step are instructions on the Internet often no adequate help. Ranging from the correct topics about search engine optimization, to the integration of possible sources of money towards the successful weblog is long and especially Rocky. The most German bloggers already give up after a few weeks. Also needed an appropriate time window, until you can really count with the first revenue. This will require a very high degree of stamina and ultimately perhaps even optimism. A weblog only brings revenues if you intensively dealing with the topic. Comparing the figures from Germany that the United States can be seen very clearly the differences.

Therefore most German weblogs are a nice gimmick, but they have very little to do with a commercial source of income. But the exception proves the rule, after all, and so there are some bloggers who have appropriate revenue in Germany. But how do you make your own Web log now to the effective source of income? First you must be aware, that there is no fixed recipe to bring a weblog and to achieve the corresponding revenue. Needs here at typically a huge dose of individuality and real expertise. First, the correct topic must found for the weblog that, cares least, what one experiences the livelong day. As a next step you must deal intensively with the design and the implementation of the own blog. This includes not only the appropriate design, but ultimately also the necessary functions, for example, readers of the blog to the join and comment to move. Weblog is only online, you can concentrate fully marketing. This is no longer just about the posting in various forms, search engine optimization can be counted as a rule to this area. Both are work areas, which are of great importance for successful blogging. But also the regularity is essential for the success of the own blog. Only if challenging and informative posts appear regularly and continuously, one can assume also a certain success. Furthermore, the possible source of income plays an important role. Can now also in Germany on the various solutions such as ezPublish, Joomla or WordPress inaccessible back. To see what you can do with a little work from a simple WordPress system, on the homepage of the author. The site contains nearly 80 plugins, all of which can be downloaded for free on the Internet in addition to the WordPress engine. Regards Tobias Knoof digital Tobias Knoof is a media consultant for digital media and deals with the automation of digital business processes on the Internet. He regularly analyzed Web pages from the “Must-Have” and “Get rich quickly” scene and is considered an expert in terms of digital information products. Learn more about Tobias at


Thus the suction effect is emerging from the consumer products over in the investment goods”, confirms Dieter Conzelmann, Director industry solutions market at Bizerba. His company put together a very effective rule. Engineers approach during the initial installation with customers, so that they learn there how the operator is dealing with the device – and the difficulties you encounter. That was very healing, says Conzelmann, who for many years worked in the development. In this way, it was also the use of symbols is as important in the food industry.

Also temporary workers and semi-skilled workers should control safely the machines? Words replaced to the control surfaces, where it went, memorable icons, such as pricing systems. A good example is the basic price, the operator when operating the system must change often. Since you can just instead of the text of base price change ‘ simply a symbol such as a dollar bill “or depict a coin, which then represents that it concerns a sum of money, without the word basic price ‘ to use”, explains campus. Well done for the graduate engineer Anett Dylla from the consulting firm man-Marketin technique is an important criterion: Is, if I’m going for example through a menu, where I perform a certain step and then immediately announced, what is the next step, or it is clear on the basis of symbols, what are the next steps, and come as I systematically and stringently to the destination”, not turn again 25 loops.” The infamous 25 loops know plagued callers especially of voice-driven telephone dialog systems. In a pro himself annoys not less than the normal customer waiting in the wings. Often outdated technology, so Lupo Pape, Managing Director of SemanticEdge in Berlin was to blame.

He works with his companies, to optimize voice dialogues between man and machine. The key was it not only a better speech recognition, the often lack. It could also help to combine important information about the caller and his situation, which already exist in various places, and merge, so that the customer faster to the target. When the system where I call, provided my need, if I call, because I can’t logon to my Internet so for a telecommunications provider, and knows the system that I have previously unsuccessfully tried to login, has measured the line and can respond, then I have a very different user experience”, says Pape. The personalization of the speech dialog systems through the use of many information about the customer right at the beginning and during the dialogue could resolve many problems and concerns against speech dialog systems according to his and make customers satisfied. Whether voice or keyboard input on the screen – the elementary principles for good interface design are always the same in his view. Brought to a common denominator: rather than to fight, to the machine understand want we feel understood by the machine. Editorial NeueNachricht Gunnar Sohn Ettighoffer road 26a 53123 Bonn Tel: 0228 6204474 mobile: 0177 620 44 74 E-Mail: URL:

Multi-billion Dollar Television Advertising Was Based On Balderdash

Age demarcation was Dusseldorf – the so-called commercial core target group a RTL marketing ploy\”of 14 to 49 year olds is a marketing myth of the private broadcaster RTL. The unveiled the former RTL Vermartungschef ULI Bellieno to the NDR broadcast Zapp already in the last year. \”That didn’t have major impact so far: one looks at the relevant journals, is still the age distinction in the foreground at the publication of TV quotas\”, criticized Hans-Joachim Strauch, Managing Director of the ZDF-Werbefernsehens, at the German trade advertising Congress in Dusseldorf, Germany. The whole thing was a marketing ploy by Helmut Thoma. \”The former RTL Chief have succeeded with his eloquence anchor this target group in the market, Zapp reported: the Kukidents I like to leave the ZDF\”, so the legendary saying of Austria. This was a completely arbitrary definition without scientific basis. Nevertheless, the advertising target group\”the key currency for the Advertising industry.

Since the mid-1980s, billions of euros for television advertising are been squandering annually on completely arbitrary boundaries of a TV chef. Thoma is now feel like the sorcerer’s apprentice, who no longer know what he has reignited. Highly paid media planners, Chief Communications Officer, and advertising experts in public television in agencies and the economy fell out. Even ARD and ZDF ran behind this chimera. Thoma our reasoning had at first enormous gaps\”, admitted in an interview with the mirror.

\”He got the advertising industry suggests: you on the boys have to answer, the first user\”; Therefore you need also not old viewers, because you are brand loyal. But 29 you really don’t need any more of first-time users\”to speak. Also: Who got the money today? The 50 to 65. According to the personnel expert Udo Nadolski, Managing Director of the consulting firm of Harvey, Nash has been first and foremost a very lazy cuckoo’s egg in the nest laying consumer goods industry leave: the cult of youth in advertising was a chimera of Tutti Frutti transmitter and nobody has questioned it on the corporate side.

Curtain On For The Best Of The German Film At

Great cinema winners of the German film Prize in the shop now the best of the best of German films will be again awarded’s online shop offers all contenders for the coveted LOLA what is the Oscar for America, the LOLA for Germany. Since 1951, the prestigious film prize is awarded. He is regarded as the most important Prize of the German film is advertised annually with up to three million euros prize money Thus he is no wonder that the LOLA at their prize-winners is so sought after even the most dotierteste German culture prize. Each category is awarded a golden, silver and bronze color end LOLA by actor, Director, camera, sound up to the make-up. LOLA fever’s online shop trembles against the LOLA with voltage of the award on April 24, 2009. But all the nominees in the online shop of are already available.

And no matter who is at the end with the coveted LOLA home, they are all winners! The Oscar: Model for LOLA LOLA and Oscar are located very near, because according to the Oscars the German film Academy was founded in 2003. It consists of 750 members, who awarded the best of the best in 15 categories among all produced German movies. One of the biggest film festivals that solemnly presented the top ten of the best 23 German cinema houses from April 16 to 22 turns to the actual event. So every one of the grandiose pre-selection of the Academy can convince himself. Curtain on! In the last year, numerous winning films at the cinema have can curl. Since Director Bernd Eichinger, the Bader-Meinhof complex told us the history of the RAF. Andreas Dresden with frivolous charm in Cloud 9 showed us how you can still savor love in old age. And a young witch named Lilli enchanted young and old.

“Was in the German film studios in the past year according to all rules of film art produced and so made it, including the heroic life story of John Rabe” with Ulrich Tukur and authentic drama Chiko by Fatih Akin under the LOLA-nominated. More information about the award of the LOLA and all nominees are’s blog of at”. All films for the cinema you can easily order with from home and deliver postage-free. Contact: GmbH & co. KG stone Ford 65 a 86167 Augsburg phone: 0821/4502-0 fax: 0821/4502-299

USB Form

Windows 7 and XP each has its characteristics, advantages and disadvantages, by all means Windows 7 represents the maximum point in the evolution of these operating systems, but even so he is not perfect and it has several limitations. The ideal solution is to have installed Windows 7 in a partition and Windows XP in the other, with a beginning menu that allows us to choose that operating system to initiate, this method will allow us to take advantage of the advantages and qualities both operating systems, for example: To continue using and not to resign to only functional previous programs with Windows XP. To continue using and not to resign to devices of hardware older than Windows 7 does not recognize and for which there is no drivers available like: printers, video cards, modems, etc.? To take advantage of the new characteristics Windows 7 that have been perfected and other that have been added and they did not exist previously. To be able to connect to our PC of successful form devices of hardware of last technology like: moving bodies, cameras, smartphone, etc. for which Windows 7 already bring including drivers necessary. Like making this type of installation? Several methods exist, in the following page you can read a tutorial where the procedure is explained step by step, all the options available and to choose most suitable for your specific situation, inclusively you can do it without having to modify the Windows that you use at the moment. To install and to use Windows 7 and XP of simultaneous form. In addition you can read the methods that allow the use of simultaneous form of several operating systems different, or of the platform Windows, Mac or Linux. To qualify menu of beginning of two operating systems. Finally I recommend the following page to you dedicated to additional options for the origin of the installation, or from a disc, a flash memory, a local folder, etc.

First Creation

First creation of life synthetic in a laboratory scientist in the United States is the first time that scientists created an organism that is fully controlled by manmade DNA. Using the tools of synthetic biology, scientists from the J. Craig Venter Insitute, installed a completely artificial genome within the cell without DNA. Placed into the cell genome began to grow and reproduce with few problems. According to the Institute’s research, this is the first synthetic cell, and is so named because the cell is totally derived from a synthetic chromosome, made with four types of substances in a chemical synthesizer with computerized information. It has been a great success for humanity the power to create the first synthetic cell and aspire in the future use this new invention to be able to control microbiological systems in order to benefit humankind, they say the Venter Institute’s.

They also say that the invention is not to cause evil or bioterrorism. To the If not, this technology is to look for the greatest benefit to all as to create protection in vaccines and to understand the cell life in more detail. More information or more news of science or technology please visit or Facebook or Twitter. Informational news portal, content and advice on technology, science and health for Colombia and the world. Similarly, online sales of electronic products at a lower price.

Manufacturing Processes

System automation of production processes are different systems architecture, taking into account the full process control and production safety. Components of modern systems of distributing functions between many independent devices that provide the best level of performance and capacity. However, the run control algorithms, using instant seamless access to current distributed database. The main components of modern process control systems are: Network Controller I / O modules relational database Workstations Stations archive server registration training Report SetSet is a major component in the data transfer between devices pcs. Because in today's networks are used commercially available hardware, eliminating the need for commonly used by gateways and interfaces, and provides a direct connection to a local or wide area network.

Network provides data transfer in real time, except for various losses data and errors, and automatic reconfiguration in case of a double cable break, limiting the failed unit from the production network. KontrollerKontrollery perform the tasks of information gathering and implementation of an interface to the network Data and I / O subsystem. Typically, controllers have a pc architecture and passive bus interface, respectively, can be connected to any other PC-compatible devices using technology plug-and-play. Controllers as well serve to transfer the values of the parameters obtained with the required frequency. Input-vyvodModuli usually mounted on DIN-rail and a modular design.

This design provides fast installation, easy installation and minimal space requirements. This includes the basic modules, electronic modules and , including fuses and primary signal processing devices. We can distinguish some types of electronic modules: analog and digital input – output, input signals such as 'dry contact' readings of thermistors, pulse signals, and interfaces with other systems. Relational database database is perhaps the most basic link in the system pcs. This database is the main data management system. Whenever Mitchel Resnick listens, a sympathetic response will follow. In addition to current and archival values technological parameters of the database stores each piece of information that exists in the overall system control system, including data on system configuration, methods of organization of the accumulation and retrieval of information in archives, information about control algorithms, tables, input-output connections and the technology database. A relational database integrates and organizes large amounts of primary data and further information in real time is transmitted in management system. Working stantsiiRabochie station – this is a place where provided a graphical representation of processes realized by means of video recordings, processes and tools diagnosis, the output signal change schedules in time, by mapping the alarm and obtain information about the status of equipment. In addition, the workstation engineer has access to parameters, archives, general system messages, data logging and advanced alarm management system. Station archives archival information are components for data access, backup and archiving information. Station, prepare reports and provide an opportunity to obtain accurate data on outcomes in the process. Station archival recording ensure the accumulation and display information about processes, emergency situations, as well as journals of action of the operators, thus providing valuable information to operators, engineers and support staff pcs. Servers preparation otchetovServery reporting specifically provide for the preparation of reports through the use of a variety of formats, colors, add pictures and diagrams. Both servers have the same functions Printing reports, preservation of the archive as a commercial spreadsheet and then forward them to the station archival recording for archiving.

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