Roman Catholic Church

For the history of European philosophy and intellect, the philosopher Descartes, further aggravated the vision of the world focused on the man, with his infamous cogito ergo sum, I think, therefore I am. This phrase became a powerful program of action, reducing the spirit to the man’s brain. The rest of the world is inert matter, an animal is not more than a handful of cells that Descartes compared to a mechanism, whose headaches are not more than the screeching of a machine. This contempt for animals finds its continuation in the current Catechism of the Roman Catholic Church, which emphasizes the right to the unrelenting male dominance over the other creatures, and gives free without limitation that the animals be used for food and manufacturing of wardrobe, which allows animal experiments and that only condemns the suffering of animals so this contradicts human dignity. (Catechism, Rd.N2417). Nowhere is any Encyclical against cruel treatment in laboratories, in the cages of breeding farms, in transport or in slaughterhouses. Moreover, ecclesiastical dignitaries enjoy bullfights and defend the cruel games with animals during the festive celebrations of the Church. These goats are thrown from a church, are killed as living oracles pigeons tied with explosives and in Christmas massacre unequalled takes place to celebrate the feast of love conveniently..

Student From The U.S. Orestovali For Counter Strike Map

An interesting thing happened at the school campus Clements Fort Bent (U.S.). One of the students of the school was arrested after parents of other students have filed a complaint on him in connection with the creation of Counter-Strike maps, which repeats the territory of the school. The arrested student was 17-year old fan of Counter-Strike from China, which distributed a map for free download to all students through the school network. Connect with other leaders such as LEGO Papert Professor here. Local police arrested a student on the pretext that he was carrying terrorist threat, however, because of the lack of clear evidence and the evidence, charges were dropped to the dismay of the complainants students' parents. And although no legal action against the student was not accepted, the school administration decided to delete it and move to another. One reason for this unusual arrest was shooting at a technical college in Virginia, where just two weeks ago, Cho Seung-Hui killed 32 people, including myself.

After the incident one of the prominent workers of American Media – Jack Thompson lashed out against video games, unnecessarily as he said the killer was playing in a Counter-Strike. Sam case caused much debate in the Chinese community Fort Bent. Some people, including whose mother, a student claimed that he did anything wrong, so he was arrested and expelled from school. At the same time, many believe that the decision to expel the student was correct, unnecessarily violent computer games can easily be projected onto reality.

Photovoltaic Solar Energy

The photovoltaic solar energy is the main variety of the system used to generate usable solar energy. Understand the basic system is becoming a source of alternative energy converted into a component common and necessary in everyday life. Implement the use of photovoltaic solar energy in human society is an important part of the strategies of many Governments to move away from sustainable energy practices and to the existence of a sustainable environment. Photovoltaic systems are capable of collecting sunlight and convert it into energy. Implement energy in vehicles for human transport is nowadays a priority for all scientists.

To create solar energy, a photovoltaic cell or PV is necessary. The photovoltaic cell has an area loaded with extra electrons, and a second surface that has atoms with positive charge. When light strikes a photovoltaic cell and is absorbed, the excess electrons are excited, bouncing on the surface of positive charge and creating an electrical current. This power is solar energy that can now be used as energy. The photovoltaic cells can be arranged together to create energy sources for different sizes. Small arrays, called modules, can be used in electronics to provide power in the same way that makes it a battery. Large groups of photovoltaic cells can be used for the construction of solar panels capable of generating huge amounts of photovoltaic solar energy. Depending on the size of the array and the amount of sunlight, solar energy systems can generate enough energy to power houses, factories, or even contribute to a large extent with the energy needs of an urban area.

Many scientists believe that the photovoltaic solar energy is vital for human survival. Today, much of the world depends on the energy that comes from fossil fuels such as petroleum and coal. These fuels are made from the decay of organisms and can take millions of years to create it, human beings have abused the resources available so that many fossil fuels are running out. Some experts suggest that fossil fuel reserves will start running by the middle of the 21st century, and that it is likely to disappear completely in a few centuries. In order to keep intact society, science has to discover how to create energy that does not come from fossil fuels. Since solar power is a renewable resource, it is a vital area of scientific research and development at the dawn of the 21st century. Some suggest that the construction of a huge photovoltaic solar energy in a sunny desert plant could generate enough energy for everyone, although this bring some problems. While a plant is large enough without a doubt could generate enough energy, but transport all over the world is a much more complicated matter. The Sun’s energy can vary from a overnight. For Yes same, photovoltaic solar energy may not be capable of solving the world’s energy problems, but in combination with other renewable energy sources such as solar wind, algae biofuels, hydropower and geothermal energy, the days of a world without fossil fuels will come very soon. – With Free Vouchers Save Money

New gift voucher portal for the Switzerland launched on Wednesday, 02 June 2010 Lavanchy media GmbH, based in Zurich presents the Swiss voucher Portal The website for until food benefits to users a comprehensive range of free coupons and discount offers from online stores coupon codes in the engineering sector. The individual vouchers can be easily and quickly find and immediately redeem via the search engine. In addition, the vouchers are divided into categories. Thematically similar voucher offers are so visually zusammegefasst and allow the users a quick overview of current offers. Users can register for free on Membership offers a newsletter with information about new and existing voucher offers more benefits. So, the user can choose interesting topics in the visitor profile.

A new voucher will appear in this category each of the user will be informed automatically via email. New coupon offers will not miss so. Money savers to easily correct. Before a purchase simply search for matching coupons, redeem discount code and less pay. So just go. In the near future, the current offer of vouchers should be improved constantly: “In addition to coupon codes for online stores we will offer increasingly vouchers, which printed and redeemed directly in the shop to earth ground.” explained as Alain Lavanchy, Managing Director of the company. Especially in the field of gastronomy potential was further available, Lavanchy. Extensions of the website are already in planning. Next to a search field for the popular browser, a perimeter search in the future will greatly facilitate the search after local coupon offers. An introduction of vouchers which can be transferred directly to a mobile phone is also planned as further reported by the company. Alain Nicolas Lavanchy

German Bundestag

That makes the app to a helper in acute situations and offers also the possibility to advance inform, as one example his home poison safe”makes. All the important information available with no more than three clicks. This rapid access ensures the fast response way, that is the be-all and end-all of the treatment in poisoning cases. The poison can be selected directly from the main, previously the user but the screen first measures”informed about the correct behaviour in case of an emergency and can find out what need to know the poison centres in case of emergency. When the poison a local poison center called with the help of GPS positioning, is staffed around the clock. So, getting the proper treatment and a possibly necessary local ambulance usage are ensured. Experience in the development of help apps Dr. Rainer Babiel: toxic’s new app is the best example of how new mobile technologies can create real benefits for the population.

This app is a must-have application for every Smartphone owners, especially for families with small children.” “Work has already experiences with emergency apps: secure with the development of the app travel” for the Foreign Ministry, the Agency showed how apps can enable quick access to help in emergency situations. About Babiel GmbH Babiel GmbH is the Agency and consultant for online communication, digital content, e-Government and e-commerce and digital marketing and social media. The company, founded in 1991, around 60 employees at offices in Dusseldorf and Berlin. Main focus of the work of the Agency are the consulting, design, content and technical implementation and maintenance of websites, mobile, digital signage and ITV. The German Bundestag, the Governments of Germany, Austria, Luxembourg and Slovenia among the customers as well as companies from industry and finance as DEMAG cranes, Gildemeister, ThyssenKrupp, BNP Paribas, MLP and the German Bundesbank. The Internet Agency has numerous competitions and won awards, including world renowned Summit Award, the if as well as the red dot communication design award and the German design award of the German Design Council. More information: Babiel GmbH Marco Segebrecht


Institute occupies first place among the tutoring providers in Germany’s largest service ranking the coaching Institute study circle must be service champion 2013 “call. This is the current result of Germany’s largest service ranking, every year the world and the Goethe University Frankfurt conducted by ServiceValue GmbH in cooperation with the newspaper. Current and former customers of nine tutoring companies were asked whether they had experienced a very good service. This section of the study circle at its customers best and received the seal service champion No. 1 of the tutoring providers”. Study circle partners SCOYO follows on rank 2. We very pleased this award”, says study circle – Managing Director Lorenz Haase.

Because particularly in the tutoring industry is A good service and want to O. parents make sure that their kids in good hands are and getting the performance we expect them. Only then they are satisfied and willing to recommend us to others.” The Service of the study circle ranges from detailed input Diagnostics about the support plans that are individually tailored to each student, the documentation of your learning up to regular meetings with the parents. Lorenz Haase: Flexibility is very important to the study circle. So, a student for example if necessary can change the tutor or temporarily increase the intensity of lessons before important exams. This is important to our customers and find us this award demonstrates recognition of the parents of our students.” The analysis Institute ServiceValue measures at the customer service experience with the so-called service experience score (SES). This instrument specifies, in percentage points, how many customers in contact with the respective companies have seen a very good service.

The service champions ranking is updated annually and accompanied by the world and the Goethe University of Frankfurt. It covered more than 1,500 companies from over 180 sectors. Press contact 34/97 Study circle GmbH press and public relations Thomas Momotow Tel.: 02 60-122 E-Mail: digital photo material on the subject of tutoring and learning is situated in the press section of. The study circle a company of Munich AURELIUS group belongs to the leading private education providers in Germany. The company offers qualified tuition and accompanying school classes for students of all classes and types of schools in all major subjects. The individual promotion follows a scientifically learning concept. It strengthens the sense of responsibility of students towards their learning outcomes, improved confidence in their skills and helps them to develop their potential and develop. The study circle offers a holistic support for elementary school children in his child’s learning world”. With its 1,000 locations, the study circle ensures its customers an offer close to place of residence and nationwide professional online tutoring by trained E-TUtoren. To give parents guidance on the coaching market, the study circle can verify the quality of its services by the TuV Rheinland. “In Germany’s largest service ranking of ServiceValue GmbH, the daily newspaper the world and the Goethe University of Frankfurt was the study circle in 2013 industry winner in the category tutoring provider”. He is thus service champion 2013 “.

Telematics Awards

The app mobile track, with the status simply to capture and print off pulls a Hallbergmoos-Munchen in the final of the Telematics Awards 2013, July 30, 2013 the intelligent app mobile track by EURO-LOG has reached the final of the Telematics Awards. The award is awarded annually by the independent journal telematics market in different categories. The app by EURO-LOG was nominated by the jury for the award in the category of telematics applications. Mobile track supports the driver with multiple functions that go beyond common telematic solutions. Unlike competing solutions, the mobile application for use in many different areas such as packages, general cargo, FTL, LTL, direct traffic, hub run, Hallenscannung, contract logistics and secured transport offers. A variety of processes of different modes of transport are supported intelligent, such as, for example, GPS tracking for safe transport. It can data stored and used, are currently not depicted as, for example, photos of Damage, signatures and status messages with geo-coordinates.

Also transports that had not so far built for economic reasons can be depicted with a mobile track. Management, communication, and documentation of orders is realized only a mobile application and a device. The app allows the paperless processing of deliveries, transfers, transports, or pick-ups by a variety of functions: bar code scanning, signature capture and documentation of damage with photos. Mobile track supports professional drivers in everyday life and offers real added value. The app thinks for itself and suggests, for example, appropriate status at the broadcast level. “If a parcel is damaged, making the app the status proposal delivered to corruption”.

This avoids errors in advance because the driver accidentally selects an incorrect status. Is operated the app intuitive and requires only knowledge in the operation of smartphones. High training costs are not necessary and also temporary drivers or Contractors can use mobile track quickly and easily. The app also provides value added services such as the submission of additional information, documents and voice messages in the language of the driver. An assembly instructions can be transferred, for example, with the order in the correct language. Whether mobile track prevails against the other nominated solutions, decides on the 7 September 2013 on the festive award ceremony in Berlin. For more information about the event see below. The IT service provider EUROLOG EURO-LOG AG was founded in 1992 as a joint venture of Deutsche Telekom, France Telecom and digital equipment. in 1997 the company was owned company one people”and the leading providers of IT and process integration developed within this dynamic one. 80 People trade, industry worry about today at Munchen Hallbergmoos headquarters with its own data centers, innovative applications, and individual connections for a consistent efficiency of logistic processes between suppliers, logistics service providers, and Customers. EURO-LOG implemented comprehensive process solutions both for shippers and freight forwarders. EURO-LOG offers include solutions such as supply chain management, E-billing, ONE TRACK, container management and time window management for the manufacturing industry. The transport portal, mobile logistics solutions are you app mobile track, the ONE LINK order entry and pallet management specifically for logistics service provider solutions developed.

EMail Complaints

Helpful tips on how you respond to complaints by E-Mail whether encrypted or unencrypted, whether digitally signed or not: emails are a convenient communication channel to express displeasure about a product or service for the customers. Even if there are little simple emails in court as evidence, it has something written”in his hand. More complicated situations can be more clearly, than is possible with a telephone complaint, and the threshold is lower than with a personal appeal. Quite apart from that it is always more difficult to find personal contact. Complaints by E-Mail also offer advantages to companies: prior to a response time, to examine an issue. Employees have not loudly abuse by angry customers. The complaint can faster to place appears as the famous postal complaint to the management”and to be processed more quickly. A complaint can be discrete unwind, than when it is first posted on Facebook.

Individual solutions can be find not equal to the whole fan community”must be applied. Thus, the benefits are not exhaustively enumerated, the mood but this should suffice. The Munich-based management consultant Peter Hofl specializes in topics related to the quality of service and customer orientation. For some time he deals intensively with the question, how companies respond to complaints by E-Mail. That in response to complaints about not running optimally, many readers from our own experience be can confirm.

Hall is available to companies also their currently unsatisfied customers which are at the heart, to the page. He has made 10 basic rules dealing with complaint mails should be: 1 rule: check your Inbox! You will find that sounds in the year 2013 banal and if this continues, you need not continue reading? Don’t be fooled, but try it out. Unfortunately, is there no reliable statistics on, how high is the number of E-Mails, which their recipient not reach. That has not always to do with enterprise size, structure or process design.

Jens Herrmann

So speaks someone who would like to get. I find this interesting. When I consult my gut feeling, I have to not so great say how it feels in my role as employee. I would expect something unwillingly. It relies on external favor. Performance is measured values, which I only very limited Have influence.

The point: we are but provider as solo self-employed and entrepreneurs! Our customers should receive something from us but first and foremost. If we have to give something, we should talk but actually also like someone who is. How would that look if you show your employer or your employer in your digital communication? Social media is a digital Abziehbildchen of our ordinary everyday communication with other people. Starting point for improving digital communication should always be the purest available source. It is located in the offline world, we learn through our five senses.

Social media is a mill at the foot of a mountain stream. What pure is flushed into the mill wheel, should be rousing, otherwise nothing moves. Ultimately, you communicate a business but an idea how you a piece can make beautiful the world. It’s really inspiring and it is worthwhile to take time. In a triangle of power, pleasure and learning, the focus in our society on performance. Even in our networked world, flatten hierarchies can work, the action and the results of the individual are more and more transparent. That can create pressure. It is required for reasons of efficiency to be available within a very short time on all communication channels. Stress is created when one comes out of balance and sets no priorities. At least we often now even think that we us not may disengage. We try to meet expectations that are not clearly defined. It is a challenge in the daily work to find joy and preserve. For me, performance comes from joy in doing and learning. If you are using social networks for your marketing, you’re in a conversation. Your opponent is a man. Treat these people with kindness and respect. Jens Herrmann

New Startup Helps Online Shops

Optional product photos are essential for the multichannel strategy Leipzig, 17 September 2013 especially for small and medium-sized stores on the Internet is often priceless all their products in a Studio by a photographer photographed it. But a good, professional product photo is on the Internet of one of the major factors for the purchase decision. Wants to sell a company through Amazon or ebay, it must adhere even to certain image guidelines for photos. For example, mandatory is a pure white background. “We know the obstacles that hold many shop operator, to list their products on Amazon. Exactly at this point, we apply and see to it that open up new sales opportunities through optimised product photos,”as Dennis Birkholzer.

Shop operators can their products, whether it be clothes, furniture or electronics article itself photograph, send digital photos to photo and and get after a few days of optional product images against a white background. While each is Isolated object in Photoshop by hand. Dan Nitzsche: “sure it would go faster with automated programs, but the results are often flawed and mediocre. The stores want to appear but as professionals in the Internet, which is only possible with a team of Photoshop professionals. Dennis Birkholzer and Dan Nitzsche met each other at work in Leipzig online-marketing agency. Are involved in various projects in the field of E-Commerce for years, have worked for online shops and myself which founded. That good product photos are important and are becoming increasingly important, she noticed soon during their work and want to pass on now to other shop owners their experience and know-how. Contact: Balachander & Nitzsche eCommerce agency GbR Koch str. 4 04275 Leipzig E-Mail: phone: + 49 (0) 174-321 7025 fax: + 49 (0) 3212-147 9441

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