Euroclimate Equipment

"Nowadays, there are compact systems conditioning literally on all occasions, – said , technical specialist company Euroclimate-Region "(the official distributor in Russia of gree, a leading global manufacturer air-conditioning equipment). – For example, for a small office will be rather ordinary 'Multi-system (air conditioner, in which one outdoor unit provides the 4.2 internal). Indoor medium size (50-120 m2) will be a good solution Cassette mounted in the false ceiling as lamps. By the way, it avoids many problems associated with the arrangement of furniture and placement of jobs. For effective ventilation and to maintain a comfortable microclimate in large multi-room offices, you can use duct or multizone systems. They are able to provide work to 32 inland blocks, scattered in a radius of 125 meters, with just one fairly compact exterior. In addition, air-conditioning duct and provide fresh air into the room.

" Well, to power system conditioning is not expended in vain, at the offices should use the equipment with minimal heat dissipation. For example, the company D-Link has developed a special technology Green Ethernet, allowing to reduce power consumption and heat office networking equipment at 45-80%. Against noise is a trick Another characteristic disease of many modern office – a high level of noise. It causes stress, increases fatigue and reduces the efficiency of staff. Sometimes the noise can cause physiological disorders in the body, mental disorders, jumps in blood pressure and even the partial loss of hearing. Needless to say, this is not the best co-factors for normal office work.

Secure Remote Work

I think that the theme of which highlight, for many employers and performers work remotely on the Internet is the hot topic. The occasion of this writing, served as a permanent treatment of young (not by age but by experience in the Internet) colleagues (freelance), due to the increase in fraud in the network. Long-term work on the Internet, including on foreign services, working only on secure transactions, allows me a lot express their opinion without worrying that the leadership of a service in Russia, something not like it in my remarks. Listen, gentlemen, and what to do – decide for yourself. I will try to briefly describe the basic methods schemes and give practical advice based on experience of working with their own foreign and new Russian service, who take over their experience of safe working remotely, as with our customers work remotely, and performers (freelancers).

For example, consider a service: (remote work for freelancers), who knows virtually all new freelancers, though with the same success, an example could lead to dozens of others, not lesser-known services. The site offers a huge amount of work and recorded a very large number of freelancers. Many scammers use this service naivety and inexperience of the novice freelancers. How way? A very simple matter. Asked to perform some work. Some propose to translate the articles, while others, typing or writing articles, and others offer a permanent job in design or layout. Who gave consent of the performers (and they have up to 60-70 people), the employer explained that the payment will be made at the expiration of probation or asked to perform tests.

National Park Skadar Lake

Why tourists choose Montenegro? In Montenegro, the optimal combination of natural beauty (in the first place – Boca Bay, the southernmost fjord in Europe, the National Park Skadar Lake) and cultural Attractions – numerous medieval castles and monasteries, including acting. Montenegro – the perfect place for a budget family holiday, especially beneficial to rent apartments in the summer for a long time. Prices for accommodation, meals and entertainment – among the most moderate in Europe, even in high season. Relation to tourists from Russia are traditionally friendly and many Montenegrins, especially older ones, understand the Russian language. Beaches of Montenegro. Montenegrins argue that their beaches are the cleanest on the Adriatic coast, and in general this is true, especially if the beaches a few people. Best Beaches of Montenegro – Sveti Stefan in the (sandy) and Petrovac (Gravel).

Also, there are beaches, which can be accessed only by sea (for example, in Herceg Novi), on such beaches deliver tourists to the special court. Features accommodation in Montenegro Almost all major hotels in Montenegro were built during the socialist era, and retained all the features of the socialist design and service. Although in recent years the country has several well-known European networks. "Star" hotel (officially exist Category A and B), if any, on the facade of the establishment – just a formality. The most preferred accommodation options in Montenegro – apartments, villas or small mini-hotels. Not recommended to remove the apartment or rooms on the ground, despite the fact that it is practiced everywhere. Features of the service and service in Montenegro.

Montenegro is known for "discreet" service that has both its pluses and minuses. Fans of the rest Category 5-star visit to the country is not recommended. In terms of their stay in Montenegro, it is best to focus on an independent holiday in the apartment. Restaurants are mostly small, with about the same set of dishes. Attention! In any case no idea of Montenegro on the latest series of "James Bond", the shooting of "Montenegro" held in Czech Republic! Source: – rental apartments in Montenegro

Employment Service

It can be as newspapers and magazines. Usually they are paid and go once a week. As a rule, in special editions of the work have the opportunity to publish their mini-CV. Unfortunately, not all publications with the vacancies that have sites that publish them on the job. But, fortunately, very much. In this series of publications is an opportunity not just browse the vacancies, but “Flip through” self-publishing through e-services, i.e. how to watch ads with vacancies “live”. It should also be borne in mind that not always the electronic version of the publication of vacancies can completely replace your original paper. The fact that some sites do not all the jobs in the “paper” newspaper duplicated (and vice versa).

Forums at work. At these forums, direct employers and recruitment agencies post their vacancies, and competitors offer their services. Forums are good because they can be published vacancies, which no other sources. In addition, there is an opportunity to communicate directly with the HR-managers. To be able to leave messages in the forums on work usually requires registration. Sites authorized bodies on Labor and Employment (Ministry of Labor, Employment Service, State Labor Exchange).

They can also be found in the lists of sites finding a job. On the official websites of the work can also be found direct jobs, which are not published elsewhere. Sites staffing (recruitment) agencies. Often, recruitment agencies overlap in their jobs Online and printed publications. But not always. So sites recruiting agencies may also be a valuable source of information when looking for work. Company websites. Typically, Web sites direct employers much fewer visitors than the sites at work. Therefore, if a vacancy should not be duplicated in other sources and is not outdated, you have a good chance if you do not find a job, then at least to be seen among the relatively provided). 7. Social networks. There are both general plan and professional. You can use those and others. Can be both effective and not very much. For example, you can join a group dedicated to finding a job. Can try to directly contact the staff officers of companies that interest you. You can write to all your friends (and not) that you are looking for a job. You can put the status of a “JOB”. Work in a particular industry or specialization can also search through the professional community. When you see some sort of job in the Internet, pay attention to the date of its availability: it should not be too old. Also, sometimes recruiting agencies and employers publish expiration date vacancy (admission summary). If the date of placing the job is not present, it is necessary to clarify its relevance. And another important point. If you’ve found on that site in Internet job you’re interested in a company or recruitment agency, where you have already sent my resume recently, do not hesitate and do not be lazy to send it again. The fact that the flow of resumes in HR-departments and recruiting Agencies are very big, and you could easily forget. Just do not forget to attach a resume properly drafted a cover letter and indicate the name of the vacancy in the subject.

Masonry Grid

Cell sizes masonry grid range from 50 to 70 millimeters. Mason grid, due to a small diameter wire can be manufactured in rolls and in Maps. Width of welded mesh is defined within the standard the size of bricks used in masonry, which is undoubtedly very convenient. The most common are the following dimensions: 1) for the interior walls, whose thickness is 120 (half-brick) or 250 mm (brick) is chosen Mason mesh width of 110-120 mm for the first option, 240-250 mm – for the second. 2) The exterior walls are put in a half, two, and if necessary a special strength in two and a half brick.

For the data sizes used mesh, welded masonry wide 380, 500 and 640 mm. The length of the masonry grid does not exceed two meters, making it easy to transport and easy to use during construction. But the use of grid masonry to strengthen and increase endurance masonry, block and brick ties are not the only area of welded wire mesh. It is widely applied in carrying out and plastering work. The use of metal mesh allows for increased strength and multiple increase the life cover, so that plaster can withstand shrinkage of the soil, significant mechanical impact, shock and temperature extremes. Traffic mesh While laying the foundation, floor coatings and flooring, floor construction, fill, floor, construction of sidewalks and driveways can not do without the use of road network, which allows you to mount a flat frame for future ties. In Depending on the quality of the original surface, a layer of mud and planned in the future, loads of road grid cell sizes vary between 70, 100 and 150 mm. In some cases, allowed to use a metal mesh with cell 200×200 mm, but it significantly reduces the strength characteristics of the surface and ensures a low resistance to atmospheric and industrial influences.

As Mason mesh, the road is made as to rolls and in Maps. In principle, the mesh, welded road rolls are much more convenient in terms of installation of the roadway, as unwind roll, which is the width of the great size of the road, very convenient. But the net road rolls more flexible than in the cards, so the load on the roadway should be minimal. To the roadbed could withstand heavy loads, use the mesh, welded in the cards.

Cleaning Robot

A cleaning robot is a domestic robot whose main function is to facilitate the cleanliness of the home. Basically there are two types of cleaning robot, intelligent robots that clean up or scrub the floor completely autonomously, as the robot vacuum cleaner and scrub, and the steam cleaning robot that can work as a cleaner to steam, vacuum cleaner and iron, which require the active intervention of the user to perform their duties. Cleaning robot types is one of appliances of most recent appearance on the market and its popularity is growing rapidly thanks to its good performance. Let’s look at the different types of cleaning robot existing: intelligent Robot: is a cleaning robot whose function is vacuuming or mopping floors. It works autonomously without human interaction, crosses the room wiping the floor, automatically calculates the dimensions of rooms and ensures go through all the points. It adapts to any type of surface, carpet, carpet, wood or marble and detects walls, obstacles and steps to not fall down the stairs. Works with rechargeable battery and when this runs by itself again the recharge base.The robot vacuum cleaner have rotating brushes and a vacuum system to carry out its mission, while the robot scrub incorporate Additionally a wet cleaning system and drying.

Intelligent cleaning robot is presented as a complement to the conventional vacuum cleaner, not as a replacement, and is oriented to daily maintenance cleaning, allowing to reduce the frequency of deep cleaning done with traditional appliance. Steam cleaning robot: a robot for cleaning to steam or vaporetaes an appliance which facilitates the cleaning of the home using only steam, without cleaning products. The heat of the steam dissolves and gives off the dirt, which is picked up by cloths and accessories. Water consumption, reduces greatly what is compounded savings in cleaning products, since they only use water. In addition to models with wheels other laptops there are whose small size the It is very comfortable to handle and transport.They generally have different accessories like pressure spray gun for cleaning the room bathroom, oven or the joints of tiles, bar extension to clean crystals or steam press, which provides ironing fast and precise. Some models of steam cleaners, in addition to its basic function of cleaning, robot include aspiration function, allowing sucking both solids and liquids, filter and purify the air as well as dry surfaces. Steam cleaning robot is aimed at the deep cleaning since water vapor starts all the dirt in the form of grease, dust, germs, bacteria and mites, allowing disinfect and sanitize the entire House.

Irobot Roomba

For those who doubt that the robotic era us has already reached, I present the manufactured by the company IRobot roomba robotic vacuum. This small device is responsible for the aspiration of floors, furniture, walls and others. Operation is very simple, just push a button and the robot will clean. Irobot roomba can be purchased online at and other similar sites. Among the features more recalcables this robotic vacuum cleaner are: deposit where save dust touch sensors to avoid walls, furniture and objects in general its rotation speed lets you collect various particles, as the remains of meals, hair, etc. brushes that rotate, making possible the cleaning in difficult areas such as the corners of the walls when irobot completing their assignments, or this descargandose, returns alone to your load Center to be able to recharge your battery. There are several models of this robot: Irobot Roomba 531 Irobot Roomba 555 Irobot Roomba 581 etc every one has different characteristics. Large deposits of dust infrared remotes.


Robotics is a fascinating science that captures the imagination of people and human beings around the world. In a nutshell, Robotics is the science that studies how to make machines that comply with the tasks and duties that man has. This study is very important especially when planned studies of Robotics for robots that must meet routine or risky tasks where the presence of man is not absolutely necessary. On many occasions the robots that are created thanks to the study of Robotics far outweigh the human capacity to work. So, there are many robots that meet tasks in factories and industries that when humans made them his result was much less efficient.

That is why that Robotics is one of the branches of science that help more countries who are looking for a good degree of industrial development in their factories. Robotics, as it has already advanced, has always had the purpose of imitating or search for putting to work the robots in tasks that are initially made by human beings. As already stated, there have been many achievements in the quest for the purpose that made robot with help of the highest knowledge of Robotics comply with equal or greater efficiency and effectiveness work which previously corresponded to human beings. However, the Robotics still lacks develop much, because there are still many features of being human that are impossible even for the most advanced robot that has been built with the highest knowledge of Robotics so far. It is like so simple tasks for us human beings as walking, as observed, like pick up a spoon, etc. They are still not possible comply in a satisfactory manner by the robots built based on robotics. However, many countries have made enough effort and quite a few resources available that Robotics is to prosper in the best possible way.

With these efforts, it is possible that soon the robots can do things that did not seem to us possible at this time. Humanity is waiting that will be what can do the intellectuals and scientific experts in the science of Robotics in the not too distant future. Since the initial proposal of Robotics was the build machines that replaced functions usually humans. And because of that many of these functions for which were designed the robot had to do with heavy work or risks, that meant the word robot, which alludes to robotics, has the origin of mean slave, or be having for forced. This origin of the word says a lot about the nature of robotics, since machines that are made with their knowledge, mainly designed for works of this type for which it is best that men do not. We hope that this article about robotics has been you interest. On the web and in many other places as libraries you can find much more information about this exciting science. This is one of the Sciences of the future, therefore we know details about her preparing for an era where many more technological advances will come from.

Kawasaki Robotics

B + B Engineering & service GmbH & co. KG Neuss, June 2010 – compared to the garish neon lighting the candle lights up a room only partially, but it conveys warmth and often creates a festive and romantic setting. One more reason why candles are commonly used in the catering industry. Here they used to festivals or celebrations, to create a relaxed and festive atmosphere. Because the market requires enormous quantities, candles are now produced in fully automated production lines.

With over 25 employees, plans, designs, and produces Brademann + Barber GmbH & co. KG from Erkelenz since 1995 special – and special machines. The B & B are engineering & service GmbH & co. KG developed fully automated candle machines with a volume of up to 9,500 candles per hour and put into operation. This amounts to efficiently package and assemble, engineering & service GmbH & co. KG has developed B + B a fully automatic packaging line for household and taper candles, in the Kawasaki robots FS010E plays an important role. Upon completion of the Candle making are poured for the gastronomy from 100% stearin, the products leave the facility automatically on a conveyor and transferred to the robot Sortimentierstation. In parallel, a conveyor belt brings the different packaging to the packing station.

This band is clocked according to the speed of packaging required for filling. Arrived at the Sortimentierstation, takes a Kawasaki robot of type FS10E, equipped with a 17 fold gripper, on the amount of the candle and place it in a tray. After that the filled packaging a shrink film plant fed, closed and following delivery of ready pallets. A special quality feature of this system is the gripping tool to accommodate maximum of 17 candles. The formation of different layers, each of the 17 vacuum gripper can be separately controlled and programmed. The standard take control of each suction pad 32 inputs and outputs, which are a standard part of the robot controller. Contrary to usual trends,. is an additional input / output card thus not required. Different packing patterns are quickly and easily programmed. Currently 11 variants are used. “So for example a record every second candle is possible to taper candles packaging a stock pattern head foot” to enable. The robot handles 24 bars in its highest output level at the minute.

Vacuum Cleaner Robot Samsung Silencio

Vacuum cleaner robot Samsung Silencio SR8895 the latest model from Samsung is the Navibot Silencio SR8895. The vacuum cleaner robot cleans the surface of 80 m in very soft-footed he navigates easily between the individual living spaces and through the integrated sensors, he correctly detects obstacles and gives way to this skillfully made. The whispering quietly moving Saubsauger robot Silencio focused shots of striking points and the ceiling through the integrated camera, created as 30 times per second, and this makes a room card to do his work more systematically and more efficiently. With numerous sensors and cleaning modes, the vacuum cleaner robot Samsung is one of the top units on the market. The vacuum cleaner is equipped with numerous additional features compared to its predecessor Samsung Navibot SR8855 Navibot Silencio SR8895 robot. for example a time programming and control via remote control or via sensor buttons. The Samsung Navibot Silencio SR8895 vacuum cleaner robot impresses not only with its whispering, but soft-footed also through its stylish black design and his thorough and quick cleaning. You can test the vacuum cleaner robot at myRobotcenter free of charge for 7 days..

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