The idea is to monitor elements as regulating customers, competitors, suppliers, agencies, new products, new competitors etc. 3. The USE OF TECHNOLOGY OF the INFORMATION IN the MANAGEMENT OF the KNOWLEDGE Of a general form, for the knowledge and organizacional memory, is necessary that if it understands as the knowledge is organized, as much in business process as technician and who is the consuming products and of this knowledge. The disponibilizao of mechanisms of rescue of the knowledge, integrated in the business processes, and that they make possible to become it explicit are factor-key for the success, where this aims at to identify and to remove possible structural and psychological barriers that can hinder the exteriorizao of knowledge and the contribution between the people. To know more about this subject visit Atmos Energy. For It hisses (2004), the information technology (YOU) does not contribute significantly for the tacit format of the knowledge, but it is basic for the combination of the explicit knowledge and a facilitador factor for the externalizao and the internalizao when the tacit format is in balance with the explicit format of the knowledge. Teixeira (2000) affirms that the paper of YOU for Management of the knowledge is related to the support to the construction of communication forms, to the conversation, the learning, the formation of work communities, to the estruturao of the individual experiences and the teams, to the facilitation of the access the ideas and solutions. Thus, the technological tools for the Management of the knowledge are classified in accordance with its vision of application: Applied to the storage of the knowledge – Knowledge Repository: tools directed toward the storage and management of the knowledge, being able to be detached as examples Data bases (SGBDs), Warehouses Date, tools OLAP and systems of Document Management. These technologies, for being closely related with the explicit knowledge, allow the organization to know that type of knowledge possesss and where if locates, remaining to manage it, to integrate it and to organize it of form it to be able to take off the biggest advantage of its extration.
Denomination Is little considered complicated to trace a dividing line between the telephones and smartphones, since many manufacturers call many times, simpler devices of ' ' smartphones' '. While some consider that device that offers more advanced resources of what a simple agenda of contact can be considered one smartphone, others defend that the denomination if applies only the devices with great screens and keyboards QWERT. Between the two extremities, the assignment has more popularly accepted is that one smartphone is capable of: To allow a complete operative system and to guarantee the installation of applications (and widgets or not only applicatory java); To allow linkings with the PC saw USB and bluetooth; To connect web saw GPRS to it, EDGE or of preference 3G; To allow a quality navigator; Capacity to support applications as MP3, Videos and Games. Having in account this assignment all the based devices of Nokia in the S60, together with the devices based on Windows Mobile and the Android, Blackberry, many devices of Motorola, Samsung and of Sony Ericson (based in the UIQ, Windows Mobile or in the S60) and iPhone 3G, among others, is smartphones. Intermediate devices, as the models of Nokia based in the S40 and the devices of based Sony Ericsson in a2, that support the installation of applicatory in Java and include navigators web, do not arrive to be considered smartphones. The choice of smartphone ideal if has become each more difficult time, since only one is not chosen gadget, but yes several simultaneously.
Operative systems In a PC, which operative system is chosen to use. In smartphones the choices are more restricted, since, with few exceptions, it is difficult or exactly impossible to substitute the daily pay-installed system. (Source: ) It is common that smartphones is called ' ' plataformas' ' , indicating exactly this intrinsic combination between the hardware, the operational system and the set of applications that they hold.
J2ME language was developed by Sun Microsystems. December 22, 2006, was announced J2ME source licensed under the GNU General Public License, a project dubbed phoneME. Java ME was created specifically for devices with small configuration and connectivity. In addition to java Games created in Java, available various java applications – small, but extremely valuable program you're interested in the mobile phone. For example, how it would be cool to find out today currency exchange rate or weather forecast for many days to come and see the information you need to display the desired mobile. Today lots of companies selling java games and applications. However, not every time there is a chance or desire to buy a program's a certain amount. Cash, who is asking for Java programs, certainly not great, but you will agree that it is better to spend the money on phone calls, rather than the game. Besides programming environment for developers is available for any willing to grant. That's why our portal is open section where you can download free java games and applications. Our java directory updated with new games and software five times a week.
How many times have finished tired of changing channels on your TV without seeing anything interesting? how many hours of boredom you had to spend watching the heart programs, low quality movies, newscasts and other bland programming that does more than make you wish that the time to go or eat to be able to do something interesting finally arrives? I, personally, many hours I’ve spent this way, you guarantee it. And although I’ve always wanted to have television via satellite at home never I could cogersela me it due to the large monthly financial outlay that require all television companies via satellite. In times of crisis as they run, the majority of people cannot be allowed the luxury of pay between 50 and 80 euros a month to see something interesting programming on your TV. But recently I discovered that television could have online in an easy and economical way. I’m not talking about any type of web page that differs emissions illegally, nor I am not speaking of any combination of hardware and software that serves to skip the tv codes satellite. What I am talking about is the possibility of seeing more than 2000 TV channels by satellite around the world without more tools than a computer and an internet connection. No fees, without having to pay extra for view certain broadcasts. For the price that you can assert some tickets to the cinema you can enjoy more than 2000 channels of lifetime.
It is extremely easy to use, without totally legal and monthly cost. Watch TV online only requires three simple steps: download the program. Install it. Enjoy more than 2000 channels of programming from around the world. I saw already how easy that is able to watch television over the internet, not what tests you why? Visit this link now. Other items of interest: want to watch TV over the internet?
(in collaboration with Omar Estrada) First everything must mention that many times what we can consider an attack on our blog (when it is mess or disappears completely), is simply a problem with the databases of our hosting service. So first measurement we suggest in this situation is to contact Support and verify if the server is down before panic by rule, they saved a backup copy of the database tables by what you can always restore your blog to a previous state. Either way, if you you are concerned about your content to disappear or that your blog will be affected in some way, then here are some steps to take. Security is only as strong as its weakest 1 – always keep updated your copy of WordPress. WordPress is a blogging platform of open source, GPL licensed.
As every system in development (there is no infallible computer) there are always security holes that are being found and reported to the WordPress community. This then works on known failures to conceive new versions of the platform; so you update your WordPress installation to the latest version available, protects it against security flaws found in previous versions. 2. Use of a secure password strike say that there should always be a strong password. Tips to keep in mind to set a secure password:-do not include words from the dictionary; These can easily be cracked using brute force (using software) methods – don’t use your birth date or phone number as password. They are fairly easy to guess. -Use a combination of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers and signs. -Use long phrases (near the 10 digits or more).
-Keep a saved copy of your password, for cases of amnesia a simple method for defining a secure password is to formulate a personal phrase that contains all the features mentioned and that is easy to remember for you, but without meaning to others. Do say: the #DeAsignaturasDeMiCarrerFue59? 3. Make a backup of your databases regularly. Prevent is better than regret. The database is the table that organizes and stores the structure of your content at the server level. If you have a backup copy, never lose your work no matter what happens in your blog. For this purpose you can use the plugin WP-DB-Backup and schedule an automatic backup regularly. You can also make a copy of your database from the Control Panel of your hosting. 4. Hide your WordPress version. Many times, the malicious hacker scans the database for the entire blog with a script for previous installations of WordPress that have not been patched. To combat this situation eliminates the finish line of your version of WordPress in the file header.php in your installation. This would make unrecognizable your version to these scripts. DANGER: whenever you work at the code level, you have a backup of the file, renaming it (in this case for example header-2.php). Thus you can always restore it if things don’t go well. 5 Declare as not indexing on your server, the folders not intended to appear in the search engines. This is achieved by entering the Control Panel of your hosting, by locating the folder desindexar in your root via File Manager, and with right click declare /index manager/no indexing. Omar Estrada blog you will find the other 5 tips that complete this list.
Currently on the web there are thousands of interesting sites which we find information that we are important or relevant to our occupations or interests by which becomes very tedious having to go site by site in search of latest updates. To solve this issue we have the so-called RSS which is a means of dissemination of content that allows us access to the latest information from our favorite sites without having to visit the page of each of them. The process is fairly simple and your review is performed as if it were an electronic mail account. To access the information you must use an RSS reader that you can access when you subscribe to reader service; the system works in the following way: when web site that these syndicated updates some contents (e.g. a new products news, updates or adds another page), then the web master also updated their RSS feeds. Your RSS reader checks the feeds and shows you new content.
Usually the SRR are used to keep informed on our sites to our subscribers to the latest changes or new publications by a the OJ and on the other allows us to show content updated in the pages of our sites by placing links pointing to feeds from other sites, implying having renewed web pages constantly, very timely for browsers. When readers we are or we are pleased to be informed about the latest in our fields, the use of a feed reader assumes big savings of time and inconvenience since it is possible to quickly view all the new content published on several sites virtually at the same time and we envision it in one place. There are three ways to access the information through RSS: 1 – using the web browser. 2. Using an application or software that is installed on the user’s computer. 3. Using an e-mail program. The simplest is to use free web-based services, the most popular are Google, and Bloglines We simply register and then choose the RSS services that we want to be informed.
The other method is by using a software or application that we install on our computers, one of the most used is Feedreader which is installed with ease. Finally by way of information, I tell them that RSS files, like web pages, have a Url (internet address) which is the need to indicate in the RSS reader so that it can find on the web and show us their contents. There are also directories of RSS feeds, lists of Favorites or search engines of contents and RSS feeds; which are both very useful to find other feeds or to sign the feeds of our site to make it available to other users who want to be aware of what we do. I hope will be useful in these times where information abounds and time it seems increasingly scarce. A greeting. Jorge Alberto Magallanes.
The tests are carried out on the interface of the software, and is completely indifferent internal behavior and the structure of the program. Black box test cases intended to to demonstrate that: the software functions are operational. The input accepts properly. There is a correct output, and maintains the integrity of the external information. Do the black box test answers questions:? What input cases end up defining good test cases. If the system is sensitive to certain forms of input.
Which volumes (levels of data) tolerates system. 2. Carrying out of tests. Different tests to be performed are based on testing at different levels, it is necessary to test if each unit operates, then it is necessary to test whether the various components fit together and finally it is necessary to test the system globally. This process is quite logical, since if for example only the system is tested, it would be difficult to find certain types of errors. 2.1.
Basic principles of evidence. They must be carried out by anyone other than the designers of programs, so you can verify as well as the proper functioning of the program your correct conception and interpretation. (3) In addition to following these 10 principles: 1. the test can be used to show the presence of errors, but never of his absence. 2. The main difficulty of the test process is deciding when to stop. 3. Avoid unplanned tests cases, not reusable and trivial unless the program is really simple. 4. A necessary part of a test case is the definition of the expected result. 5. The test cases must be written not only for valid and expected entry conditions but also for not valid or unexpected conditions. 6. The test cases must be written to generate the desired output conditions. 7. The number of errors without discovering is directly proportional to the number of errors discovered.
For example, humor. You made a reproach, but you answered a brilliant joke. And even if the reproach that will not stop, in the eyes of those around you will look like a hero, and hardly anyone will blame you. Another famous example of this method is popularly called "mowing under a fool." It is worth saying that even if it is found not infrequently, but is rarely used wisely. Often, that person "squints" and not really does not understand immediately disclose.
And after watching Hollywood movies, people, this method is increasingly ignored and it is becoming less effective. 4. Management The first thing worth mentioning in this method of psychological defense – playing on the emotions. This active use of Representatives of poor half of humanity. Tears. It is necessary to apply a little pressure to its second half, as she begins to cry, to put pressure on the emotions, to say that you do not like it, etc. A very effective method.
It is true that fits not all. However, even more efficient to manipulate in your address to respond to the manipulation of the manipulator. This method applies only to professionals. But its effectiveness is almost unlimited. You can stop the absolutely any psychological pressure in your favor. However, for this you need to have nehily stocks of knowledge in the field of manipulation. This is what I'll talk to you in one of the following Stethem. 5. Hide explicit example – so called "gray mouse. They simply do not provide any information about the manipulator itself. Carefully chosen behavior. Strictly necessary to choose the information about you may know others, then this method will effectively. 6. Ignoring the Essence – a complete disregard for the manipulator. But there has to be careful. If you ignore the nonsense, you zachtut it as a virtue, pride. If you ignore a serious statement, then himself manipulator can use it as your weakness. Therefore, the main thing – nothing to distinguish from a serious incident. Finally. So you met with 6 basic mechanisms of psychological defense. The most effective method – response manipulation. You can order all the tension directed at you redirect to the enemy and win much. But you need to have much more knowledge than described in this article. This paper – a classification and small examples. Everything else – later in the Code of the Absurd. What awaits you on the Code of the Absurd? Manimeyking: satellityChto a business plan and why it snomInteresnye with facts and news
MONTREAL and SAN DIEGO, CA-(Marketwire – February 8, 2010) – Octasic Inc., a leading innovator of media processing solutions, mobile and Continuous Computing (R), a global provider of hardware and software solutions that address the challenge the capacity of mobile broadband, today announced that the two companies integrated their respective products of "small cells" to allow equipment providers to rapidly produce femtocells and pico on the platform of Universal Telecommunications System (UMTS). The demonstration of the joint work product of firms allows systems designers to assess the physical layer of UMTS Octasic's software from Continuous Computing Femtocell protocoloTrillium. Get more background information with materials from Eliot Horowitz. The combined platform provides software Iuh Trillium 3GPP Release 8 Home NodeB physical layer integrated with High Speed Packet Access (HSPA) from Octasic operating in the baseband processor based on Opus Octasic Vocallo BTS. "The market for applications based on pico and femtocells is huge and growing every days, "said Manish Singh, vice president of product line management of Continuous Computing. Read more from Compuware to gain a more clear picture of the situation. "Given the strong commitment of Octasic with the mobile broadband market, we are pleased to work together to integrate our products optimized for femtocells that provide OEMs small cell solutions more effective." "We are proud to partner with a recognized leader in technology as femtocells," said Emmanuel Gresset, vice president of Software Defined Radio (SDR) at Octasic. "The ability to integrate Continuous Computing's products with our own solutions in a few weeks shows the benefits of our total software approach: flexibility, ease of system integration and faster time to market positioning.
If you decide to do site building, you may not like to do without cms. You have not heard that term? Should understand what it means. Previously, always part of any company can be found by a professional editing site of the company. At the moment, virtually all office workers must be able to do so. Often need to quickly react to what is happening, and as a consequence, the time to make changes. For this reason, and were created cms, we know them as 'content management system' or just engines. If you wish to have time to make changes were spent far less, and the whole process would be simple, it is necessary and the engine used properly.
Cms lot, and each has some of his features. So we offer you a list of those moments that are worth noting before you download engine. Simplicity of the system and its convenience, of course, stand in the foreground. I think you understand the meaning of these words. Pick up the engine by itself – if you just work with it, therefore it is suitable for you, this is without taking into account other characteristics.
The second point – the price question. This is not unimportant point, because you do not jump above his head, and pay as much as you allow your 'pocket'. Thus it is necessary to consider what should be included modules from this largely depends on the price engine, and any 'donations' Are you ready to go in the future for further development. The third – should look carefully at the requirements of the chosen system. After all, each engine nominated their individual requirements for the selection of the host. So, that payment of hosting services will be different. Therefore, it may be that getting the engine from the category of inexpensive or even free engine, you then have to pay extra a decent amount of host. Fourth moment – not recommend purchase cms exclusive nature, because it often happens that even the developers themselves do not know what to do with this exclusivity. After all, they are not even able to help you if something suddenly goes wrong. We do not here can lead a full listing. The easiest would be to consider all of the example is when you suddenly become somewhat unsure. It is important to verify whether the requirements imposed chosen engine, which is a site similar to Yours.
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