About Friendship

ABOUT LA AMISTAD the definition of friendship that gives us the Diccionario de la Lengua Espanola (Real Academia Espanola) is the following: personal, pure and selfless, affection shared with another person, who was born and is strengthened by the treatment we are because in the world of affection, the inclinations toward someone, world which is primordial to know to discern because it involves aspects such as do not expect anything in returnshare, long-lasting relationship in a stretch of the road then do a small tour through some quotes from different writers about friendship: some speaks of sharing: not walk in front of me because perhaps not follow you. Do not walk behind me because maybe not take you. Walk by my side and I know my friend simply for others, friendship is a necessary ingredient of happiness:. Life is nothing without amistadDe all things knowledge available for entirely happy living, most of all is the possession of a friendship her happiness of life is made up of tiny fractions, the forgotten of a kiss or an attentions smile, a friendly look, a compliment sinceroLos friends are friends precisely because they intrude not each other in their respective vidasLa happiness seems made to be shared others relate the friendship with the excessive absence of words: I always thought the privilege, relief and the largest friendship consolation consists in that it is not necessary to give true explicacionesExiste friendship when silence between two is comfortable people now see a quotation about the opposite of loneliness: The worst loneliness is see is lacking in a friendship sincerEl road is very hard when there is a friend that will encourage me to we can say that a friend is a person who can and dare to be yourself without forgetting, of course, mutual respect, good education and good manners, ingredients, all of them necessary, in any type of relationship. AXA Blogs related GF10, Giorgio Mauro: potevi essere sincere Verkauf parlare di Arnica Montana: relief for arthritis Rheumatoid. taullOrganics Toronto: nothing presents 3D fembots of the future (also, her The fall Flickcast Episode nothing: As Time Goes By The Flickcast a. New Niyazov? Rahmon completo Consolidation of Power and Prospects for Los Amigos Invisibles Facebook Friends: Meet Yahoo! Contacts Successful NADA Show Highlights Breakthrough Technology From nothing’s 3-D fashion show premieres at Scotiabank Theatre Rogue friends to Seek Grand Jury Investigation

People Technology

They must resolve situations and do not generate problems that did not exist. The technology intends to improve or optimize our real-world control, so that it responds quickly and predictably to the will or the whim of the society, albeit not always to their benefit. The technology is also the province of industry and trading company; nothing it for if its products fail to respond to the needs of consumers. Traditionally technology has progressed by the empirical method of scoring. The technology has been at the forefront in many fields which subsequently acquired a solid scientific basis.

It is said that the effects the technology constitute an impact. Technology spill its effects on the social practices of mankind, as well as the new qualities of human knowledge on society. Since the early days of agriculture or from the end of the iron age, human culture has had a technology, i.e., the ability to modify nature in one degree or another. It is considered that technology provides valuable benefits in the short term, but long term they have created serious social problems. Some authors consider that the problems generated by the technology are indirectly caused by science, since if we had not advanced scientific knowledge, we would not have such advanced technology. The benefits that brings modern technology are very numerous and widely known. Increased productivity provides society with surpluses that allow you to have more free time, dispense education and, in fact, continue the own scientific work. We all need food, housing, clothing, etc.

When these basic needs are satisfied, and the technology begins to provide increasingly trivial benefits is when you essentially have problems. If we consider the current situation, we see that the people or seems happiest in the past, and often not having better health. Environmental waste that produces the technology have created new forms of diseases and encouraged others.

Communicating With Your Users

The best way to secure an interesting volume of sales by internet is be absolutely certain that when demand for one of our products, our prospects may communicate with us in an efficient, immediate and real time. To achieve this, fortunately technology is to serve us, and there are excellent, inexpensive solutions, that give us the possibility of obtaining a fluid contact, with the possibility of real interactions. This is important not only to ensure the quality of attention to the client, providing to our web site from an added value that our consumers will appreciate, but to monitor and maintain our reputation online, in time turning potential damage to our name. To find us a disgruntled client, something that can happen to any company, the worst course of action is delay contact, ignore it, or not give it the consideration that in reality the case has. And to avoid that this becomes a reality, the communication is the key. Here are some precautions that can be taken to keep us in contact with our customers in an effective way. Place a contact form on your site. It is not enough to put a footer with a phone and email with a link.

A way of controlling the information that users turning to their mails is precisely a form included. For example, they make a consultation on prices, you will want to know the potential client’s site. For this reason, if located a Web page field in your contact form, of obligatory, will have that information at hand, if and when the user enters valid information, which cannot be guaranteed in any way. The contact form also solves those pesky systems send mail that involve user postoffice Manager opens. Install a chat in real-time on your page. There are many solutions that let you install chats that derive to your instant messaging, for example, Gtalk or MSN.

If you work from home, manage an exclusive phone number for your activity. This is very simple through Skype, for example. Create an account on Facebook or Twitter, dedicated to support the user. The idea is not channeling all the support for the user, but to facilitate an initial contact. The above strategies do not imply that you have to be available every day of the year, at all hours, but may be located by all means, from a dial telephone, a pc or a mobile phone. Remember that each time more, digital marketing incorporates new points of access, which requires adapting replies that as companies we are able to provide. If you liked this post and want to place it on your site, you can do so smoothly, provided you cite as a source to

Robert Gates

Israel has potentially conflicting relationships with at least 50 countries of the world, a world where all the non-aligned with the Centre of power ruling, divine certification and rooting sidereal, as we have said, may not provide weapons desired or even for their own defense. On this context, for whom SBI break the established poderil use (and assemble on their own), takes concrete military significance the concept of preventive war or attack, and inflates him also their wings notions such as embargo, outlaws or renegade countries, sanctions, veda to the knowledge that leads to the development of nuclear capabilities or any other mechanism of pressure. No more or less as in the past, when the knowledge in a few and the ignorance in others constituted the most powerful gun. Only the power displayed power. The Palestinians would throw stones at an army better armed in the world. The dream of invulnerability, impossible today to the already exist Nations renegadas with nuclear power (Iran, Korea), however Spurs towards the purism of the offensive and defensive concepts enunciated: the search for the perfect weapon within a closed circle of Nations. What has reinforced beyond the five permanent members of the UN Security Council and its correlative alignments have if situations or renegade States, weaponry is needed to own subsistence and defense.

The order of the established power may not be infringed by the irrationality of the smaller, less if they are armed. And the only established power may be considered vulnerable because threats among equals (such is the doctrine of military power in the world), only capable of rationality on the consciousness of being equipped with weapons of destruction massive. Else, as we said, are renegade States, sort of very dangerous irrational animals with nuclear power (erasable, therefore, for the sake of the stability of the power of one. By the way, to present one soldier of the U.S., Robert Gates weighs a nuclear threat against Iran on the part of the United States, signified by the number).

The Group

A trend leader, effectively describes its endpoint, but generally leaves much room, people to find their own way effectively. Guiding leaders, give your people the freedom to innovate, experiment, and take risks calculated in the vision. d Afiliativo style. If the leading corcitivo obliges a person to do what I say, and the indicative asked him to come with me, afiliativo leader tells the person people come first. This style of leadership revolves around the people who employ it, value to the individual and their emotions over the tasks and objectives.

The afiliativo leader, strives greatly pra employees are always happy, and the relationship between them is more harmonious. Managed through the development of affective ties, to then pick up the coveted results of this approach, mainly because it generates a strong loyalty. Style afiliativo, it also has a very positive effect on communication. People who are comfortable among themselves speak a lot. They share ideas and inspiration. Afiliativo style, progressively increasing flexibility; friends trust each other, enabling innovation, and risk taking habits to develop fully. e. the participatory style.

By investing time getting ideas and the support of the people, a leader promotes trust, respect and commitment to your group. To allow employees to have a voice in the decisions that affect their targets, and the way they do their daily work, the participatory leader dramatically increased the flexibility and responsibility. To listen to the concerns of employees, the participatory leader learns what to do to keep alive the moral high. Finally, given that they have a vote in setting its objectives and parameters to measure their success, people working in its participatory environment tend to be more realistic about what can be and what they can not do. f. the imitative style. As the coercive style imitative style is part of the Repertoire of a leader, although it must moderate its use. In the background, the bases of the imitative style seem admirable. The leader sets extremely high standards of work performance and exemplifies them. His great obsession, is to make everything better and much faster, and requires total so that all persons of its around full compliance these technical criteria. Quickly, he identifies people with low levels of work performance, and demanded much more. If they do not fully meet their expectations, the anger replacing gradually, with much more capable people. At first glance, it seems that such an approach would improve the results, but tristemene is not so simple. Types of leadership desingado leadership: which means taking responsibility for the Group and guide the Group towards its goals determine how the group can meet its targets active follower: what it means to support and follow the leader appointed to take part in the decision-making of decisions of the group giving ideas and seeking clarity Fellowship leadership: that means team work together and support one another to fulfill the goals of the group each team member sees what needs to be done and does it own leadership: that means each person cares if same to be able to take care of the group all show initiative and personal character references: Stoner, James; Frreman, Edgard, and Gilbert, Daniel, 6a ed., Pretince-Hall, Mexico, 1999. Saval, R. Styles of leadership. Document recovered the day of November 4, 2008 magazine manage you today no.

Tell Me Of That Freedom Boast

If there is something in man which greatly distinguishes it from any other animal, that is freedom: freedom of action, freedom of expression and freedom of thought. If these three pillars are safeguarded, man is able to build himself as person and autonomous individual against nature and any of their peers. And before God? Before God, liberty acquires its highest sense, because it is anthropologically defined as the most precious gift that the creator has granted to man when he formed his own image. Without however, although all claim with nails and teeth the exercise of these human attributes, at the same time become the virtues most annoying and criticized by others. We do not support their opinion of us, we don’t like to tell us what we need to do, we don’t accept any limitations that we impose on the exercise of any expression of our genuine freedom. On the other hand, everyone thinks that the freedom of the individual begins there where ends the own and personal freedom than We are all entitled to exercise without ties. But how hard is to put that linde.

In fact most of society’s problems begin in that subtle and delicate border of respect for oneself and others. Where put the separation and who has the authority to put it? Surely, the question is, first of all, in the interior of the individual to understand freedom as a being in society. Before asking us for the right to be free, all we should begin by looking inside of ourselves and perceiving what is what prevents us from being fully free to develop ourselves as people, and if we can bear it reflecting mirror from the bowels of us, then we will be able to enable the flame of growth which we will then launch to life shared with others. I know many people who do more than assert for itself the plot of their freedoms as individuals and are paradoxically more slaves of their own principles and things that have been built with exaggerated artificiality throughout his life.

The Rule 8020 Or Pareto Principle

In this article I will talk about the Pareto principle or the 80/20 rule. According to this 19th century Italian Economist, 20% of the causes cause 80% of the results, and vice versa. This can be applied to the distribution of resources, benefits, customers, product sales, time is a contra-intuitiva rule, because normally we hope there will be an equal proportion between causes and results. Not always met, it should be in addition a clear relation between causes and results, between the input data and output data. In addition, sometimes the proportion varies a 70/30, 90/10 or even 95/5. It does not apply to everything, but it is useful as a model to learn how to focus on the basics and eliminate the superfluous. As we use this rule to help our time management? Then, concentrating on the most valuable 20%.

For that we must first analyse different aspects of our life and identify what causes provoke what results, asking us questions like: what 20% of tasks and activities that do I do result in 80% of my results and my happiness? What 20% of the cases are causing 80% of my problems and my unhappiness? What or who causes me stress disproportionate to the time I spend? Once we have the answer to all these responses, preferably in writing, we must select and eliminate ineffective, causing the worst results. If us seems too drastic to delete 80% less effective, we can focus at the moment in the less effective 20% of the total. Either using the principle of 50/5 (similar to the Pareto principle) which says that 50% of the resources or causes cause only 5% of the results, we can find this 50% and focus our efforts on eliminating it. So at least we would be focusing on rid of less efficient. Although it is better and easier to just focus on the 20% better and enhance it.

In theory with this principle could be between 300% and 400% increase productivity, if we quintuplicamos 20% more productive that causes the 80% of the results. However, probably not so because as we promote this more productive minimum, results are diluting. As I said before not always applied rule or principle is, but it is simply a useful model to take into account and apply it when we see that there may be a situation of this kind.

The State

This puts us in the trance understand what is a true leagues, fate of plate from all eras, but that seems to be forgotten: is the State nor any human political organization where has directed the effort changer of worlds; It is towards the man, per, gregarious or individual, who in summation will shed the expected product of consciousness. Because if one thing is as certain as the component of animality citizen decides to change of State, to lose is its condition of consciousness, of humanity, of growing lattice of civilizing ideas. So much so that we say, with the science fiction, that man is a mental figure susceptible of eternity that constantly seems to regret his fleeting condition of be ported into a shrinking body. The man is mind and ability of perpetual change, both to the past and towards the future. The State is there, as a projection, as that old shadow of the Platonic cave, aspiring to humanity, to define the elevated essences. It will make the work signed in the contract, with all defects that we know in the States, under penalty of conflict with its counterpart.

It will suck to improve the civilization of man kind, and its postulates force to take steps in this regard, requiring this sizing and spiritual determination of its signatories themselves. But if its citizens are sailing in the limbo of the decaying moral if they have forgotten in confusion the first principles of human and social growth, originally printed in the signature, and occurs the species that the State is above them with SAG (the only State that morally is below) its citizens is the fallen); then there will be no more than their own shadows, without suction to the high ideal. Fighting that social nature by a State to undertake in a positive sense will be doomed to failure, because the metaphor Christian to preach on the rocks or the Bolivarian of plowing in the sea will be.

The Way

Of course, you can not blame only the parents. Perhaps they, too, grew up in a family where the showdown on the high tones in children was the norm. On the formation of aggressive behavior teenager is also influenced by movies, full of violent computer games with elements of violence. Teen learns to behave aggressively by observing the behavior of their peers on the street or in school. And gradually, for it becomes the norm to prove his innocence with the help of the kulaks. Teenagers get in packs, are members of various groups such as skinheads. Source: Eliot Horowitz.

And it's not just a problem of the family, it becomes a problem of society. Hatred and rejection of the world – a terrible baggage with which the young man goes into adulthood. By the way, the observations of psychologists, has been notably reduced age manifestation of the aggressive actions of adolescents. Increasingly, there are cases of aggressive behavior in girls. It is noticeable, and no comment specialists. Recently watched the following scene: in the evening near the metro station (the place is very crowded) two little girls for 14 years – 15, no more, made a 'dismantling' of his girlfriend. One of them clutched the blonde hair 'offending'. Another raised her fist to her face, and reproached with anguish, so that she dared not longer stick to Denis, otherwise unpleasant The situation this time was completed successfully. Girl 'rescued' from the so-called girlfriends and conducted home. But how many such manifestations of antisocial behavior ends with a brutal scene of massacre? This can be seen from Media, from television, telling, for example, the murder of his teacher's students.

How To Make A Photo Collage Original ?

In the classic sense of a collage – a technique in art, which consists in sticking to the surface of materials that differ from it in color and texture. Collages have appeared in ancient times served as a means of interior decoration. For example, in the ancient Chinese scientists have discovered an interesting composition, consisting of canvas and attached to it of natural materials: stones, dried plants, flowers, etc. Greatest popularity collages purchased in the mid 20 th century and the emergence of photography began to appear the first collage. But as easy to guess, photos pasted on the surface by hand. Now the big popular collages from digital photos. Their main advantage is that the photo does not need to print, cut and paste.

Make a colorful collage of photos can be directly on your PC using a special program to prepare a collage of photos. For example, the editor of Photo Collage from AMS Software – is a modern and high-quality program to create a vibrant collage of photographs of diverse styles and design. Utility is equipped with a handy Russian interface through which you can learn in just a few applications. With Photo Collage editor, you can create original collages itself diverse subjects: weddings, children, greeting and even collages desires. In this case you do not have access to professional designers and photographers. Make a beautiful collage with original design you can independently, without leaving home. The most important thing – it's your imagination and flow of interesting creative ideas.

To make a collage with their own hands, you must perform a few simple steps. 1. Subject collage. Before get to work, you must define a theme for your collage. Often the subject does not need to invent – it defined itself. For example, you had a holiday at the sea and want to draw pretty pictures in the form of an original collage. In one collage can be told a story about the various memorable moments of your life. Any significant event (wedding, anniversary, prom, etc.) may be the subject of collage. 2. Selection of photos – this is no less important stage prepare a collage of photos. Find the best quality and beautiful images that most clearly reflect your chosen theme. If you are preparing a collage greeting an elderly person, you can scan old black and white photographs. This will give the composition of originality and unique style. 3. Clearance. This stage depends entirely on your taste and creative imagination. Photo Collage editor includes all the necessary tools for quality and design of the original collage. The program has an extensive catalog of ready-made templates to design different topics: wedding, baby, Christmas, vintage, etc., and also allows create a collage from scratch and choose your own unique design. You can decorate your photos with a collection of decorative frames or effectively blur the edges of images. The program allows you to add titles and captions, as well as contains a large collection of stylish clip art to design your collage. 4. The final stage involves printing a collage. Editor Photo Collage is equipped with a convenient module printing, so you can quickly and accurately print the final image. If necessary, you can choose the paper size, type of permit and the orientation of the collage on the page. Colorful collage of pictures will be gorgeous interior decoration, and will always be cause positive emotions.

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