3D design school: that your work the conservation of digital files are not lost poses new challenges. Currently there are negatives and positives perfectly preserved 19th century but already digital files that have not completed ten years have been lost forever. They must be taken into account the following factors affecting current sources of documentation: all forms of digital media are very fragile. Hard drives are at permanent risk by electrical or mechanical failure. Membrane poly carbonate that surrounds the metal where the data are recorded is subject to oxidation over time. Another risk is the abrasion that suffers from a CD or DVD which regularly passes through the reader. We must also know the life of a CD is counted from the date of manufacture and not of your recording.
The conservation of digital data depends not only on the device for his recovery, but also the appropriate software. For now, manufacturers of programmes contemplated that a new program can read older files and is expected to continue as well with time. Dependence on energy. In this case the electricity directly corresponds to the memory. There is no closed digital archive.
Since it can be edited again and again quickly and easily. This also means vulnerability. Everytime a new storage medium appears, must migrate all our file to him. In this way we update the hardware and corresponding software. An archive of digital images, can only be safe if he is alive and well kept. The hybrid files consisting of the paper copy and the corresponding digital archive would be the perfect choice, wherever possible.
You need to change and expand your way of seeing reality, starting by knowing your mental models, those that constantly shape the way you perceive your environment. As a computer engineer, I can’t help but relate this topic with the task of how it creates, analyzes, develops, tests and maintains a computer program. Tomo This analogy to our lives and I think important to share it by what you’ll explain in the following paragraphs. Computer programs are automatic, program engineers to perform certain actions for specific objectives. When a program has flaws, what we do is verify what the program has to do (its goals) and from this we determine are not expected results (the dissatisfaction gap).
According to this difference, we can detect what are possible causes of errors or failures in order to resolve them. Often in software programs that form part of large computer systems, errors (called bugs or defects) are not easily detected. They generate noise in the overall functioning of the system and to be able to discover where originate (causes), is necessary to perform a deep analysis, moving or digging in places code where one does not imagine that it can be error, evaluate alternatives to find the defect and its relationship with other components of the system and its subsequent solution. It is necessary to find the cause of the fire to follow not turning more fires. I believe that something similar happens with our lives. We live as a computer program, often running routine and automatic functions almost without awareness, many of them working with bugs or defects, which require our attention. To serve them what do we do? We put out fires or we hide the garbage under the rug, without proposing us commitment to finding the real causes, analyzing each layer of the problem as if it were an onion, one by one until you reach the core.
Scope of the laser is constantly expanding. Not even surprising that a laser can do complex operations on the human body, and can create intricate products of thick metal (laser cutting of metal.) Laser He is everywhere in film production and may soon be a laser and for household use. With regard to industry and technology, there are more or less clear, or rather did not understand – too high-tech. To do laser action is clearer and closer to the people decided to make active use of laser cutting in a variety of science-fiction films. Although the film industry to trust in this sense is not too worth it. In the movies, laser beams are operating as swords.
In fact, absolutely invisible laser beam in vacuum and air. It becomes visible only against the background of any particles, as well as a beam of light is seen in a dusty room or fog. An exception is the laser beam is very high power. The movement of the beam can not be traced – to carry out his eyes. Again, it is distributed in the films as something very slowly. In fact, the laser beam moves at the speed of light and we see at once, if not see the whole its length. Laser cutting in the film – it is generally customary occupation for a superhero. And cut all that occurs on the road.
True, are obtained, again, not very realistic. The cracker is usually a tool, so to speak, with his bare hands, eyes and the line, for some reason not in need of protection. It is not possible, because even the power of the reflected beam is enough to damage unprotected eyes cracker. In fact, even though low-power lasers (several milliwatts) can be dangerous to view, up to a complete loss. Also laser cutting of movie more than selective. By cutting like butter thick metal door, the beam leaves intact what is behind it. In short, story – a lie, but there is a hint …
Development of Blogs within the support material for the sales process, may include presence on the Internet through Web sites, portals or Blogs. The development of Web sites and portals is more a function of the company in the areas of marketing and communications. The field of blogs if you can be more in the hands of sales. Blogs are being used with great success in the business world to strengthen relationships with customers. This makes this type of interactive communication tool serves as much to maintain commercial ties with prospects and clients. Definition: Blogs are websites used to communicate ideas and concepts from one or several authors, whose articles can be commented on by the public in general (when blogs are public, can also be created as private sites or restricted access) objective: support the communication process and generate community around a company, service, product or concept. Resources: There are several platforms to develop Blogs.
My recommendation is to use platforms in the form of software as a service (i.e. Tools via the Internet). I recommend two: Blogger, is a free tool and is available in Spanish. For my personal taste, it is somewhat limited, but is free and it can be a first step in learning to create and maintaining a blog. TypePad, is the tool that I use to write some blogs. It seems to me to be an excellent tool that does not require technical knowledge to create and maintain a blog appropriately for trade purposes. .
It is not free. Virtual conferences (Web Conferecing) definition: the use of the Internet allows power conferences or trade shows via the Web, without having to go to the place the prospect or customer. An excellent productivity, especially in the phases of exploration in the sales process can be achieved through the use of such tools. No doubt for many cases of sales of high involvement, must be direct and face-to-face contact with the prospect or customer.
The cities of my Department have not suffered significant qualitative changes in recent decades and now begin, starting with the capital, to see lagging with respect to intermediate cities such as Manizales, Pereira, Armenia, Ibague, Bucaramanga, Monteria and several others that without our royalties enjoy today attract visitors from all over the country. Therefore, we will continue dreaming and helping build a city different, furnished for comfort with public services of excellence that will not have to pay American prices, which put his heart in service to the taxpayer and that he can walk quiet by any municipality in night hours. I dream of a modern city, orderly, uncomplicated, cultured, respectful of the public space, but just with those who have no choice but to live that occupy it, which prioritize pedestrian and enjoyment of excellent mobility with an efficient public transport system. Sleep with a neatly ruled city in which the legality is respected not only in the acts and proceedings of the Government but in the acts and conduct of their rulers, a city with principles and values where our youth can have dozens and dozens of sports arenas, of parks well endowed, cultural offerings, and public libraries that it not almost compelled to use his leisure taking spirits, consuming drugs or going to a motel. A city whose schools are visited by other institutions of the country and from abroad to learn about educational quality, use of new technologies, harmonious coexistence and English proficiency. A city where can connect to broadband internet in good speed at any point and even during my journeys on public transport. Dream of a city whose expansion is not horizontal but vertical, with modern and smart to harness natural resources Sun, wind, water and land and buildings to generate big green pockets of native nature. A city with broad walkways and pedestrian, replete with cleaning, walks that blurring our creeks and roads major, under a provocative shadow of fruit trees and colorful flowers and that issuing a romantic smell.
Sleep with a city that do not bury their solid waste or throw to our formidable water supply wastewater but be an example of recycling at source and low-cost wastewater treatment. A city whose housing deficit is bearable because he has managed to provide their inhabitants homeless programs in which your contribution may be in work and kind instead of an unrealizable voluntary savings. A city that attracts students, investors, patients and tourists that will help boost the local economy. A city that provides incentives and real opportunities to repatriate as many educated abroad and in which its professionals do not dream to leave but that dream with their children to live and progress here. A city in which to live with physical and mental disability is more pleasant and easy. A city to help its inhabitants to beautify their facades and whose electrical cords are properly subterranizados. A city in which do not use the whistle but in urgent cases and in which one can go safe bicycling of any cardinal point to the other. I dream of a city where people smile, trust in others and in their Government, and can get up every morning thanking God for giving such nice place to live.
Vocational training at distance is already a real alternative in Spain. In this year 2009-2010, more than 18,600 students are enrolled in this form of education, available in 14 autonomous communities. This alternative the foamy not can study those who, by their labour activity or other circumstances and obligations, face-to-face. Access to it is essential to have a computer and an Internet connection.The vocational training (FP) in Spain is on the rise. According to forecasts by the Ministry of education, more than 515,000 students have enrolled this year 2009-2010 in any of the 142 titles of medium grade and above that make up the supply of these general education. It represents an increase of 11.4% compared to the number of students enrolled since only two courses. It seems that finally young Spaniards have adopted the concept of these studies that European students have for many years: are some practical lessons that are adapted to the needs and demands of the labour market and that they have high rates of employability.Development, which has experienced the distance mode of FP in our country is remarkable.
In the past five years, the number of students who choose for non Presential education has tripled. At present, more than 18,600 students are enrolled in vocational training in which regular class attendance is not required.The increase responds to the impulse that different autonomous communities have given to the establishment of this modality in their respective territories. Supported in the possibilities that today provide the technologies of information and communication technology (ICT), 14 autonomies have implanted various titles of grade FP middle and upper, which can be studied at a distance through on-line learning platforms.Distance learning mode is generally aimed at adults. The objective is to provide a flexible way of studies to those who need to combine training with work activity or which, by other circumstances such as the location, health problems or disability, cannot access classroom teaching.Many adults who could not complete their training by starting work at an early age, can be obtained in this way a title that opened to them the doors of other occupational sectors or officially qualify them for yours.
In magnetic separation practice, the ore is divided into strong magnetic minerals, weak magnetic minerals and the nonmagnetic minerals according to the size of specific susceptibility. weak magnetic minerals: This kind of ore belongs to the ferrous magnetic material, such as magnetite, magnetic pyrite, hematite and magnetic zinc, iron spinal, etc. This kind of ore can be recycled by magnetic separation machine with weak magnetic field intensity. strong magnetic minerals: They can be recycled by strong magnetic separation machine with magnetic field intensity h = 1 2 t. There are many mineral of this kind, such as iron man, hematite, mirror, limonite and iron ore, manganese ore, using, soft hard titanium iron ore, chromite, black tungsten mine, etc.
This kind of ore mostly belongs to the magnetic material, also have the ferromagnetic materials. nonmagnetic minerals: in the current technology conditions, it still can’t be recycled by the magnetic separation method t. Many of the minerals belong to this kind of the minerals, such as part of the metal ore-copper, lead, zinc sulfide ore and rust minerals, white tungsten, tin, stone, gold, etc.; most of the non-metallic minerals-natural sulfur, graphite, diamond, plaster, fluorite, kaolin, coal, etc.; most of the mineral rock made-adaptation, feldspar, calcite, etc. Some of this kind of ore belongs to the magnetic material; also some belong to the inverse magnetic material. In recent years, the successful development of weak magnetic gravity separation equipment, such as magnetic separation column, composite flash and magnetic field screening separator machine, will be described in this paragraph. Beijing general research institute of mining and metallurgy researched bk series permanent magnet drum magnetic separator, incluyendo bky, bkc, bkj, bkw, and bkf 5 models, which respectively apply to the pre-selection, roughing, premium, flotation dam re-election and anti-bubbles of magnetic separation.
They gain a good technological specification, and play an important role in increasing yield and economic benefit for magnetic separation plant. In recent years, the successful development of the largest specification ctb-? 1 200 x 4 500 mm wet permanent cylinder type magnetic separator, the angle is 127 degrees magnetic, magnetic induction in sorting area tube sheet is 180-350 mt, dealing capacity is up to 200-320 t/h (mine), pulp processing capacity is 600 – 700 m 3/h The magnetic separator can separate raw materials with different magnetic rigidities. The machine works under the magnetic force and machine force. Magnetic separators are designed to recover ferromagnetic materials. The separators are available in designs and sizes to provide solutions for all applications. The heart of each separator is the magnetic system with its unique design, which has a proven record of high efficiency. The magnetic separators are available in cyclic design with process vessel diameters smaller than 3 mm. Magnetic separator is one kind of efficient equipment for processing fine, feebly magnetic minerals, such as hematite, limonite, wolfram, limonite, and tantalum-niobium, etc. In recent years, it is also more and more applied in purifying quartz, feldspar and nephline. Its magnetic system is a ring-shape chain closed magnetic circuit with energizing coils made of copper tube and cooled internally by water. Grooved plates made of magnetic conductive stainless steel are used as magnetic matrix. Owing to the permanent magnet material formation of the magnetic system has already changed from to some rare earth nd-fe-b ferrite, which composed of composite magnetic system, or some using all of the nd-fe-b magnetic material being composed of magnetic system, so that the technical performance of magnetic separation equipment is continuously improving.
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Chavez and Uribe, Presidents of Venezuela and Colombia met to start a new phase of relationship between both republics. Trade agreements, creation of a Fund of 200 million dollars to deal with consequences of the crisis and, above all, build new trust between the two countries are the results of the meeting. It has also recently reached agreements with Venezuela Brazil, but it is not new, because since 2007, Lula and Chavez meet quarterly to advance cooperation between the two countries. This time they have signed collaboration agreements scientific, agricultural and energy with the Brazilian commitment to transfer technology to Venezuela. Cristina Fernandez, President of Argentina, has also signed agreements with Venezuela and ratified the common position of these Governments in the process of integration of the economies of both countries. Fernandez and Chavez have signed agreements in economic areas, health, labour, energy, agriculture, power, transport and sport, thus as technology transfer.
Cristina Fernandez has thanked Venezuela Argentine financial aid when the country lacked access to capital markets. It has occurred shortly before Cristina Fernandez to meet in Havana with President Raul Castro, also to sign agreements of cooperation between Argentina and Cuba in science, technology, trade, health and energy. The visit to Cuba of Cristina Fernandez was preceded by the President of Panama, Martin Torrijos, and also by the President of Ecuador, Rafael Correa. In coming weeks or months the Presidents of Mexico, Guatemala, and Honduras, visit Cuba over the President of Chile, Michelle Bachelet. Several observers interpreted visits to Cuba with their collaboration agreements as a clear message to the elected President of United States, Obama: Cuba Latin America is and is not acceptable to forget her, nor worth embargoes. In April 2008 he won the Presidency of Paraguay Fernando Lugo, candidate of the Patriotic Alliance for the Change; a few days ago in El Salvador the leftist won Frente Farabundo Marti para la Liberacion Nacional in the municipal elections and of deputies to the Legislative Assembly.
Every day the Blogs are created by people of all ages and from all sectors of life, but when it comes to blogging, young writers are truly at the forefront of this movement. Given that the youth of today are the first generation of people who have grown up using the Internet at all stages of their development many teenagers have a seemingly innate sense of how to use web technology to express their innermost thoughts and ideas, however older writers often experience a learning curve when they begin to manage a Blogfor many young people who used a word processor and software feels more to taste and natural post on a Blog that write in a journal. One of the reasons why Blogs have been experienced a kind of explosion in youth community, and are growing by leaps, is the fact that provide a mixture of visibility and anonymity at the same time. A related site: Futurist mentions similar findings. A teenager can invite friends and colleagues to read your Blog with a simple mail electronic, what you could call the attention and even praise. Of course, with visibility so exposed may come criticism of the community of readers of a particular blog on a topic in particular but the fact that it is possible to have a blog anonymously with an alias invented this problem can be handled and why many young people expose their experiences, thoughts and secrets of very open and transparent manner without fear to be tracked. Outside the world of blogs, young writers often have very few opportunities to be published and taken into account, magazines and publishing houses are often reluctant to publish young writers who may not have as much credibility as writers with much experience and extensive credits to their names. Atmos Energy Corporation has much to offer in this field.
This may deter young people writing or searching for possibilities to publish their works, but with the rise of blogs, young people can begin to show their work to a community of readers without having to win the attention and support of an editor or Publisher. The fact that blogs offer to young people an opportunity to exercise their writing, and technical skills that are often impressive, to gain visibility without compromising privacy, and build a circle of readers for his writings without having to jump through the traditional ways of the publication of industry, it is no wonder that so many young people in love are with blogs. For some young people the blogs is a social platform that allows them to meet people with similar interests from around the world. Many have discovered that having a weblog on the Internet is a great way of expression and, often, to win the reaction positive new friends. !
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