Road Safety Ministry

Novelties SDA, which will come into force from 20.11.2010 raised a number of vital points about how drivers and pedestrians alike. So, check your windows tinted foreign cars on the road can now be any traffic police inspector. Previously done it could only state inspector of technical supervision. Department of Road Safety Ministry of the Interior is directed to place an explanation on the practical application of Section 3.1 of Article 12.5 of the Administrative Code, which provides administrative responsibility for the excess of the norms of toning. In the case of visual signs of an administrative offense, that is, if excessively tinted inspector stops vehicle and provides measurement of light transmission. In the case of non-conformity with the established requirements of the inspector in respect of the offending driver and administrative material such vehicles will pay a fine of 500 rubles. At the same time to determine the degree of toning, which is called 'the eye' nobody has the right. Must use special certified devices.

Pedestrians can now feel on the road to greater security. Now removed all the double interpretation of how the driver must give way to pedestrians. Now the SDA says that drivers must give way to pedestrians who has authority, but it is not clear exactly how. After all, you see, in this case, the wording could be interpreted as a brake or drive fast – and so, and so it means to yield. The amendments to the PDD clearly states that driver of a vehicle approaching an unregulated pedestrian crossing must slow down or stop for pedestrians crossing the carriageway or stepped on it to go. Russian drivers have to learn to pass sections with a circular motion for a new way. Over the last few years in the traffic police authorities have repeatedly received complaints from drivers of the difficulties and bottlenecks in a circular motion. Now everything is different.

If the priority is now entering the circle, and from November 20, when the amendments come into force in the SDA, the principal will have drivers who are on the range – go for it, or leave. In fact, the rules change the other way around, and they need to get used to. Primarily, these changes have been made in order to avoid potential congestion in a circular motion. And it turns out that to enter the circle can do everything, but leave an already problematic, especially in heavy traffic. Now, when entering the circle will be installed road signs' circular motion 'in combination with a' Yield ', or' movement is prohibited without stopping. " That is, in a circle and when leaving it with the drivers will be a priority in the movement.

Website Promotion

Support as a method of promoting a web site creating a particular web resource, we are pursuing specific goals. It may be attracting visitors to the development and promotion of the project you created in this category can be include a forum and software portal. If the site contains advertising of any goods or services, as a rule, are the sites of production companies and firms, the desired result for such sites – to attract clients and customers. Even if the site has been created for making money on contextual advertising, or buying – selling links, it will still need visitors, who have passed on and commercials. In this article I want to draw attention to a way forward, as support.

In any case, whatever your site, it should be of interest to visitors. This can be done with care, placed in the resource content. Adding new information or new and interesting materials have a positive effect on the interest your user resource. Support includes: Filling the pages of your site to new topical text Content optimization for specific queries if there are such sections as "News", the regular content of the news blocks Completion and change page layout correction of inaccuracies and spelling errors on the site let your visitors see that the project lives, will be updated on useful and quality information. Support will help make your site really interesting. A steady stream of new targeted visitors positive impact on promoting your site on search engines determine its relevance and importance. In addition, search engines are more valuable sites that aims to add new material. With the support, increasing the content of pages and increase the number of pages themselves, you can increase the number of search queries that will find your site by increasing number of high-frequency and low-frequency queries.

It should be noted another positive feature of the promotion items – is its cheapness, or at all, free of charge. If you make the content yourself, then: Guarantee uniqueness of content. Any search engine is most appreciated unique content. That will prevent loss of the site from the index, or an understatement of its parameters, such as TCI and PR. Monitoring the quality and relevance of content. Absolute is free, of course, if you do not have too many sites that need filling with new text. I do not argue for an independent support site takes time for a catastrophic shortage of which independent work tyazhelovypolnima. But everywhere has its pros and cons, and comparing that we take concrete decisions. Website promotion in search engines – it long, for promotion may take some time, so that in the future has not turned out so that visitors have to be considered outdated material, can not be neglected in this way promote, as support. The main thing is not necessary to carry out support – the principle of "Someday"; more stable, at regular intervals to add new material. This fact will not remain unnoticed for search engines.

Training Work

SOURCE: TV presenter, profession, camera, software, television with photos when you see is always neat, smiling anchors, there is a feeling that the work on TV – the eternal feast. In fact, this profession requires hard work and tough self-discipline. So get ready for sleepless nights and constant time pressure. You have to present themselves in the role of leading a well-known talk show or news program? While not jump to conclusions and Get ready to experiment. Sometimes the broadcaster has to try his hand at several genres before it will become clear in what they look like the most organically. Whatever it was, the first step towards the development of the profession Training courses will be presenters.

Before you enroll in an educational institution, you will have to go through two qualifying rounds: First – interview, which is determined by the general cultural level of the applicant, estimated to external data (if you love the camera, then your crooked nose or a large chin on the screen will not be noticeable). Second round – work in front of the camera. You propose to read the text or to say a few words, presenting himself as a leading one of the prominent programs. When you enroll, you will be within 1 month or 1 year (depending on the courses) to study the technique of speech, acting skills, cultural history Russian and foreign television, a large number of special items. Learning to be fun and interesting. During the practice, which is often carried out by well-known TV channels, you manage to apply their knowledge and demonstrate their talent.

There were times when people become famous TV host, not having behind them in special education. You too can try to penetrate one of the channels and to offer assistance. In this If a few months you'll have to do the work bears little resemblance to the one on which you dreamed of (for example, hold the pen or rewind the tape). But if your hard work and diligence will also appreciate the leadership, then you may enroll in a state administrator, then a reporter, and there to the live nearby. On any channel, there are courses leading, after finishing that, you get all the missing knowledge. SOURCE: Girl with a screen with photos


I'm surprised that people do not recognize this well-known photographic artifact (false image). I am also struck by the fact that these pictures depicting something that is almost as big and bright as the Sun ('second sun'), distributed with the allegations that are present in some of those same websites that Nibiru – too weak (dim) object to it can be seen or photographed, is that by using larger telescopes. One widely circulated photograph, taken with the telescope, which shows two types of the expanding gas cloud far beyond outside the solar system, which does not move, you can see this on the fact that the stars in each image are the same. An astute reader, who visited this website, found that the photographs depicted gas shell around the star V838 Mon in the constellation Monoceros. Wikipedia (Wikipedia) is an accurate description and photograph of the handsome star, made by the Hubble Space Telescope (Hubble). Another reader, a high school student, was struck at first placed images red clot, which, as stated, is the planet Nibiru (Nibiru). Then, demonstrating the use of Photoshop software (Photoshop), he showed how you can get exactly the same pictures, starting from scratch. In the video laid out on YouTube in the summer of 2008, shows a guy who, while in his kitchen, says that one of the objects detected by telescopes operating in the range of X-rays, NASA – the planet Nibiru. And what are his arguments? That since this pseudocolor image taken in X-rays and submitted by NASA, the blue color, in fact, it should be located close to the planet on which there are sea (oceans). Of course, this could be considered amusing if such videos are not used to intimidate people.

Toy Stores

Going to the toy store, each of us remembers the days when all we could buy his parents to children – toys that multiseries production, and all families had a standard set of toys that do not differ particularly complex to manufacture and did not have the developmental characteristics. The peak of technical ideas in the production of toys, electronic games become primitive. Remember the game "Electronics" or "The Wolf and the egg"? Later toy market was inundated low-quality goods made in China, which was scattered through the day after use. Now specialized toy stores selection is so broad that at times you get up in deadlock. And your purchases can be limited only by the size of your wallet and imagination, and perhaps your child desires.

Today's children, as we are, immersed in a world of electronics and appliances and then simple machines, wooden modelka and kites will not do. It requires a heavy artillery – RC model cars, radio-controlled model helicopters and similar toys, created by last technology. After all those times when the machine moved only a rope, a long time have sunk into oblivion. Perhaps if our childhood was like toys, and it would be interesting and fun. Often, many parents that in his childhood of these toys have never heard, just do not know which toy the child will be suitable. How happy the child a new toy and make it so that its interest in acquiring in the near future has not died out: This will help you our advice.

Street Lights With LEDs

"We live in an era of high technology" – this phrase several beaten, but the very fact it does not cancel. One has only to turn around, it becomes apparent that the future of which we read fiction stories still some 15 years ago, has already come: alternative fuel sources, solar panels, street lights with LEDs, color screens on the phones, surpassing its resolving power tube TVs past generation. We live not just in the era of high technology, we are living during their battle for the most efficient use of energy consumed. The technology, which will be discussed below, one win in this battle already scored. It comes to LED-technology, which unequivocally dominates the market for LCD-TVs and monitors for several years now. But a victory it did not seem to be limited. LEDs are preparing a decisive blow now already in the sector of household lighting.

Lamps, lights, street lights with LEDs, signs – all of these lighting elements emitting diode (light-emitting diode, or LED) allows to achieve a record high timing life of the product, along with low power consumption, so do not be surprised to find near some shops or private homes, street LED lamps. It's not just the pursuit of something new. This is a deliberate and conscious step towards economy and efficiency of both electricity and money holder. Street lights with LEDs can last for much longer arc or discharge lamps, as well as significant way to reduce the electricity bill. Consider the advantages and disadvantages of LED-technology for example, all the same street lamps with LEDs. Two cores, as mentioned above: it is low power consumption and high durability. However, this matter is not limited.

Unlike any other, LED-lamps produce almost no heat, which allows you to confidently declare their fire. Such lamps do not create a heavy load on the grid, which is also their undeniable advantage. Due to low power consumption they can be installed even on suburban areas, where the quality of the input wiring, usually leaves much to be desired. In the street lamps with LEDs do not use any chokes and starters, which virtually eliminates the possibility of short circuit and fire. Simplicity Device LED-Lighting fixtures in this case is an undeniable advantage. Really a lot of pluses. Inadvertently pose the question: "Why such lamps are still not commonly used?". The whole thing in disbelief most people to something new, as well as in price. Until recently the cost of street lights with LEDs was significantly higher than the cost of similar models with other types of lamps. May play a role yet and that the fact that people tend to take into account only short-term costs, and does not take into account further savings in electricity, as well as replacement of lamps, which in the case of street lights with LEDs are simply not required. You can still speak at length about the advantages of LED-technology in the field of domestic lighting, lack of flicker and high color rendering, but to do it – still that extol the benefits of internal combustion engine to steam, or digital video to analog. In the world of high technology strongest survive, or rather the most rational, reliable and environmentally clean, and it seems that the LED preparing to win another landslide victory.

Lamborghini Ferruccio

Almost all of automotive history is built on individualism. Exalted Henry Ford, Enzo Ferrari, Ferdinand Porsche, Ettore Bugatti, Lamborghini Ferruccio not only founded the company's own name, but also embodied the enforce their personal views about the ideal vehicle. However, individualism departs when it comes to the legendary brand Maserati, created by six brothers, who for many years a model of technical excellence and unbridled power, the embodiment of collective engineering genius. Auto racing – the engine of progress in the children of Catholic parents, Rodolfo and Caroline had seven Maserati, but one of them died in infancy, and six of fate was destined to become the founders of the company, famous for his fast cars. Each of the brothers – Carlo (1881 born), Bindo (1883), Alfieri (1887), Mario (1890), Ettore (1894) and Ernesto (1898) – contributed to the fact that during many years is called 'style Maserati'. Passion for cars older brothers instilled Maserati Carlo.

He worked as a manager at the firm Junior, as well as engaged in the development of aircraft engines. His other passion was racing. Carlo attracted by the opportunity not only to taste of speed, but also to understand the limits of technical possibilities of cars in extreme conditions. For an engineer to the bone it was very important because the technology of that time did not are reliable. In 1907 Carlo Bianchi under the flags of the team takes part in competitions. Low-voltage circuit breaker cranky ignition system a few times out of order, and the young have to change his Maserati on the go.

Technology Production

In China alone in 2006 were about 200 of these plants producing 300 tonnes / year. Most major automobile manufacturers in Europe, Asia and America each year are used in cars produced several hundred thousand tons of precision castings, obtained as described way. General Motors, Ford Motors, BMW, Fiat, VW, Renualt and several other companies have gone over in 1980-90 years to produce this method of casting engine blocks, heads, block, intake and exhaust manifolds, crankshafts for the most popular types of engines. In Physico-Technological Institute of Metals and Alloys (FTIMS) NAS (Department of forming under the leadership of Professor Shinsky OI) equipment designed and launched a number of sites in Russia and Ukraine, introduced a equipment in Poland and Vietnam. At the pilot plant in Kiev FTIMS pour ferrous and nonferrous metals weighing 0,1-1500 kg to 50 tons / month, work out the technology and tooling for new plants, design and equipment lines for the program casting plant and the area of the customer, who then supply foundry enterprises with commissioning the full range of equipment and the introduction of technology into production.

Production potential of the technology is far from LGM exhausted. It also allows low-tech alloy previously coarsely, mesh and frame molding, pouring not only metals and alloys, and composites, and reinforced to receive designs that have improved characteristics. In the model pre-inserted into different parts or materials that form a composite or reinforced construction, and the imposition of the gas pressure in the liquid metal increases the stability impregnation of such products with inserts on the length of 1 m. LGM attributed to high-tech industries, which provide access to the sustainable development of the technological gap, as in the domestic economy is growing raw materials component, which is dominated by products with low added value and reduced the competitiveness of production. If in 80 years in the structure of the domestic industry and export commodity weight machine was About 30 … 40%, and iron and steel was two to three times less, but now the opposite.

It is the development of foundry – a step toward recovery and growth of the domestic machine-building, turning the country of the seller semi-finished products in the exporting technology products with high added value. Reduced dependency on domestic industries from import ideas, technologies and products, implementing its own program innovative development will enable us to become an equal participant in global innovation processes. Download other articles on FF (Fresh articles other authors: 1) Rybakov SA Innovative features cast on gasified models, the state and prospects of this method in Russia / / Russian foundry. 4, 2009, sec. 44-45. 2) Rozhnov SP, Anderson, VA A new concept of small-scale foundry / / Foundry. 9, 2010, sec. 27-30).

Automobile Crane Repairs

The output of automobile crane repairs should be made of engineering and technical personnel responsible for the content of cranes in good condition, according to the schedule repairs approved owner of the crane. In the current repair truck crane provides works TO-2. In addition, it is necessary to disassemble motors and cargo winch mechanism of rotation of the rotary frame to determine the extent Wear and replace the gears, shafts, bearings and brake discs, disassemble telescopic boom to perform its maintenance and repair; check block pulley head, hook hangers and replace worn blocks and replace the defective riveted connections, to edit and welding of metal damaged, remove the observed leakage of working fluid and oil, replace the worn seals; perform control and setup of machines, appliances and devices in accordance with the manual valve, if necessary, make repairs landing gear touch up the damaged surface of the metal and assembly units. Signs of rejection of assembly units and parts, methods to address their injuries and wear during routine repairs are contained in the manual truck crane. Before removing and disassembling assemblies and mechanisms necessary to wash faucet, free of dirt to be dismantling machinery and equipment, to bring parts into position for safe and convenient performance of his labor practices, to merge the working fluid from the hydraulic equipment. Welded and molded parts with assembly units can not be disassembled, except as necessary to restore or replace their constituent parts. When disassembling components parts of the crane should apply measures to eliminate depersonalization components.

Electronics Manufacturers

Environmentalists blame manufacturers of electronics in disregard for the ecology of the International Greenpeace believes that the world's electronics manufacturers still do not pay enough attention to environmental issues, not letting an alternative eco-friendly products in sufficient quantities to reduce the harmful impact of its use and disposal. Environmentalists point out that over the last year of electronics manufacturing companies carried out a series of promises in the production of environmentally friendly technology. In 2008, 15 leaders in this area submitted for investigation 50 of its products – mobile phones and smart phones, televisions, computer monitors, computers, laptops and game consoles. Greenpeace estimated the goods represented by their content of toxic chemicals, their energy efficiency, the full life cycle (reprocessing capabilities and improvements), as well as a number of other factors, in particular, promote the idea of sustainability and innovation. More and more goods have to fulfill the environmental requirements. However, some companies refused to provide their products to the study by Greenpeace. Incidentally, last week it became known that the production and sale of popular Plasma TV with high energy may be banned in Europe in the spring of this year, as program to combat climate change, European countries will adopt new standards for energy consumption This type of consumer devices. The planned measures will contribute to the disappearance of the sale of inefficient energy in respect of TV and the new labeling system will allow customers to choose TVs the lowest energy consumption. Microorganisms on Earth are capable of producing rain, and automobile exhaust – a lightning A study of precipitation samples from different regions of the world (Finland, Brazil and Sweden), Swedish scientists have concluded that microorganisms are capable of producing rainfall in various parts of our planet.

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