Lamborghini Ferruccio

Almost all of automotive history is built on individualism. Exalted Henry Ford, Enzo Ferrari, Ferdinand Porsche, Ettore Bugatti, Lamborghini Ferruccio not only founded the company's own name, but also embodied the enforce their personal views about the ideal vehicle. However, individualism departs when it comes to the legendary brand Maserati, created by six brothers, who for many years a model of technical excellence and unbridled power, the embodiment of collective engineering genius. Auto racing – the engine of progress in the children of Catholic parents, Rodolfo and Caroline had seven Maserati, but one of them died in infancy, and six of fate was destined to become the founders of the company, famous for his fast cars. Each of the brothers – Carlo (1881 born), Bindo (1883), Alfieri (1887), Mario (1890), Ettore (1894) and Ernesto (1898) – contributed to the fact that during many years is called 'style Maserati'. Passion for cars older brothers instilled Maserati Carlo.

He worked as a manager at the firm Junior, as well as engaged in the development of aircraft engines. His other passion was racing. Carlo attracted by the opportunity not only to taste of speed, but also to understand the limits of technical possibilities of cars in extreme conditions. For an engineer to the bone it was very important because the technology of that time did not are reliable. In 1907 Carlo Bianchi under the flags of the team takes part in competitions. Low-voltage circuit breaker cranky ignition system a few times out of order, and the young have to change his Maserati on the go.

Technology Production

In China alone in 2006 were about 200 of these plants producing 300 tonnes / year. Most major automobile manufacturers in Europe, Asia and America each year are used in cars produced several hundred thousand tons of precision castings, obtained as described way. General Motors, Ford Motors, BMW, Fiat, VW, Renualt and several other companies have gone over in 1980-90 years to produce this method of casting engine blocks, heads, block, intake and exhaust manifolds, crankshafts for the most popular types of engines. In Physico-Technological Institute of Metals and Alloys (FTIMS) NAS (Department of forming under the leadership of Professor Shinsky OI) equipment designed and launched a number of sites in Russia and Ukraine, introduced a equipment in Poland and Vietnam. At the pilot plant in Kiev FTIMS pour ferrous and nonferrous metals weighing 0,1-1500 kg to 50 tons / month, work out the technology and tooling for new plants, design and equipment lines for the program casting plant and the area of the customer, who then supply foundry enterprises with commissioning the full range of equipment and the introduction of technology into production.

Production potential of the technology is far from LGM exhausted. It also allows low-tech alloy previously coarsely, mesh and frame molding, pouring not only metals and alloys, and composites, and reinforced to receive designs that have improved characteristics. In the model pre-inserted into different parts or materials that form a composite or reinforced construction, and the imposition of the gas pressure in the liquid metal increases the stability impregnation of such products with inserts on the length of 1 m. LGM attributed to high-tech industries, which provide access to the sustainable development of the technological gap, as in the domestic economy is growing raw materials component, which is dominated by products with low added value and reduced the competitiveness of production. If in 80 years in the structure of the domestic industry and export commodity weight machine was About 30 … 40%, and iron and steel was two to three times less, but now the opposite.

It is the development of foundry – a step toward recovery and growth of the domestic machine-building, turning the country of the seller semi-finished products in the exporting technology products with high added value. Reduced dependency on domestic industries from import ideas, technologies and products, implementing its own program innovative development will enable us to become an equal participant in global innovation processes. Download other articles on FF (Fresh articles other authors: 1) Rybakov SA Innovative features cast on gasified models, the state and prospects of this method in Russia / / Russian foundry. 4, 2009, sec. 44-45. 2) Rozhnov SP, Anderson, VA A new concept of small-scale foundry / / Foundry. 9, 2010, sec. 27-30).

Automobile Crane Repairs

The output of automobile crane repairs should be made of engineering and technical personnel responsible for the content of cranes in good condition, according to the schedule repairs approved owner of the crane. In the current repair truck crane provides works TO-2. In addition, it is necessary to disassemble motors and cargo winch mechanism of rotation of the rotary frame to determine the extent Wear and replace the gears, shafts, bearings and brake discs, disassemble telescopic boom to perform its maintenance and repair; check block pulley head, hook hangers and replace worn blocks and replace the defective riveted connections, to edit and welding of metal damaged, remove the observed leakage of working fluid and oil, replace the worn seals; perform control and setup of machines, appliances and devices in accordance with the manual valve, if necessary, make repairs landing gear touch up the damaged surface of the metal and assembly units. Signs of rejection of assembly units and parts, methods to address their injuries and wear during routine repairs are contained in the manual truck crane. Before removing and disassembling assemblies and mechanisms necessary to wash faucet, free of dirt to be dismantling machinery and equipment, to bring parts into position for safe and convenient performance of his labor practices, to merge the working fluid from the hydraulic equipment. Welded and molded parts with assembly units can not be disassembled, except as necessary to restore or replace their constituent parts. When disassembling components parts of the crane should apply measures to eliminate depersonalization components.

Electronics Manufacturers

Environmentalists blame manufacturers of electronics in disregard for the ecology of the International Greenpeace believes that the world's electronics manufacturers still do not pay enough attention to environmental issues, not letting an alternative eco-friendly products in sufficient quantities to reduce the harmful impact of its use and disposal. Environmentalists point out that over the last year of electronics manufacturing companies carried out a series of promises in the production of environmentally friendly technology. In 2008, 15 leaders in this area submitted for investigation 50 of its products – mobile phones and smart phones, televisions, computer monitors, computers, laptops and game consoles. Greenpeace estimated the goods represented by their content of toxic chemicals, their energy efficiency, the full life cycle (reprocessing capabilities and improvements), as well as a number of other factors, in particular, promote the idea of sustainability and innovation. More and more goods have to fulfill the environmental requirements. However, some companies refused to provide their products to the study by Greenpeace. Incidentally, last week it became known that the production and sale of popular Plasma TV with high energy may be banned in Europe in the spring of this year, as program to combat climate change, European countries will adopt new standards for energy consumption This type of consumer devices. The planned measures will contribute to the disappearance of the sale of inefficient energy in respect of TV and the new labeling system will allow customers to choose TVs the lowest energy consumption. Microorganisms on Earth are capable of producing rain, and automobile exhaust – a lightning A study of precipitation samples from different regions of the world (Finland, Brazil and Sweden), Swedish scientists have concluded that microorganisms are capable of producing rainfall in various parts of our planet.

Engineering Services

So far, no single method was invented by a survey of buildings damaged by earthquakes, and every expedition to survey fulfills its purpose. However, the goals of this work in the construction industry are clear and there is a determining the factors that affect the behavior of buildings during an earthquake – the instrumental record, subsoil characteristics, geometry and strength characteristics of the plant and its parts. When an construction production is very important in the study of present damage to their full designation and identify their causes: the main shock, aftershocks or exploitation. It is also important to get specific information about the structure that showed little damage. To do this stroitelnomproizvodstve constitute a certain form with photographs of the object and its parts.

Need to fill in a questionnaire study goals after the push, in which the construction production records: Records disaster, the characterization of the device, the coordinates of the epicenter, the subject position of construction industry and the distance to the next station, characterization ground, the height of groundwater; strain, which appeared as a result of past incidents and strong measures taken to resolve them; Strength properties of materials sampling, a detailed picture of all the damage and their photographic images, the life of the building; full report on the state structures. When building production is to be calculated on the seismic effects; identified empirically, since fluctuations in land dynamic characteristics of structures with the record, if there are shared in the same, the same values obtained prior to tectonic movements, brief description and photographic images of conventional structures (fences, pipes, sculptures, lamps, etc.) located near the building; results of the observations in the first place, the objects of construction, which revealed only minor damage or completely preserved, with the results describe the construction, in need of repair, reconstruction, and those who do not fix it. In addition, when construction is carried out production, in a separate document specifies an estimated cost of repair or reconstruction. The role of network Engineering Services seismometric in assessing damage to buildings in Russia to ensure the safety of building production created two organizations: Essno – single office of seismic observations and ISS Engineering and seismic-monitoring service for buildings and structures. These services are designed to complement the construction industry one after another. Essno staffed by many stations across the country, and its purpose are monitoring the ground motion during earthquakes for seismic zoning uluchscheniya in the construction industry.

Modern Construction

Many believe that the construction of wood quality is inferior concrete or brick structures. This is not really correct. Wooden structures are practical, environmentally friendly and reliable. Modern Building technologies make it possible to build wooden frames that match the high performance and meet the necessary standards. The main core beams wooden structures are attached by means of plates, brackets, hooks. In addition to the integral of the tree can use to glue wood made. Typically, the rack holds three meters, and sometimes – on six meters.

By design adds beams, which are placed on beams. Overcoming the wind load is achieved by exploiting the steel escarpments. Wooden structure in the aggregate surface plating vynlyadit the most durable and stable. In addition to structures of wood widely known design of plastic. Note that the plastic construction has an impact on design quality indicators, which depend both on the technology of its production, and on its design. Thus, the design had to be built simultaneously with the analysis of its workability. It should be noted that in some cases, incorrect actions, which may occur in product development, it is difficult change the structure of the choice of the form.

Plastic construction needs to ensure rational distribution terms of the material in the form defined definition of production, reduction of internal stress series manufacturing. It is now widely known as the construction of wood and plastic construction. However, everywhere you can see products made of fiberglass. Why not? Because this material is safe, he is responsible hygiene certificates. Sell FRP is being implemented a number of companies. This material is used in many industries. Sell fiberglass currently dastigaet high level because of its properties: the material does not resist corrosion, decay and the impact of ultra-violet radiation. Thermal stability of glass is between sixty degrees to one hundred and seventy degrees.

Ford Motors

Along with this, small shops and manufacturing areas: modeling, molding, melting, purifying, and also feature simple equipment (the same for non-ferrous alloys), production of which is established in Ukraine (for other types of molding quality equipment often need to import). If the entire molding consists of backfill of dry sand, then there is no need for high-precision machines, pressing, shaking, device assembly forms. The focus of attention shifted to production models – these "lightest toy" with the material density 25-27 kg / cu. (As opposed to Eliot Horowitz). m, which is typically "trust" feminine hands, often placing in the second and higher floors of buildings. For serial production of castings supplied semiautomatic, production cycle models in which foam is about 2 … 3 min. and are "taken" from the packaging industry, where they are used for the production of fancy packaging, light packaging, as well as decorative, sound and thermal insulation panels, facade elements. Recycling cooling is carried out in the sand closed walk-through coolers.

Way to get FF cast iron and steel of all kinds, bronze, brass and aluminum foundry all brands. In the box on the "Christmas tree or a bush" is often just poured tens of castings, as in the jewelry industry, usually with an almost "jewelry" accuracy, 90% of castings can be used without machining. Departments and sections of this flexible technology multiply around the globe – from America to China, in factories General Motors, Ford Motors, Fiat. In today's world of foam models produce castings of over 1.5 million tons / year, forecasts for the near future given the technology of 10-20% of world casting.

Ford Motors

In the factories General Motors, Ford Motors, Fiat and others have been successfully operated semi-automatic and automatic lines. In the early history of this method of casting in this country is copyright certificate USSR 136 014 for the invention of one of the variants of this method, which in 1961 was our compatriot, from Odessa, AR Chudnovsky. Since then, more than fifty domestic inventions "protect the novelty of" technology. In our time in the world on polystyrene models produce 1.4% of the total cast – more than 1.5 million tons / year, forecasts for the near future this technology gives 10 … 20% of world casting. Significant reserve is the CIS market, where production casting in this way does not exceed 100 tonnes, as well as the Russian market, where in 2005, produced by this method is only 0.1% of the castings. LGM-groups (Kiev), improving the technology as "proprietary" specialization and one of the areas science and technology, and supplies for the foundry model kits of 500 … 20 000 tons of castings per year. Calculations show that by casting equipment systems for casting on gasified models only in the factories of the Ministry of Ukraine Prompolitiki allow for mounting them on a foundries reconstructed to create production facilities with a total production of castings of over 150 thousand tons / year, in particular, castings for cars – tractors, machinery for agriculture, oil and gas industry, valves, pump engineering and military equipment. The equipment showed stable performance during operation in the shops and near abroad.

Texture Paint

Impregnation penetrates the wood, giving it color, while leaving the visible image layers. They have a strong antiseptic effect and protects the wood for at least four years. They can also be cover wood floors before you put a parquet lacquer. Impregnation intended to be used inside or outdoors. When applied they act as a primer to prepare the surface for application of the following layers. Sometimes wooden objects dipped in the impregnation, so it is completely impregnated them.

To protect and extend the life of the treated surface impregnated floor or walls in addition varnish or wax. Co. many of impregnation in the production process adding funds, prevents mold, and pigments that are resistant to the action of ultraviolet light. Among the special properties of the impregnation can also be called water-repellent and stain-resistant properties. For more information see Xcel Energy. Such impregnation treated wood surfaces saunas.

With the hydrophobic effect, they are absolutely harmless to humans. On sale are the following types of impregnation. Acrylic. They are water soluble and acts as a binder in which acrylic resin. They are encouraged to cover unprocessed timber indoors. Drying time – about an hour. Alkyd. Their binder – alkyd resin and solvent – solvent or alcohol. About 24 hours drying time. Oil. Their main component – flaxseed oil. They are recommended for use outside buildings. Dries for about two days. Attention! Color can be impregnated cover as plaster, concrete, brick or primed metal. This is done in order to equalize the little nuances of wood and located next to the materials. For the repair of the apartment faced the same problem: as the wall to equalize themselves, there are still many small irregularities. In addition, due to the fact that repairs are almost done in plaster in winter there are many small cracks, probably due to the fact that the plaster layer dried at relatively low temperatures, (flat on the ground floor heating – not very). This was compounded by the inner wall, made of chipboard. After removing the old wallpaper clearly become peer joints between the docked chipboard that did not succeed with putty, so that they no longer evident. A little thought, we decided to apply textured paint to show creativity:) And even though experience with these paints were not, still decided to try it. Textured acrylic paint for walls and a thick layer of painted all the walls. Of roller, evenly distributing the paint. Moreover, it is important that the paint layer deposited in one motion roller. In this case, the paint falls flat, even layer. In general, working with acrylic paint – a pleasure. No odor, dries quickly if it got dirty – it is easy to wash off. Due to the fact that the paint on wall densely placed, all the small bumps, cracks and seams are very well camouflaged. Neboolshie difficulties were with the choice of colors. The fact that the color texture of paint, when it nanesesh to the surface, a few changes after how it dries – it becomes lighter, and – significantly lighter, and it should be borne in mind if kombiniruesh several colors. That's thanks to textured paint we managed to hide all the imperfections and shortcomings of the walls. And given what color of paint chosen a very buoyant, the overall impression of the apartment – zerr gud:)

Timex Watches From American Swiss

In the state of Connecticut, whose name translates from the Algonquian language as 'on a long river, subject to the tides', formerly called nutmeg state issues in the valley Nugatak, referred to as 'Switzerland of America', in the 50-ies of the xix at. company appeared Waterbury Clock, which made the wall and table clocks available to working Americans. These watches imetirovali expensive imported mechanisms, having in stamped parts made of copper. Began the history of the famous Now the company Timex. Soon the company became famous by organizing the mass production of cheap pocket watches. Hours 'Yankees' quickly gained the world. They were all: miners, farmers, soldiers, actors, writers and salespeople 'Yankee' worth of only a dollar, so they jokingly called 'the clock, making the dollar famous.

" First World War brought us the glory of reliable manufacturer of watches for the soldiers to the former name of 'Yankee'. After the war, wristwatches subdued and the civilian population first, the U.S. and then Europe. Company has managed to combine cheapness with good quality. The result – a multimillion-dollar demand. In the 30 years of xx century.

firm has made a new breakthrough – began manufacturing baby hours under exclusive license from The Walt Disney Company in dogonku fame cartoon of Mickey Mouse. After World War ii first appeared brand Timex. So called watches, designed for people with active lifestyle. That is, at this time was taken to creating a durable and reliable sports watch. Advertising portrayed Timex frozen into ice cubes to please a week inside a vacuum cleaner, miraculously found themselves in the claws of a huge shrimp, etc. etc. Of all these troubles clock, of course, came out in full intact. By the end of the 50 th of every three watches sold in the U.S., clocks were brand timex. By the end of the 60's – every second. In the 80 years only timex Corporation (both now called the company) has managed to survive in a brutal fight with the producers of electronic watches from the Far East. And not just survive, but to conquer new heights. Manufacture of mechanical watches is gradually decreased. Markedly increased manufacture of electronic models. In 1986, Timex has developed a new model – Sport Watches Ironman Triathlon, which owe much to the well-known athletes, uchastvovashim in development. In the 90 years the first time in watchmaking company has introduced first night electro-luminescent backlight dial Indiglo, and then the clock All-day Indiglo. At the beginning of the xxi century. Timex watches have become a masterpiece of electronics, minicomputers that can meet the most pressing demands of professional athletes.

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