
As the technological revolution will transform the companies, governments, all the planet? If she cannot foresee, she can yourself yes, be said that nothing ‘ ‘ she will be as he was antigamente’ ‘. The man comes searching to each day comfort, comfort and efficiency in everything what he makes and of involves that it. The technology offers to the man more comfort, efficiency and agility, what nowadays it is essential, not only in the work but also in its house, where each time more the technology comes investing and gaining space. The adaptation to the changes is almost that natural. Without the least to perceive the people are creating habits and dependence with the new technologies. The people do not know more to cook without the one aid oven of microwaves or does not leave house without before verifying its box of messages the times nor leave house, therefore it will be able to make its purchases, consultations, to even know of the notice of the day and exactly to talk with somebody for the Internet, without the perigos that are gifts in the real world.

They today, can make everything this for the virtual world, world this that offers for the common person more comfort, agility and satisfaction of its basic necessities, but also are repleto of perigos and perigos these strangers, as the viruses, cybercrimes, hackers, at last the Internet still are an to be unmasked ocean. However the people are being each time more adepts to this new technology and many are being each time more dependents. For all the displayed one, it is denoted that millions of people make of the Internet its world, becoming it so excellent in its life, to the point to relegate its real life to as a plain one, and they start to live in a virtual world, we must yes use the Technologies that in are presented, but without let us forget in them the essence that guides the life human being.

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