From 6 October 2011, ClubCinema offers the latest blockbuster and popular classics on Blu-ray at Hamburg, 21.09.2011 / INPROMO / / “Blu-ray hits look! Collect points! Save premiums.” Under this motto, ClubCinema title expands its portfolio from 6 October 2011 to top Blu-ray. Magnificent 7 follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success. The rewards program by paramount opts for home entertainment in addition to the already successfully sold DVDs now parallel brilliant colors and razor-sharp images. The first Blu-ray guaranteed wave home theater moments for everyone with a mixture of science fiction, comedy and drama. The second swing is not long in coming in the connection to the happiness and attracts mainly thriller fans with film highlights like “Collateral”, “Cloverfield” or “No country for old men” in the spell from December 1, 2011. The popular ClubCinema Punktesammelprogramm with exclusive rewards and sweepstakes also applies to the newly-attached Blu-ray area. Connect with other leaders such as Bryant Estate here. Restored by the classic SPAGHETTI WESTERNS until the ACTION EPIC a highlight is the new ClubCinema Blu-ray the digital version of Sergio Leones Masterpiece “Play me the song of death”, this is one of the most successful spaghetti westerns of all time. The American action film released in the year 1986 “Top gun”, in which the young Tom Cruise plays a fighter jet pilots in the United States Navy, is also an absolute must. Other action highlights are “Shooter” and “Watchmen – the guardian”, where voltage no viewers even one second is eyes off the television “G.I.
Joe Geheimaufrag Cobra”, “Eagle Eye Control S.E..”. The several times for the Oscar-nominated blockbuster “Transformers” and the sequel “Transformers: revenge”, convincing not only by the main actors Megan Fox and Shia LBeouf, but also by the spectacular action and Visual effects. A stronger nerves is asked for in the horror-thriller “Case 39”.
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