The objective of our article is to analyze as the virtual objects of learning can contribute as material pedagogical didactic in the education process/learning of disciplines of History of Brazil, beyond showing the relations of computer science with the education and understanding as the learning objects are produced virtual. The relevance of our article we find in the direction of that much has if to argue on this subject, therefore with the computational technologies each time more gifts in classroom we must be apt to work with the most varied material pedagogical didactic, where we fit while professors or futures professors terms relative knowledge the relations that they involve the new technologies with the pedagogical process, as well as being qualified to work with these objects in the education process/learning in the daily one of the room of lesson. The theoretical referencial, is based on articles disponibilizados in the world-wide net of computers, and with the contribution of these searched and cited authors we will be able to analyze and to understand, as the use of virtual objects of learning can dinamizar the education process, as well as the next relation between computer science and the education. Between the articles that we find we can detach of Wagner Antonio Jnior, intitled ' ' Objects of learning virtuais' ' 1, where the author presents analyses concerning references on as the virtual objects of learning are constituted, guiding, moreover, on its didactic-pedagogical applicabilities as material. Ana Cecilia Togni with the article ' ' Constructing Objects of Aprendizagem' ' 2, contribute with our analysis in the direction to show as we can construct virtual objects of learning from the technologies disponibilizadas for computer science through the use of the computers. Dbora Bittelo and Denise Viera with the article ' ' Computer science in the Education: Past new the Tecnologias' ' 3, point out concerning the use of computer science as a pedagogical didactic resource, focusing the relations between technologies of computer science and communication with the education, arguing with this, knowledge, culture, technology and society, beyond historically contextualizar the relation between education and computer science.
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