Control Panel

(in collaboration with Omar Estrada) First everything must mention that many times what we can consider an attack on our blog (when it is mess or disappears completely), is simply a problem with the databases of our hosting service. So first measurement we suggest in this situation is to contact Support and verify if the server is down before panic by rule, they saved a backup copy of the database tables by what you can always restore your blog to a previous state. Either way, if you you are concerned about your content to disappear or that your blog will be affected in some way, then here are some steps to take. Security is only as strong as its weakest 1 – always keep updated your copy of WordPress. WordPress is a blogging platform of open source, GPL licensed.

As every system in development (there is no infallible computer) there are always security holes that are being found and reported to the WordPress community. This then works on known failures to conceive new versions of the platform; so you update your WordPress installation to the latest version available, protects it against security flaws found in previous versions. 2. Use of a secure password strike say that there should always be a strong password. Tips to keep in mind to set a secure password:-do not include words from the dictionary; These can easily be cracked using brute force (using software) methods – don’t use your birth date or phone number as password. They are fairly easy to guess. -Use a combination of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers and signs. -Use long phrases (near the 10 digits or more).

-Keep a saved copy of your password, for cases of amnesia a simple method for defining a secure password is to formulate a personal phrase that contains all the features mentioned and that is easy to remember for you, but without meaning to others. Do say: the #DeAsignaturasDeMiCarrerFue59? 3. Make a backup of your databases regularly. Prevent is better than regret. The database is the table that organizes and stores the structure of your content at the server level. If you have a backup copy, never lose your work no matter what happens in your blog. For this purpose you can use the plugin WP-DB-Backup and schedule an automatic backup regularly. You can also make a copy of your database from the Control Panel of your hosting. 4. Hide your WordPress version. Many times, the malicious hacker scans the database for the entire blog with a script for previous installations of WordPress that have not been patched. To combat this situation eliminates the finish line of your version of WordPress in the file header.php in your installation. This would make unrecognizable your version to these scripts. DANGER: whenever you work at the code level, you have a backup of the file, renaming it (in this case for example header-2.php). Thus you can always restore it if things don’t go well. 5 Declare as not indexing on your server, the folders not intended to appear in the search engines. This is achieved by entering the Control Panel of your hosting, by locating the folder desindexar in your root via File Manager, and with right click declare /index manager/no indexing. Omar Estrada blog you will find the other 5 tips that complete this list.

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