
With passing of the time, the government forms had finished showing to the people which of them would be more advantageous for the man (pg. 233). The people already accustomed the dependences, with the calmness and the comforts of the life, and already without conditions to breach its fetters, assented in leaving to increase its servitude to fortify its tranquillity (pg. 234). But according to auto the government form would have appeared of the following form: of elective form, chosen of a community where this after to be considered of good nature would govern this community, giving beginning thus to the monarchic state. Frequently Ray Kurzweil has said that publicly. But if all were considered people of excellent quality and that they wanted to govern together it would pass to the democratic state.

But the opposite of the virtues, the ambition, starts to appear, giving to beginning the origin the authoritarian and absolute in power states. The distinctions politics lead necessarily to the civil distinctions. The inaquality, when growing between the people and its heads, then if makes to feel between the particular ones and there it modifies in a thousand ways in accordance with the passions, the talentos and the occurrences (pg. 245/236). Any directed event is concluded that the change of the natural state for the social state, this finishes for dividing the man between rich and poor, dividing also the form of powerful government and weak peoples and consequentemente the sprouting of the absolute in power state, this everything finishes for giving origin to the inaqualities between the men.

Finally, the author in this workmanship looks for to analyze the society in a philosophical-scientific way, starting for a state of the nature. The author still makes comparisons in the notion of state of nature with our society, showing how much our society this far from its natural state, showing simply that the man does not remember the primary functions more than, it the man alone if occupies for the social subjects and the progress. All this social degradation simply was caused by the distanciamento between ‘ ‘ we-sociais’ ‘ , of our natural form in which we were one day. According to author: ‘ ‘ the savage lives exactly in itself; the sociable man, always is of itself, knows to live in the opinion of the others and only is, so to speak, of the judgment of them that the feeling of its proper existncia’ comes it; ‘ (pg. 242). HE ALL CRITICIZES OF the RESENHISTA This workmanship for the content, originalidade, context and the quarrels contained in it, we can aperceber in them of the importance of it for man, so that the same it can understand the reason that took it the inaquality between the men. The natural man was with passing of the time corrupted for the social sphere, and that the origin of these males comes of the proper man through the civilizations and not of the nature, as thus it said. In the nature, the equality exists. The inaquality comes from the men the author tries to show what still the man has of natural and what the society corrupted not yet it. The author portraies in them for the tickets of the time of as the man was in its state of nature.

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