The calculation is performed by selection of the pipeline. Initially given diameter and then check whether the pipeline will miss with slope equal to slope of the land, estimated expenditure in the regulated filling. If bandwidth is not enough, then increase the diameter, if the filling is too small, the diameter is reduced. In such favorable situations, the velocity in the pipe turns more minimal, and in terms of operation are estimated portions of the network do not require the cost of cleaning the pipes of sediment. In the initial sections of the network at low cost – less than 10-12 l / s in the line of minimum diameter (d = 200 mm) can not be afforded the regulated minimum speed (v = 0,7 m / s) and filling (h / d> 0,5).
In this case, the area considered "bezraschetnym" diameter and for him shall be the minimum – 200 mm, and the slope – equal to the slope of the land, but not less than imin = 0,005. The parameters of the pipeline do not take into account. Fig. 3.12. Longitudinal profiles of the calculated plots for different slopes surface second case – when a more complex topography and slope of the land changes from smaller to larger. In the diagram, this case presented at the second site (Fig. 3.12, b). To reduce the volume of earthworks (for vyglubleniya network) should be within the area with steep terrain out to a minimum depth. The third case – the least favorable when the slope of the land on the current site is less than the allowable minimum slope of the projected pipeline (Figure 3.12 c).
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