To pass a film requires some abilities specifies. First it involves the choice of the film that cannot wound protocols. It does not matter what the adolescents attend in house, in the school it are only allowed the professor to pass films adjusted for the etria band of the pupil, are essential that if respects the phase of the life where the pupil if finds, from there the care that involves the choice of the film to attend. Passed the first care it is important to leave clearly for the pupils what it is intended with the film to prevent commentaries to it of the pupils and the colleagues educators who say that when it does not have nothing to make ' ' filme&#039 passes one; ' , that is, if objective well the film will not be delineated sounds as a embromao. But exactly innocent television sets and DVD require previous cares: it is good for verifying of beforehand as they function, tevs new has many resources and people finish if losing.

All certain with film twirling has the wealth of the images, well produced scenes, the music that comove, the surprise, the laugh and the emotion that arises, the film is the junction of some resource and one only: it says it, the image, music, the expressions that visual of the images that have a fort I appeal next to the young, with certainty of more the options of understanding the text, this rude and impenetrable monlito of letters. But what I want to stand out is the possibility of the use of the digital medias called TICs in the promotion of the educational objectives, more specifically in the lessons of philosophy in average education. television, DVD datashow and PC without access necessity the Internet, therefore with this canal the possibilities they are very good others and, by the way.

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