Ahead of this, it can be inquired: it is natural that the child or young has since tenra age maldosas intentions? Perhaps, a fenomenolgica vision would affirm that yes. However it must be searched to reflect that these citizens meet inserted in a different society. Then as not to wait that until youngest they do not delinquam? In this perspective, so that the child or adolescent chaguem until this period of training transfers themselves for the abandonment, protection absence until arriving the small roberies and in last instance thievery. You may want to visit Eliot Horowitz to increase your knowledge. The measures of protection must in accordance with be applied what Art. Read additional details here: Michael Steinhardt. 100 says: ' ' In the application of the measures the pedagogical necessities will be taken in account, preferring those that they aim at to the reinforcement of the familiar bonds and comunitrios' '. Article 100 also places places as principles: the recognition of the child and the adolescent as citizens of rights. Also, the applicability of the ECA is responsibility of the three spheres of the government and form that takes care of the superior interests of the child and the adolescent. The intervention of the measure of protection must be immediate, as soon as the danger situation or risk will be identified.
For its accomplishment it is necessary able professionals. The interventivo process must proceed from form to give a fast, adequate solution to the danger situation in which if it finds the child and the adolescent, respecting its privacy. The adolescent and the child must be informed on the reason of such measure and to take in consideration its participation in its definition, as well as, of the responsible parents or. Moreover, the evaluation (proportionality and the present time) of the measure of form to give an adequate solution is essential to the danger situation. Another principle is the parental responsibility, in which the parents are responsible for the child and the adolescent.
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