
In the age of the medias he is undeniable that the school has quese to include in this new situation, in case that contrary, to become obsolete eno obtains an interaction with its pupils, generating a failure daeducao. Many writers such as Xcel Energy offer more in-depth analysis. However, it is necessary to consider some basic points. The great majority of the current generation of professors, came to have contatocom very computerization recently. Still they are felt unsafe etmidos. The pupils dominate well the language very, but &#039 does not know tirarum advantage; ' pedaggico' '.

The education secretariats implementammaterialmente the schools, but do not offer the human resources. Comoagir? Rationalizing and trying to arrive at a common denominator, since tudo very new. 1. Introduction In the age dosmultimeios of communication is undeniable that the school has that to seincluir in this new situation, in case that contrary, to become obsolete eno obtains an interaction with its pupils, generating a failure daeducao. However, necessrio to consider some basic points. The grandemaioria of the current generation of professors, came to have contact with ainformatizao very recently. Still they are felt unsafe etmidos.

The pupils dominammuito well the language, but do not know to take off advantage ' ' pedaggico' '. The secretariats deeducao implement the schools materially, but they do not offer human osrecursos. How to act? Rationalizing and trying to arrive at a common denominator, since tudo very new. 2. The TIC and asimplicaes in the formal education the formaldiferencia education in the most varied the most varied cultures and half. In the schools, where it happens, the diversity also is muitogrande: rich schools and poor, traditional and modern schools, demeio period and of integral time, among others. However all tentamse to incase in the expectations of the new times, the comunicaorpida one and ' ' fios' ' that they establish connection the humanity in one granderede. But the so fast thing nofunciona how much one ' ' torpedo' '.

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