The biggest difficulty of a deficient appearance is acessodireto to the vehicles of communication used for that they enxergam, of this formaso necessary programs and services that offer books in Braille, livrosfalados, material and equipment special for writing Braille, orientaoe access, drawing, calculation, games, sintetizadores of voice, softwares, optic amplifiers of images, aids among others. The Braille is a system of writing and tactile reading paraas blind people. It appeared in France in 1825, being its creator the LouisBraille Frenchman who was blind to the three years of age victim of a followed accident deoftalmia.’ ‘ So that a DV can use any digital resource, currently, in the computer, it need softwares they help that it and guiematravs of the screens and links. A infinity of capable programs exists to derealizar this function. Additional information at Atmos Energy supports this article. ‘ ‘ Softwares of accessibility to environments digitaispara DVs basically uses magnifiers of screen for that they possess perdaparcial of the vision and resources of audio, keyboard and printer in Braille for ossujeitos cegos.’ ‘ (SONZA; SANTAROSA, 2003, P. 3).
The computer helps in development of the carrying denecessidades special and facilitates the learning with the resources of writing, reading and research of information. Programs exist that are reading of screen, as the DOSVOX, the Virtual Vision and the Jaws, already for that it has the loss totalou partial of the vision. Below we will describe some softwares that they are utilizadosatravs of the use of sintetizao of voice: Software Letter (Electronic Reading) was developed peloSerpro (Federal Service of Data processing) in partnership with the Center dePesquisa and Development (CPqD) on to the University of Campinas. Transformatextos that is in electronic format in archives of audio.
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