English Education

The education in any area must prioritize the preparation of a citizen. Educators are alerted by White (1872, p.29) ' ' we muitssimos young that had made a superior course had not gotten that true education that could for in use in the practical life. Perhaps they have the fame to possess superior education, but in reality, they are only ignorant educados' '. To be professors in the exercise to contribute for the formation of professors of English language is odd task and a privilege. In the varied possibilities to create, and to innovate, the professor must be he himself and each time to improve its knowledge and its position as educator. Considering the necessity of programs so that a perfectioning of the teach-learning of the English language in Brazil acts here, the study and development of the improvement of professionals in relation the methodology, knowledge and didactics it is significant fact and of much relevance.

Let us see what Peter Demon (1998, P. 205) in it guides: The center of the professionalization process is not, in first place, in making, but in knowing to make, because the deriving professional renewal of the handling and production of knowledge is much more decisive that its accumulation. Thus, to be professional is less to routinely exert a craft, of what to know to always reinventar it, all day, making of this to know permanent impulse of change and not of resistance. To remain professional competent, the sense for the renewal is still more crucial, perhaps more crucial than the practical one. If it cannot think about the use of alone or isolated technology. The planning of the process of necessary learning to be made in its totality and each one of its units. A detailed planning is required, in such a way that some activities are combined in search of the intended objectives and that the several techniques are chosen, planned and integrated in order to collaborate so that the activities well are carried through and the learning happens.

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