Equipment Corporation

When the high executives spend more time and energy counterattacking of what cooperating, the effect on organization is corrosive. The degradation of teams is a species of organizacional disease. It has 2,500 years more than, Homero in counted the disagreements to them between the king of the Greeks (Agamenon) and optimum of its warriors (Aquiles), for occasion of the conquest of Troy. The war if dragged with the Greeks wanting to come back toward its sobretaxadas houses, its provisionses and the costs if accumulating of alarming form. Agamenon? what little wise person as to keep the behavior and the support of its warriors? she looked for to prove to be better that Aquiles, instead of motivating it to use its energy in the taking of the city.

Taking ' ' prmio' ' of Aquiles, Agamenon provoked the negative reaction of this, as if it are an employee any. E, completely unsatisfied, Aquiles if refused to fight and left with its battalions. Of this form, the King tried to attract it in return signaling with bigger prizes. But, the emendation was worse that soneto. No classic dramatiza better the destructive power of shunting lines of attention of what Odyssey, of Homero, which tells as Ulisses if it concentrated to return to its house. It was not an easy day, therefore it lost all consequently its ships and all its friends. Exactly Possidon? the Greek god of the sea? it was against it e, the trip, assediada for innumerable delays, some errors, whims of deuses, bad weather, seduction for women and stubbornness of the sailors, delayed 10 years. when it finally arrived at the house, had the ackward problem to face a mob of candidates of Penlope, its wife.

Ulisses got success because, having disciplined its resources, rare it lost its objective of sight. It ' ' it managed for objetivos' ' , making this technique to function. It was blinded by the idea to arrive at the house and he supported it to this per the 10 following years. To find a Ulisses modern is not an easy challenge. In 1958 Kenneth Olsen it established the DEC (Digital Equipment Corporation), producing microcomputers. They had been times we durssimos, therefore to compete with IBM was overwhelming. But, Kenneth announced that ' ' the systems are futuro' ' , having vises (already at that time) of the e-mail (email), of the instantaneous access to the printers central offices, of records of memory, the programs and the data bases. Being well to the front of the market, Kenneth foresaw an explosive growth of the integrated automation of offices (today known as Networking) e, as was demonstrated, was only following a strategy to which he had compromised its company for more than 10 years? to bind the computers through nets. He was perfectly natural that it kept the direction of its organization pointing with respect to front, putting all to work hard, while the prophets of the ruin foresaw its disappearance. Therefore, characteristics as FOCUS in the objectives, MOTIVATION of collaborators and always DISCIPLINE had been characteristic inherent to the Leaders, since the primrdios of the time.

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