Evaluation With Recruiters

You call a recruiter and offered a new job? You have made an offer which, at first glance, it's hard to refuse? You, of course, take the time to "think" … Of course, you advise his wife, family and or friends, compare the pros and cons, will gather information about this company … Sometimes this is enough to make such important decisions, like changing jobs. Even if the proposal came from a very famous company, with an attractive salary, no fuss and calmly analyze the situation on the diagram below. I propose to approach the matter professionally and to assess the proposal on a recruiter's 10-factor system, which uses in the Company "Navigator". Ask yourself the following questions below and get yourself on the same clear and precise answers. You are really right for the job? You really had (no exaggeration) and similar experiences cope with problems? Semyon on a hat? This is the interview you nodding your head, convincing a recruiter.

And what, really? Recruiting – a tripartite process, the recruiter's one problem with the employer – the other, and what do you have? Soberly Evaluate persuasion and compliments recruiters. The tactic of "first to get involved in battle, and there – let's see .." here does not pass. You, as a potential candidate for the post, bear the same responsibilities as other members process … Is this position one step (or at least steps) ahead in your development: a career in intellectual development in acquiring new skills, access to new technologies? Does this step to your dream, finally? Do not change if you sewed on the soap? Is there in this position a new, more interesting artistic and professional problems (unless of course you are interested in anything but the paycheck?) Is there a possibility for further training and professional development? Stated whether this clearly or recruiter (employer), only limited to generalities? Is there a chance to strengthen their internal and external status? Would you feel more respected in this position or simply there is a change of scenery? Will you have more respect for friends and other people around? Do you interested in your future leader? Will you have a mentor to a new place? Who is he? What is his experience and achievements? You provided an opportunity to meet with him? There was a sympathy? The more you change the industry dramatically and status, the more important for you to support the future leader and or mentor.

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