Three giants struggling online traffic above the fight was between Google and Microsoft, but now is added one more to this fierce struggle for control of the traffic online, which means billions of people who access form daily and constantly online. Facebook is already in the first places of user preference in regards to the United States, however, by other latitudes remain on the primacy of Google services with email and Hotmail mail is still on the cusp in what has to do with all Latin America, even in recent days the firm ComScore presented a study indicating that the penetration of hotmail in Mexico was approximately 94%, which is an almost absolute command of the primacy with which has to do with the traffic online in this great Latin American country. Although in other countries of Latin America, hotmail is still the site number one, by encimad Gmail and Facebook, it is no less true that these two services show tremendous growth, and it is that If we measure the effectiveness or functionality of these two services with the hotmail, there is no doubt that they have the advantage, since they are products designed to solve the quotidianity of users in the network, are tools that facilitate the use and distribution of the time, something that has much value for online users, because everybody knows that Internet time flies and why we see very often as sites that were occupying the primacy Once, shortly after are completely out of balance, or rather missing..
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