First creation of life synthetic in a laboratory scientist in the United States is the first time that scientists created an organism that is fully controlled by manmade DNA. Using the tools of synthetic biology, scientists from the J. Craig Venter Insitute, installed a completely artificial genome within the cell without DNA. Placed into the cell genome began to grow and reproduce with few problems. According to the Institute’s research, this is the first synthetic cell, and is so named because the cell is totally derived from a synthetic chromosome, made with four types of substances in a chemical synthesizer with computerized information. It has been a great success for humanity the power to create the first synthetic cell and aspire in the future use this new invention to be able to control microbiological systems in order to benefit humankind, they say the Venter Institute’s.
They also say that the invention is not to cause evil or bioterrorism. To the If not, this technology is to look for the greatest benefit to all as to create protection in vaccines and to understand the cell life in more detail. More information or more news of science or technology please visit or Facebook or Twitter. Informational news portal, content and advice on technology, science and health for Colombia and the world. Similarly, online sales of electronic products at a lower price.
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