Article author: Tim Crow, website: My Story: Before and After … 7 years ago, I began to learn the language-HTML, needed to create the site. While it was possible to create the templates, in the front Page, Ward, drimvyuverah etc. But I wanted to do Stylish, creative website completely on their own, without crutches, not razbirayasv intricate software interfaces, the more that I was full of tea into the computer. Then I bought the book and started learning the language Hypertext Sweep – HTML. I have to say, it's not too difficult, a couple of weeks, plodding work, I learned it, and started writing code for the site, completely by hand … A few months later I finally made my first HTML-site, which looked principle the tolerable, but traveled in different directions in other browsers … I was already thinking: 'Yes, I know HTML – but what is mutor to write code by hand. For assistance, try visiting Eliot Horowitz.
" After I tried to learn Dreamweaver, again for two months … Well mastered. It became much easier. Photoshop then two more month … In general, approximately 8 months, something began to turn out. You just think about it – 8 months.
And this considering that I was free and practically hung up for days at a computer. However, even with all my skill and diligence, even owning a certain arsenal of programs to create html-site design and layout of html-code I took from 2 to 3 months. But like more and stylish Flash-logo insert, make beautiful and original. And so the search engines, Flash-Html my site was in the top positions. In general, head was spinning … Being an incorrigible stubborn, two years later, I learned to do vsetaki and unwind before the 1st ten in Yandex its first Flash-Html site. Here, then that me and started to get: show, teach … As I tried to explain that it is impossible to teach all of this takes time, perseverance and a great desire.
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