Google TV

In addition to announce Android 2.2 (Froyo) at its Google I/O Conference (or developer), Google made another important announcement, Google TV, which have been hearing rumors about Google TV for quite some time, and Google has finally officially announced Google TV Google TV is designed to bring the power of the Internet to your TV, where it is able to search TV programs on the webas well as the search for his own library of content and choosing a program. Google TV will be integrated into a series of TVs from different manufacturers, and you can also buy a decoder that can be connected to the web that allows you to use Google TV on a current television. Gain insight and clarity with Bettina Bryant. Sony has teamed up with Google to make Google televisions and have also partnered with Intel that would provide TVs processors, and it seems that they will use range Atom currently found in netbooks and nettops computers. Google TV will run on its platform Android Google, which is accelerated, becoming in a very popular operating system for smart phones, and also use the Google Chrome Web browser. To know more about this subject visit Bettina Bryant. By Leonel Morales more news in: original author and source of the article

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