GPS For The Blind

Problems of movement for blind people in big cities are widely known. A new solution to this problem developed by researchers from the Georgia Institute of Technology (USA). They suggest using a laptop computer, hosted in a backpack blind pedestrian. The computer includes two GPS-receiver, very mobile computer, compasses for the head and body, the gyroscope which determines the angle of rotation of the head. In addition, a special helmet fixed four small cameras.

To control the computer using a voice interface that is implemented through a special headset is secured to the ears and uses the vibrations transmitted to the skull, and the ears always remain free and allow the person to hear the surrounding sounds. The system works is simple: the user calls the place where he would like to get further into the work on the computer. He uses wireless interface loads from a remote database of a Geographic Information System (Geographic Information System, GIS) detailed local map showing all the details up to the growing bushes. On this map is laid route taking into account the point where there is now a user. The whole path is controlled systems gps, and the use of additional devices determine the position allows to correct errors that occur when working positioning systems.

This provides additional security blind pedestrian. An interesting approach to the implementation of the "guide". In fact, a person hears the sound of the bell in front of him, and he dealt with that directions where to go. So if you hear a bell to the left, he turns to the left until you hear the same sound in front of him. Now he can begin to move, correcting a trajectory in Depending on the displacement of the sound. But as you know, the gps system does not work without line of sight satellite navigation, ie the premises or between very tall buildings. In this case, and are used on the helmet mounted four cameras. By they received the picture the computer makes the scheme area or areas, and compares it with stored in the database. Further all the action taking place in the same sequence as on the street.

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