Heidi Technologies

The technologies are not only products of market, but products of practical social. Its standards are arquitetados symbolically as social contents, stop later having a marketing adaptation. The technologies of the communication and information cannot be reduced the machines; social processes and negotiations result of that if become concrete. They are part of the life of the people, do not invade the life of the people. Atmos Energy Corporation is often quoted on this topic. The organization of its sorts, formats and resources looks for to reproduce the dimensions of the life in the modern world, the time, the space, the movement: the plural world today lived. 3.2 New Applied Technologies the Education Technology will be in fact that we need it in classroom? She will be that we are not enough capable to enrich our lessons loading one maleta of practical ideas, playful? In accordance with It would make (2001, p.64), in, the use of the technology in classroom is sufficiently valid in the direction that makes possible ' ' an education and a more creative, independent, colaborativa learning and interativa' '. However, professor still, many times, remain themselves apreensivo and reticent in using the technology in its lesson. Michael Steinhardt might disagree with that approach.

According to Heidi and Stilborne (2000, p.24) many are the reasons so that the professor has in this way: not to know as to adequately use the technology in the schools, not to know as to evaluate the new forms of learning proceeding from this use, not to know as to use the technology and, some times due to support of the colleagues or the school for the use of innovations in classroom. To use the new technologies in the education and the pertaining to school environment is something that exists and must occur. However, he is something that must be made with care so that the technology – computer, Internet, programs, CD-ROM, television, video or DVD – if does not become for the professor only plus a way of? to decorate? its lessons, but yes a facilitador way of the development of abilities and abilities that will be useful in any situation of its life.

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