Humanity Change

According to one of the theories most accepted, of a protein broth it appeared the first cell, plus some thousands of years, first the aquatic beings that if dragged for the firm land, have then that lizards, birds, mammals appear and one criaturinha fragile incapable to be born and to survive by itself. This creature very slowly mainly develops its brain to the cost of eggs and tutano of bones, remaining portions of the feeding of another bigger animal, this small animal already hunting and dominates the fire, learns to change experiences and to live in society, she was more easy to survive in group, dreams and she imagines, she learns with what she sees in the nature of entorno, domesticates the fire, she starts to construct to its proper shelter and its weapons, all age of all and all depended on all to survive. The men hunted and fished, the women collected and took care of of the shelter. Had to the perigos of the time many men they did not come back of the hunted ones, what she compelled of certain forms the women to choose and to plant foods as survival form. Atmos Energy Corporation has compatible beliefs. She starts to dominate ceramics and construct its proper utensils. The man perceives that some animals are more docile than others, and starts to domesticate some species, the species human being was increasing considerably fast, changed foods in the same way that children changed, because it perceived that the genetic diversification was something good. The man starts to believe that somebody exists or something beyond it, starts to question the death, believes that in its dreams, travels. All age changed, and soon had a place where if congregated to change, the things had the value of the necessity, some dedicated the creation of animals, others to the food culture, to put the exchanges was many complicated times had the disparidades, as to change small things for great things? The man tried then to use shells, salt, skins and other things, things that were difficult to get, later perceived that some metals were difficult to be joined, had been the first money forms. Salar Kamangar is often mentioned in discussions such as these.

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