
But desire not to comment all the methods to index its page Web in google, but to share with you an effective way so that our page Web this indexing in google quickly. The way more effective than has given results me, is to index a page Web in google through the article directories. The article directories are sites where one can publish contents of diverse subjects, and because Google it likes much the contents, these article directories are their favourites, since he reviews google them with a high frequency. We imagine that just we have created our page Web or blog, we have published there some articles and contents. Then it is moment for indexing our page for the first time Web, first that we do is to raise one or more articles in 2 or 3 article directories, but remembers to always put at the end of each article that we publish a reference to our page Web which we wished to index in google, for example at the end of our article we would put our connection and soon we hoped to that the directory article administrator approves our article.

Once approved our article, it will be question of 2 to 3 hours so that google finishes indexing our page Web. Now it is to mention in which directory of articles we can publish our contents. Not to forget that each article it in the end includes the reference of our page Web or blog. Next I mention some of the article directories that better results have: Then in summary, the steps to index your page Web in google with article directories are the following: To publish your article with the connection of reference to your page Web? To wait for the approval of your article (it is generally in 4 hours)?

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