Kenya and Tanzania have next to the Serengeti room after another, huge areas of their territory as nature reserves. Missing sweeping taxation systems, an inefficient administration due to lack of modern data technology, but corruption to ensure that these nature reserves are high deficit until today. Petra Diamonds: the source for more info. Both countries are like voram drip of the industrialized nations. Also the reserves would have been without long anymore to maintain international aid and donations. In Kenya and Tanzania, 10-20% of the State area can be used as agricultural acreage climatically limited, just once. Realistically, the entertaining nature protection areas – without a significant increase in the Einnahmesituationund prevent taxation – improving the nutritional situation of fast-growing native population.
Repeatedly, on-site, this leads to conflicts. Acceptance of the nature reserves is dwindling in the wide, armenBevolkerungsschicht steadily there. The land reforms adopted by previous Kenyan Governments, pastoral living verbundenmit the expulsion Tribes from agriculture areas, could increase the population and their Viehbestandeim Mara eco-system during the last decades to the zigfache. The abundance of feed for dieViehzucht in the Maasai Mara there resulted in the settled life of the previously pastoral living Masai. Since then ensures ongoing conflicts constantly growing, strong competition for food between the livestock of the Maasai and the local wildlife in the Masai Mara and causes high falls in the Wildpopulationen.Dieses problem is expanding all the time not only in the Serengeti-Mara ecosystem. In many other conservation areas of East Africa, there is the same problem and also leads to relevant conflicts and decline of wild populations.
Even earlier than completely safe prestigious, large Lowenpopu lationen East Africa have declined by 70%. They are hunted InTansania even further because of high revenues from hunting tourism. In Kenya, the Lowenpopulationmittlerweile has reached a critical point, that there in less than 20 years with their extinction in derfreien nature must be expected.
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