And many new trends to continue to revive the business. But (still) not all new trends and developments find the favor of consumers. They have still their Preferences: For products, sales offices and also for the purchase operation. Much is assumed today simply by the consumer. Such a good advice. The color white in the race, the modern element prevailed in the style clearly and a material has prevailed at least for the countertops with stone currently, which was as good as not taking into account two years ago. Part must be cleaned up with old prejudices.
This concerns in particular the generation 50 plus which today appears in a completely new light. The Conveniencegedanke of convenience is pronounced and influenced the selection of a shopping site like also the product choice for kitchen furniture in several respects. It’s the kitchen buyers today on the content. A good presentation of goods on large surfaces, incentives to linger, sample rooms with innovative ideas and also additional ranges are generally desired when buying furniture. However, the convenient shopping via the Internet makes at least the Information retrieval in the network also in front of the front of the kitchen market can’t. So, the history of the digital consumption will be an exciting and also a central theme of in coming years. While the food distribution remains still predictable: the trade with the different facets of dominated with well over 90 percent market share.
Little room for all other sales channels remains. In the focus market and consumer 2013 represented not only the market kitchen by bbw marketing Dr. Vossen and partner Nelson, but especially the preferences of the kitchen buyers analyzed designed like a scenario for the coming years. The footprint of the press release is free of charge. Learn more about the study are available on the Internet at. the study kitchens 2011 can bbw-marketing, Liebig Street of 23, 41464 Neuss, Tel. 02131/2989722, mail: be ordered.
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