The use of the new technologies in the specialized school comes transforming in significant way the form of absorption of the knowledge of the person with intellectual deficit being able yes, to favor one better understanding absorption of the knowledge inside of more directive aspects having in the virtual field an ally important to potencializar the learning. The computer is a great educational resource capable to assist possible ' ' difficulties of aprendizagem' ' that they can appear. Most of the time that we use, we are worried about what it offers to arrest the attention of the pupil or to the content who is being worked in it. We forget, however, to perceive what it is working cognitivamente. It is possible to work inside of the process adjusted teach-learning with sensitivity and knowledge to assist the possible appeared difficulties. Some of these difficulties can until coming to be solved in the pertaining to school environment, minimizing the great frequency of done encaminhamentos the doctor’s offices, diminishing, thus, the consuming of the child and family. To imagine the involved technology with the learning process does not mean an impossibility, but many not yet had unhappyly understood as it can function of a form to bring quality to learning process. Still they are worried in answering to one I appeal the society and not to the real necessities learning.
Some technological resources are used and accepted, but when it is said of computer it seems that all tremble and they do not obtain to enxergar what it can bring of benefits for the learning. This resource, the computer, with educational its softwares can, not only auxiliary, as to minimize the possible problems that can appear, that is, to prevent. The computer is plus a resource, that comes contributing for the process of learning in a positive and significant way through the mediation professional it.
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