iPod is a tocador of music in digital formats produced by the Apple company. Although it has not been the first device that touched music in this format, it was after its launching that this comercializvel market. Currently it is the most popular audio tocador of digital of the world. Many people possess one mp3 to player, however the term iPod if almost became a synonymous one for this type of device, independent of its mark. I begin it, what it called attention the consumers was design innovative, however was the sonorous quality that became iPod Classic, the device that all desire. Apple wise person who the market would receive the device well, this if even reflects in the chosen name. The acronym Pod of iPod means ' ' Portable On Demand' ' , that translated he would be ' ' portable desejado' '.
Together with palvra I, of the English ' ' Eu' ' , the name means ' ' The portable one that I desejo' '. The first device launched in the year of 2001 and received the name from iPod Classic. At the time the price of the Ipod Classic was around US$ 399 and made use of memory flash of 5GB. Even so all said to be a very expensive article, it instantaneously exceeded the sales expectations. Although this device not yet to possess buttons touch, it already possua the control in circular format, one marks registered of iPod. The second generation of the Classic was a gigantic jump. With estria in the year of 2002, it possua capacity of storage of 10GB or 20GB.
Another important step is the old control was substituted and possua the system touch, marcante characteristic of iPod. It has not led and compact, the device now is compatible also for who possesss PC. The third generation did not present nothing that it deserved, really, attention of the consumers, however the fourth generation left the driven crazy fans of Apple. Known as iPod Photo, he was first iPod to possess colorful screen and visualization of photos. The few these characteristics if had become standard in all the devices that possuam screen. Launched in 2007, the fifth generation also did not leave to desire, with design redesigned, it she was still more fine of what the previous ones and with a wider screen. With capacity it stops until 80GB, it also started to reproduce videos. With all this evolution, the sixth generation alone brought up to date the interface and design. The model that served as reference for musical industry, currently it is in its 7 generation. Each time more I finish and with more capacity of storage, now already they are 180GB, iPod Classic is a pure example of a product that does not age, because it is always innovating.
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