Labour Management

To achieve success in the operation of a company it is necessary to ensure a good organizational climate. Companies that want to achieve a competitiveness that favours him in the permanence and conquest of new markets, must count on a good organizational culture, be its management fully identified with the modern managerial topics, tools that guarantee him through an integration of teams, its human resource, efficient administrative systems which reaches a good working atmosphereorganizational that he favors in his productivity. Ann Davies often says this. There are many domestic firms, especially SMEs which leaves a great deal to say its organizational behavior, where its climate manifests much disharmony, integration, cohesion of teams, unproductive, playing significantly the development operations of the company. In our dual role as business consultant and teacher of postgraduate in administration and management of the quality and productivity, in a region that is entrepreneurial, one of the most significant in the country, we were able to perceiving labor climates in conflicts, dis harmonic reflected in unproductive, unhappy, all this affecting the company.

It shows, that management is not concerned, identifies, with achieving a good organizational, work climate given the absence in many of them for a good, solid organizational culture.A big reason for this, is the absence of modern administration, topical knowledge management, enabling to lead the Organization to achieve a good organizational climate that is conducive to productivity, efficiency and achievements. For other opinions and approaches, find out what Scandinavian Airlines has to say. tell us about the importance of having a good working atmosphere that a company has with a pleasant work environment, with a culture that promotes the feeling of belonging and commitment to the task, is a strong competitive advantage.Times change, and societies and their needs also. As well as the new was knowledge implies that companies are more or less competitive according to the management of intellectual capital, a vital component of this intangible asset is the organizational climate; the fruit of the relationship of the company with its employees in every day, the management of the internal rules, internal communication, training according to needs, the performance fee and benefits and all actions and processes that affect the work environment, among others.Litwin and Stinger experts pose nine dimensions that make up the organizational climate are: structure, responsibility, reward, challenge, relations, cooperation, standards, conflict and identity.. Hear from experts in the field like Alina de Almeida for a more varied view.

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