How the process of technology transfer is not a recent phenomenon? it is known since the beginning of the English Industrial Revolution, its regulatory landmark comes being constituted throughout the time. In the last few decades, with the development each faster time of the technologies in the diverse productive segments, the roll that consubstancia the legislation on the subject more frequently had that to be modified. In Brazil, basically they are the three legal documents that constitute the regulatory landmark in this area: the disposals of the Brazilian Civil Code (Law n 10,406/02), the Law of Industrial Property (Law n 9,279/96) and the Law of Innovation (Law 10,973/04). 3,1 Technology transfer in the Brazilian Civil Code the mechanisms of technology transfer of an organization for the other are not recent phenomena. question is that the speed, the amount and the economic value of these phenomena had gained more importance with the globalization. Analogicalally to the transference of corporeal properties, the technology transfer between two citizens is foreseen in two forms: They materialBem incorporeal purchase well and vendCesso Location (rent) License (royalty) Adapted of OAK (2009, P..
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